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HT candidacy


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Hi all, I'm new to this site, but after reading through some of your experiences, I feel so much better about not being alone in everything that I do.

So a little background before my question:

I first noticed my hair thinning (mostly right on top from the crown to just behind the front of my scalp) when I was about 20, which shocked the hell out of me. I'm asian so I have fine, straight, black hair, so it's pretty noticeable even if it's not really that bad. My dermatologist at the time was kind of bad; she put me on minoxidil, and then finasteride, and told me I could stop the minoxidil because they did the same thing...I didn't listen to her and did both at the same time until my scalp got too dry and dandruffy and then I would stop. So I have had periods over the past three years with thicker hair and thinner hair - it's been a bit strange. Anyway, right now I still have a lot of hair, but without Toppik it's very noticeable unless I tilt my had back, am with people shorter than me, and the lighting is friendly...

A few months ago, having been consumed with thinking about my hair ALL THE TIME (being very self-conscious, especially because I am so young and no one else my age seems to have this problem) I decided to go see a surgeon - Dr. Panagotacos (there are some reviews on this site about him, and they are right on). After trying to explain to him my rollercoaster of drugs and hair loss, he quickly decided that I was NOT a candidate for surgery and told me I should save my money, and wait 15-20 years for cloning. I was bummed to say the least, and he saw this, so he put me on avodart (dusteride) to alternate with finasteride, and I use his special formulations of minoxidil (I really love the sponge-type applicators he has). Anyway, I know now not to stop minoxidil - although sometimes I miss a dose because I'm not in a position to wash out the toppik before I sleep or something. Dr. Panagotacos took a picture and said to come back in 6 months and we can go from there, but I'm dreading that he might say that I'm still not a candidate - he's afraid that I would just continue losing my hair and it would just look patchy - which would be worse. But I really believe that with minoxidil + whatever other drugs I've been using, I have effectively curbed the hair loss to a minimal degree. Moreover, for me, it is more important to feel more confident about my hair NOW, rather than later, when I will be a little bit more at ease with hair loss consistent with my age.

Anyway, that's my background; time for my question(s):

1. Has anyone else had this experience of a doctor telling them they are not a candidate - what did they do? I think it may be because I'm too young - or he may have thought I didn't have the money - once I intimated that I was willing to pay for it, he changed his demeanor immediately! He thinks I'm in the 1% of people that don't respond to finasteride, but I think with me using everything, I have slowed or stopped my hairloss pretty good. We'll see the pic in a few months I guess.

2. Although Dr. Panagotacos is probably a good doctor, there is something to be said for his attitude...I really want to get a second opinion or at least have some other options. I'm amenable to traveling, but I would really just like a few more opinions from people in my area (northern california). Do you guys have any recommendations? Probably more helpful would be any people to definitely stay AWAY from, so at least I know where I would be wasting my time. I was looking at the website of Dr. Walter Unger in NY, and he mentioned that many people at a young age will get one HT early to boost their thinning area, and then get another later if more drops out - which is something I'd probably be interested in.

3. Do most doctors have some sort of payment plan? And, along those lines, what is considered a "good" price and what is a "bad" price. I do NOT want to be cheap about something so important, but at the same time, I don't want to unnecessarily pay through my nose.


Thank so much for any advice you guys may have (and sorry for the long post!)

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Hi all, I'm new to this site, but after reading through some of your experiences, I feel so much better about not being alone in everything that I do.

So a little background before my question:

I first noticed my hair thinning (mostly right on top from the crown to just behind the front of my scalp) when I was about 20, which shocked the hell out of me. I'm asian so I have fine, straight, black hair, so it's pretty noticeable even if it's not really that bad. My dermatologist at the time was kind of bad; she put me on minoxidil, and then finasteride, and told me I could stop the minoxidil because they did the same thing...I didn't listen to her and did both at the same time until my scalp got too dry and dandruffy and then I would stop. So I have had periods over the past three years with thicker hair and thinner hair - it's been a bit strange. Anyway, right now I still have a lot of hair, but without Toppik it's very noticeable unless I tilt my had back, am with people shorter than me, and the lighting is friendly...

A few months ago, having been consumed with thinking about my hair ALL THE TIME (being very self-conscious, especially because I am so young and no one else my age seems to have this problem) I decided to go see a surgeon - Dr. Panagotacos (there are some reviews on this site about him, and they are right on). After trying to explain to him my rollercoaster of drugs and hair loss, he quickly decided that I was NOT a candidate for surgery and told me I should save my money, and wait 15-20 years for cloning. I was bummed to say the least, and he saw this, so he put me on avodart (dusteride) to alternate with finasteride, and I use his special formulations of minoxidil (I really love the sponge-type applicators he has). Anyway, I know now not to stop minoxidil - although sometimes I miss a dose because I'm not in a position to wash out the toppik before I sleep or something. Dr. Panagotacos took a picture and said to come back in 6 months and we can go from there, but I'm dreading that he might say that I'm still not a candidate - he's afraid that I would just continue losing my hair and it would just look patchy - which would be worse. But I really believe that with minoxidil + whatever other drugs I've been using, I have effectively curbed the hair loss to a minimal degree. Moreover, for me, it is more important to feel more confident about my hair NOW, rather than later, when I will be a little bit more at ease with hair loss consistent with my age.

Anyway, that's my background; time for my question(s):

1. Has anyone else had this experience of a doctor telling them they are not a candidate - what did they do? I think it may be because I'm too young - or he may have thought I didn't have the money - once I intimated that I was willing to pay for it, he changed his demeanor immediately! He thinks I'm in the 1% of people that don't respond to finasteride, but I think with me using everything, I have slowed or stopped my hairloss pretty good. We'll see the pic in a few months I guess.

2. Although Dr. Panagotacos is probably a good doctor, there is something to be said for his attitude...I really want to get a second opinion or at least have some other options. I'm amenable to traveling, but I would really just like a few more opinions from people in my area (northern california). Do you guys have any recommendations? Probably more helpful would be any people to definitely stay AWAY from, so at least I know where I would be wasting my time. I was looking at the website of Dr. Walter Unger in NY, and he mentioned that many people at a young age will get one HT early to boost their thinning area, and then get another later if more drops out - which is something I'd probably be interested in.

3. Do most doctors have some sort of payment plan? And, along those lines, what is considered a "good" price and what is a "bad" price. I do NOT want to be cheap about something so important, but at the same time, I don't want to unnecessarily pay through my nose.


Thank so much for any advice you guys may have (and sorry for the long post!)

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  • Senior Member

It's a natural reaction to want a second opinion when the first thing told to you isn't necessarily what you want to hear. I have to warn you away from "shopping" physicians until you find one that will agree to perform surgery on you. This is a recipe for disaster.


Dr. Panagotacos showed his ethics in refusing to take your money and perform a procedure that you may later regret. I also agree with him that you should give the meds some time to give them a fair assessment (though I say wait longer than 6 months and more like a year to 18 months).


You got some great advice. You may want to check out a couple of books authored by Dr. Panagotacos, "Hair Loss Answers by the Hairdoc" and "The Complete Book Of Hair Loss Answers: Your Comprehensive Guide To The Latest And Best Techniques."


Keep us updated on your decisions and your progress. I'd be glad to help all that I can.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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