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redness fading, so is hair

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  • Senior Member

hi all, new here,from ireland,36 years old, first post.. i got 2300 hairs transplanted to the front of my head (bout the area of a small hand) by dhi in ireland. into my second week after op,,last week looked thicker, redness fadin now and ive notice i still look a little bit baldy in the recipient site compared to the hair that ive alway had,, is this normal? will it thicken? . i havnt noticed any hairs on my pillow etc so i dont think im shedding, or maybe it is but very slowly,, any response would be most greatful, thanx in advance, peter

2200 DHI Ireland june 2007

Rogaine 5% may 2007

Lasercomb jan 2008

Nizoral aug 2007


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  • Senior Member

hi all, new here,from ireland,36 years old, first post.. i got 2300 hairs transplanted to the front of my head (bout the area of a small hand) by dhi in ireland. into my second week after op,,last week looked thicker, redness fadin now and ive notice i still look a little bit baldy in the recipient site compared to the hair that ive alway had,, is this normal? will it thicken? . i havnt noticed any hairs on my pillow etc so i dont think im shedding, or maybe it is but very slowly,, any response would be most greatful, thanx in advance, peter

2200 DHI Ireland june 2007

Rogaine 5% may 2007

Lasercomb jan 2008

Nizoral aug 2007


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Hey petesman, welcome to the forum & the US!


I am not clear on how long it has been since your procedure.


However keep in mind that it may take 8 months to a year until you can judge the success of your transplant.


If you had hair in the recipient area, it is possible that you have had shock loss & that is making it appear thinner than before.


This shocked hair may or may not return, depending on if they were already on thier way out or not.


Let us know how long since you had your procedure so we can help you better.


I am at 9 weeks post op myself, we half to be patient mate!



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  • Senior Member

let me make my first post a bit clearer, when i said i still look a bit baldy compared to the hair ive alway had i mean the recipient site compared to the hair at at the top/back off my head

2200 DHI Ireland june 2007

Rogaine 5% may 2007

Lasercomb jan 2008

Nizoral aug 2007


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Ok two weeks. Don't even think about it right now mate!

You will go through the so called ugly period for the first few months.


Some people notice growth at 3 months others takes 8 months or more.


At twoo weeks you should just be concerned about healing properly, thats it.


It's not going to look good fora a while.


I am glad you found us here & now you are like one of us.


Feel free to ask any questions you like, but most of your answers can be found while reading post on this forum.


As I have heard before, There is plenty of room in the back of the waiting train, climb aboard!

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petesman, here is something a forum member wrote that you might find interesting & funny!



Posted Jul 1, 12:57 PM Hide Post


The following was writtenj by MRJB.


Hi all


I know it's hard to decide if your HTs were a good choice.. BUT if you went to a good doctor, trust me in 12 months you will be extremely happy you did.. In fact you will then get "hair greed" and probably start seeking to get another one.. Also, keep in mind it is perfectly normal to cycle through a host of emotions during your 12 month wait..Here is the program haha. Keep in mind this is my personal feeling based on my 3 HT's


Month 1 - Question ? What did I do?

Month 2 - Are these things normal to happen?

Month 3 - Impatience/doubt(no growth & scar concern)

Month 4 - Same... This didn't work

Month 5 - DOUBT!! I got ripped off

Month 6 - Hope! I see something (scar fading)

Month 7 - Elation! Growth and small results

Month 8 - Happiness & compliments ( people notice)

Month 9 - Same

Month 10 - God I should have done this sooner!!!

Damn it looks good

Month 11 - I want another!!

Month 12 - WOW

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  • Senior Member

cheers man, ive looked tro a lot of posts on this forum,, fantastic site,, just what ive been lookin for,, ill stop worrying so,, just got a bit of a fright as when my head was red it looked thicker and now its almost healed its not as dense lookin.. ive read about shedding here on this site which i wasnt totally aware of,, thank god i came across it or id be in one hell of a panic when it did happen, haha!

2200 DHI Ireland june 2007

Rogaine 5% may 2007

Lasercomb jan 2008

Nizoral aug 2007


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  • Senior Member

petesman, After reading your posts, It's making me strategize/think of a good way to prevent the cycle of looking at my hair 6-dozen times a day, because I know that's how it usually goes after an HT! I think I'm going to start by blocking all my mirrors including my rear view mirror. Thanks for the motivation and good luck with your new HT!

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  • Regular Member

Thanks for info on this site - very informative. I had my initial HT about 16 months ago and am very unhappy with the outcome. 1900 FUT grafts were transplanted and the result is that I have less hair now than b4 surgery. Went to a very reputable doc in NJ and his explanation was the infamous shock fallout. He claims that the grafts survived but I ended up losing more native hair than was transplanted. Is this possible? I am just very skeptical that many of the grafts survived although he tells me that there is almost a 0% chance that grafts don't survive IF DONE PROPERLY. I was aware that I would likely lose some native hair but I had over 4000 hairs transplanted so it just doesn't add up. I am very upset becuase now I don't know what to do. Feel like I am in the middle of a bad dream and can't wake up!

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