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my consultation experiences

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Flew to Vancouver to have a consultation with Dr.Hasson this Friday, note to any one flying from SFO you take domestic terminal to an international location go figure -anyhow on to my post. I live in San Fransisco and have visited a handful of local doc's including one a family member had a good procedure with, and one out of state. I was very close to choosing the one my family member had a procedure with even paid the deposit(July 14 date, just felt in my gut the good didnt cut it). Glad I got lucky and stumble onto this site, after meeting Dr.Hasson my debate and quest has ended. To say I was impressed would be an understatement, skill-class-peerless (I ran into at least 6 or 7 past clients of his with my dumb luck an was blown away), that's what I left with. If you plan to get a procedure do not fail yourself and spend a plane ticket to go visit the best hair doc in the world its well worth the cost.





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What seperates this clinic from any of the countless clinics ouy there? To make a decision like this on seeing seven hand picked "models"?


Did they all have the same hair characteristics as you same history of hair loss, on the same meds? How can you say they are the best off of a consult,internet search and viewing several models?

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With H&W it's a pretty safe bet that they weren't hand-picked to just look good for this one consult. The list of what separates them from most others is a pretty long one.

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troy you are correct that with specific characteristics their approach can work best, it may or may not be the best for every person looking for a hair transplant that is true. I was very excited from my visit, felt really relaxed and comfortable around Dr. Hasson it was just my impression, not to say Doctors like Dr.Ron Shapiro are on a lower plane that would be crazy talk, I think there are five guys that make out the best of the best. I believe Dr. Hasson to be one of them that's all.

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To answer your questions, first I arrived at the clinic a couple of hours before my consultation just to make sure everything was ok for my meeting with Dr. Hasson. As I was leaving I realized I had left my glasses in their offices went back to get it and on my way out again held the elevator for a guy on the same floor, he was wearing a world cup hat. I asked him his favorite team, like mine he was rooting for Portugal so we talked about soccer for a minute or so, he then asked me what I was doing in BC I told him visiting H & W, he asked me if I wanted to see some recent work well you guessed it was leaving the day after hair wash and his grafts looked amazing so densely packed it was very pleasing to the eyes (this is just me and him in an elevator), I asked him if I could buy him a pop and pick his brain on the procedure he had with Dr. Hasson while we watch some soccer. We went to a pub for a few hours and it was like I was hanging out with one of my friends back home (he was the same age as me 28), couldn't believe how pain free things seemed for him, at the end we exchanged emails and both look forward to see each others future results, and this was just a sign of things to come for the weekend. As for what separates their clinic from others, I would honestly have to visit all my top doc's clinics (in the top five) before I could definitively articulate the difference but again I will stand by my assertion that Dr. Hasson is as good a hair surgeon as there exists point blank. The work I saw by accident and random clients stopping by and may be a few show ponies possibly (but seeing Jotronic in real life knowing he was a nw6+ in need of repair... I almost had a stroke (trying to be funny and still make a point here). Look god has blessed me with a good mind which has helped me to make an honest assessment on the best out there just not a good head of hair to wear...that I believe is about to change. Again I will echo if you are thinking of having a hair transplant I would visit Dr. Hasson and Dr. Shapiro before making a decision, if you do I believe you to can feel the presence of excellence in the room. For me in the end I choose Dr. Hasson the final call between my top two #1 doc's.

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