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After taking Finasteride does hair stop growing?


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After seeing good results and stop taking Finasteride does hair stop growing? I've read that after you stop taking products such as Rogaine and Finasteride, you stop growing hair (not the same as loosing). Anyone know if this is proven or have any experiences with this?

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  • Regular Member



Yea it's a proven fact that once you stop taking rogaine or propecia your hair will stop growing, this is the case no matter what medication you are taking.


The hair loss will return once the treatment has stopped, if you are interested in seeing if it does begin again you could maybe stop taking it for a month or two to see how you go. If you notice it starting again start taking your medication. To avoid it try cutting down on your treatment, say half of the required dosage a day and slowly bring yourself off it.

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Be careful


Most people who stop the treatment on here regret it.. Think about it, if you are sensitive to hairloss, just thing what it is like if it starts falling out like crazy ... Again ..


If you do it, Jason76 has the right strategy



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When the drugs are quit, the hair loss is back. Your hair doesn't "stop growing" in the literal sense or anything, but the natural MPB pattern resumes.


Minoxidil is a VERY harsh drug to quit. That will cause all the benefits that it had ever provided to disappear within months. Not pretty. You'll be right back where nature had intended for your MPB to be. Minox stops the body from carrying out the DHT's orders to execute the hairs, but it doesn't stop DHT from continuing to bond to more hair follicles during the entire time you're using it.



Finasteride (Propecia) is a little easier on the hair to quit it. Your MPB still quickly resumes, but at least using Fin for 5 years will put your hair loss permanently 5 years behind where nature had intended. Fin stops the DHT damage in the first place.



Either way, tapering off the drugs tends to be better than an abrupt stoppage. Especially with Finasteride.




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