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Wiry Frizzy Hair

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I had a hair transplant 15 months ago and my transplanted hair is very wiry, dry, and frizzy. Before the hair transplant it was straight. I have read a number of posts indicating that this condition is quite common, but at 15 months I'm beginning to get concerned. Everything I read seems to indicate that the texture will return to normal. Has anyone ever heard of cases where the hair texture does not return to normal? Is it possible that I just need to wait longer for the texture to change back?

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I had a hair transplant 15 months ago and my transplanted hair is very wiry, dry, and frizzy. Before the hair transplant it was straight. I have read a number of posts indicating that this condition is quite common, but at 15 months I'm beginning to get concerned. Everything I read seems to indicate that the texture will return to normal. Has anyone ever heard of cases where the hair texture does not return to normal? Is it possible that I just need to wait longer for the texture to change back?

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  • Senior Member

Since the transplanted hair comes from the back of the head, the natural characteristic of being coarser is going to hang around for a while. The hair should eventually take on characteristics more like naturally-growing hair line hair, but in cases of extreme coarseness this may not always happen. Even after 15 months, it may still have some time before gaining a finer appearance.


Have you tried using some smoothing products to help tame the transplanted hair? Being that I have naturally medium-fine hair, I have not encountered the problem however my first method of attack would be to go to a higher-end hair salon and consult a skilled hair stylist to see what he/she recommends.


Welcome to the Hair Restoration Research Forums, GoPats. I have little doubt that someone else will chime in with experience with this issue also.


Other than this concern, how was your experience otherwise?





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I have tried every product out there to try to smooth out my hair but have not had much luck. Right now I use gel right after I wash my hair and then blow dry. It does seem to help a bit.


My hair transplant experience overall was very positive and I do think if the texture were to return to normal I would be very pleased with the results. Right now though I think it looks a bit odd. Hopefully as you indicated I just need to give it more time.


Thanks for the the feedback.

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  • Senior Member

Taking a closer look at my own transplanted hair at the hair line, I can tell that its shaft diameter is a bit thicker and its texture is ever-so-slightly coarser than that of the native hair that resides slightly behind it. Unless I am mistaken, it has progressively gotten finer, though not to the same consistency as the native hair as of yet and I am 19 months post-op.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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  • Senior Member

From everything that I have read and heard, in addition to my own experiences with transplants, donor hair tends to be coarser and darker than your original hair. With that being said, I believe some of the coarseness is supposed to dissipate over time.

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