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Hairline/Temple loss

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys,


I would really like some advice on what you think I should do! I'm 21 years old and I started taking one quarter Proscar daily nearly 4 months ago after I was showing some hair loss around the crown and the vertex area. Since taking the drug, I have gone through a massive shed all over. I went from no noticeable hair loss around the hairline to a very obvious temple loss on both sides and a lot of the hair around the hairline is no longer thick like it used to be. I also use the concealer ??GLH' as well as Nizoral 2% twice per week.


I am aware that the shedding is normal and is a sign that the drug is working and to be patient. But my extreme concern is for my hairline, as many of you would relate to. They say that the shedded hair will no doubt grow back if you give the drug enough time to do its work. My big question is: will the hair that I've suddenly lost around the temples & hairline in the past 2 months grow back?


Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys,


I would really like some advice on what you think I should do! I'm 21 years old and I started taking one quarter Proscar daily nearly 4 months ago after I was showing some hair loss around the crown and the vertex area. Since taking the drug, I have gone through a massive shed all over. I went from no noticeable hair loss around the hairline to a very obvious temple loss on both sides and a lot of the hair around the hairline is no longer thick like it used to be. I also use the concealer ??GLH' as well as Nizoral 2% twice per week.


I am aware that the shedding is normal and is a sign that the drug is working and to be patient. But my extreme concern is for my hairline, as many of you would relate to. They say that the shedded hair will no doubt grow back if you give the drug enough time to do its work. My big question is: will the hair that I've suddenly lost around the temples & hairline in the past 2 months grow back?


Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Senior Member



I can't say for sure that it will grow back, but I strongly believe that Finasteride is doing more good than harm. If I had to speculate, your shedding will eventually taper off, stabilize, and then you will begin seeing the positive aspects of the drug such as less shedding, possible regrowth and thickening of the crown and vertex, and possible regrowth of the lost hairs at your hairline. One thing that I am almost certain of is that the hair that you have shed at the hairline is not going to be as severe as the hair you would eventually lose if you had not started the drug. My advice is to stick it out.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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