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cooley consult

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That's OK. For future reference, though, just left click on the user's name, click "Invite [username] to a private topic."


I'll make contact with Dr. Cooley and arrange to be there Friday, the 8th. See you then.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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If after talking with Robert you would like to talk to another patient of Dr. Cooley's I would be happy to speak with you. You can also check this site for my photo album of my 2500 f/u procedure with Dr. Cooley. I think you will find him to be a great choice.


Nashville Kat

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I had my consult with Dr. Cooley yesterday. It was an excellent experience and I was very impressed with the facility. I saw a patient undergoing surgery.3 technicians were working at microscopes when I entered and the patient was alert, in good spirits and not experiencing any pain.He was at a stage in the operation where Dr. Cooley had already placed many grafts.I was amazed at the minimal trauma the scalp in the recipient area has seemed to undergo. There were multiple incision area but it was not nearly as " gorey" as I had expected it to be.


Ailene, Dr. Cooley's assistant, made me feel comfortable and was thorough in explaining different aspects of the procedure. She was aware that I have been doing extensive research so I confined my questions to particular matters about Dr. Cooley and his staff.Mostly I just wanted to get a sense of the facility since most of the basic procedural questions I had already researched. I felt very comfortable with the facility. I recieved a much more comfortable feeling with this facility than I did on a previous consult with a very capable doctor. I was so at ease that I was initially tempted to cancel a scheduled consult with Dr. Shapiro in a bit over a week. I reconsidered that and feel it is important to keep that consult appointment before making a decision.


I liked Dr. Cooley's personal style and felt very at ease with him.I have no question about his integrity or talent.


I still have questions about the procedure itself, regardless of which surgeon is performing it. I am sure that natural results can be achieved. I saw those results on Dr. Cooley himself and another patient of his.( I am anxious to compare in more detail his approach to hairlines vrs. Dr. Shapiro.)


My biggest issues are with density and donor scar.The donor scars that I have seen, by 2 different surgeons, are not nearly as imperceptible as I expected them to be. I am also coming to tnink that the amount of density that I would like to see is really not attainable, maybe not even in multiple procedures. Dr. Cooley said he could achieve 50 per sq cm in some areas for me.That is much more dense than the surgeon in a previous consult told me. ( 35 per sq cm. )


I was given a prescription for propecia and nizoral and I popped my first propecia pill yesterday. I will start off taking it every-other-day.


I want to give special thanks to Robert, our forum moderator, who took the time to schedule to meet me at Dr. Cooley's office. He was gracious and generous in showing me his recipient area and scar. The recipient area is truly natural looking and at 1 year out gave no indication that it was anything but natural growth. He is a class guy and I appreciated his time and enyoyed meeting him.

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It was great meeting you too, thinkingaboutit. I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to shake your hand once more and wish you luck, but you had already left by the time I was done taking my 1 year pics with Dr. Cooley.


It's great to see you performing the amount of careful, conscious research that you are. I'm reminded of the times when I *attempt* to do carpentry: "Measure twice, cut once." In seeking out a hair transplant, it's probably more beneficial to actually measure three, four, or more times and cut once, but ya'll get my picture.


Also, thank you for the really cool windchime. I hung it on my front porch today.


It really was the least I could do to come up and talk to you and show off my shaved noggin. Dr. Cooley, Ailene, and his entire staff are absolutely world-class and I am confident that you will find that the Shapiro Medical Group to be of the same caliper.


Best of luck to you, and let me know if I can help you out at all in your decision.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Glad to hear your consult at Dr. Cooley's went well. Seems as if you found the same things that I did. If you choose Dr. Cooley you wont be going wrong but by all means check out the other Doc's on your list and pick the one you feel the best with. Good luck and keep us posted.

Nashville Kat

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