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Questions for HT Doctors or Those in the Know!!

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Hi everyone - first off I just wanted to say that this website is an excellent resource for us normal guys that needed to get educated to the new technology out there in HTs. I am a 35 yo male that is a level 3 with thinning crown, frontal hairline and receading at the temples. I just recently had 1250 FU transplants performed by Dr. Ross in San Diego. I felt he was very personeable and answered all of my questions. He also seemed very concerned about being realistic about the results I could expect. I have a lot of hair still left in all of my thinning area's however up front you can see to the scalp depending on how it is combed and if I use styling jells/hairspray etc. I feel from other photos I have seen and judging from the amount of hair I still have left on my head that that should be suffent for atleast a few more years of so. All of my implants were placed in the front part of my head. I am hoping that my new use of propecia and rogain will help to hold on to what I still have for awhile. Worst case I may have some more implants to add density to the front after I see how the current ones turn out - and oh yes my shock fall out comes back (I HOPE!!!). I have also ordered some Topiks until the implants come in. I normally wear my hair straight (like the 60s Beatles) so the loss is somewhat stealth). Either way I still have some more questions to ask the forum.


1)Scalp tighness and forehead lift? My wife has commented that all of the wrinkles on my forehead disapeared from the surgery I assume this is due to the fact they have pulled the skin together in the back of my head. How much higher on average does this bring back my hairline?? This is something I did not think about to ask nor was told (not that I think it was withheld). Is there anything that can be done to move the hairline forward without tons of FU implants? When will the feeling come back to my scalp


2)Most of my scabs have started comming off 6 days post op. I have for the last 4 days of so been doing very gentle massaging of my donner and recepiant sites with baby shampoo. The doctor said this was alright. Is this? of should I have waited longer? The doc said it was alright but I have read from others on this site that they have waited. The doc said that the FUs should have been fully secure within 72 hours. I am currently out of the USA on business and can't have him check until I get back. If any other docters have any opinion on this please let me know.


3) How long should/do I have to wait to get another transplant if I desire to have it in a different area - my current ones are in the front what if I choose to have some placed in the back or to bring my hairline forward or temples in more?


4) How long after the op can I use Rogain? Dr. Ross said it was ok to use propecia withing a couple days but to hold off on Rogain for atleast a month?


5) Has anyone heard of Dr. Ross - My understanding is that he trained with Dr. Yarmen in San Diego who is very well respected??


6) How long after surgery can I use styling products like Gels (non-achohol based?) or Hairspray? How about Topiks?


7) How long after sugery can I workout with weights or run? I am very active and want to get back into it to keep my mind off this damn waiting!! but I wont risk damaging anything.


8) When can I start using normal shampo's like progain or ?? This baby shampoo cleans ok but is not good for adding body.


Well that should do it for my first set of questions thank for taking the time to read and respond - again an excellent resource I wish I had found ealier.

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Hi everyone - first off I just wanted to say that this website is an excellent resource for us normal guys that needed to get educated to the new technology out there in HTs. I am a 35 yo male that is a level 3 with thinning crown, frontal hairline and receading at the temples. I just recently had 1250 FU transplants performed by Dr. Ross in San Diego. I felt he was very personeable and answered all of my questions. He also seemed very concerned about being realistic about the results I could expect. I have a lot of hair still left in all of my thinning area's however up front you can see to the scalp depending on how it is combed and if I use styling jells/hairspray etc. I feel from other photos I have seen and judging from the amount of hair I still have left on my head that that should be suffent for atleast a few more years of so. All of my implants were placed in the front part of my head. I am hoping that my new use of propecia and rogain will help to hold on to what I still have for awhile. Worst case I may have some more implants to add density to the front after I see how the current ones turn out - and oh yes my shock fall out comes back (I HOPE!!!). I have also ordered some Topiks until the implants come in. I normally wear my hair straight (like the 60s Beatles) so the loss is somewhat stealth). Either way I still have some more questions to ask the forum.


1)Scalp tighness and forehead lift? My wife has commented that all of the wrinkles on my forehead disapeared from the surgery I assume this is due to the fact they have pulled the skin together in the back of my head. How much higher on average does this bring back my hairline?? This is something I did not think about to ask nor was told (not that I think it was withheld). Is there anything that can be done to move the hairline forward without tons of FU implants? When will the feeling come back to my scalp


2)Most of my scabs have started comming off 6 days post op. I have for the last 4 days of so been doing very gentle massaging of my donner and recepiant sites with baby shampoo. The doctor said this was alright. Is this? of should I have waited longer? The doc said it was alright but I have read from others on this site that they have waited. The doc said that the FUs should have been fully secure within 72 hours. I am currently out of the USA on business and can't have him check until I get back. If any other docters have any opinion on this please let me know.


3) How long should/do I have to wait to get another transplant if I desire to have it in a different area - my current ones are in the front what if I choose to have some placed in the back or to bring my hairline forward or temples in more?


4) How long after the op can I use Rogain? Dr. Ross said it was ok to use propecia withing a couple days but to hold off on Rogain for atleast a month?


5) Has anyone heard of Dr. Ross - My understanding is that he trained with Dr. Yarmen in San Diego who is very well respected??


6) How long after surgery can I use styling products like Gels (non-achohol based?) or Hairspray? How about Topiks?


7) How long after sugery can I workout with weights or run? I am very active and want to get back into it to keep my mind off this damn waiting!! but I wont risk damaging anything.


8) When can I start using normal shampo's like progain or ?? This baby shampoo cleans ok but is not good for adding body.


Well that should do it for my first set of questions thank for taking the time to read and respond - again an excellent resource I wish I had found ealier.

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1.) I have never seen the forehead altered by the donor surgery. If it is changed, give it a little time and I suspect it will return to pre-surgical level- the changes are most likely due to edema (swelling). Feeling should return in 3-12 months.

2.) Gentle shampooing should be OK.

3.) No wait is necessary if moving to another area.

4.) We allow Rogaine use at 1 week.

5.) I do not know Dr. Ross personally.

6.) 1 week is our program

7.) at 7 days we permit return to full exercise

8.) Our program is to allow return to everything at 7 days.


Dr. Bob Limmer/jal icon_smile.gificon_wink.gificon_smile.gificon_wink.gificon_smile.gificon_wink.gificon_smile.gif


Dr. Limmer

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  • Regular Member

I am 3 months post op and have been trimming the news hairs to stay short so they grow evenly and it is less noticeable. What have you guys done to make it less noticeable? Is it OK to cut the growing hairs while they are still short? Do you friends and co-workers notice is while it is growing in?

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