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No Testosterone


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Hi, I'm a trans person currently on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which consists of a testosterone blocker and estrogen. I also use Rogaine. The male pattern baldness is dissipating, my hair seems fuller. The bald spot on the crown is filling in (fine soft hairs) after 8 months on Rogaine and 1 1/2 years on HRT. I am scheduled to have 800 to 1000 grafts to my crown in 2 weeks.

I was thinking...if I'm seeing new hair growth, even fine new growth with Rogaine and HRT...so, when I eventually don't have any testosterone, will the hair grow even more in that area? Do I need HT?

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Hi, I'm a trans person currently on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which consists of a testosterone blocker and estrogen. I also use Rogaine. The male pattern baldness is dissipating, my hair seems fuller. The bald spot on the crown is filling in (fine soft hairs) after 8 months on Rogaine and 1 1/2 years on HRT. I am scheduled to have 800 to 1000 grafts to my crown in 2 weeks.

I was thinking...if I'm seeing new hair growth, even fine new growth with Rogaine and HRT...so, when I eventually don't have any testosterone, will the hair grow even more in that area? Do I need HT?

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Melanie wrote:


>>I am scheduled to have 800 to 1000 grafts to my crown in 2 weeks


How much is that going to cost you?

Who is your doctor?


Are you using the brand name Rogaine? Is there some type of generic with the same drug in it?





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In the past, Men that were castrated (for various reason) after they were bald, did not regrow their hair. Therefore, the likelihood of full regrowth is low. However, you have been using Rogaine for only 8 months. You have not seen the full effects of Rogaine yet.


Paul J. McAndrews, M.D.

Diplomate, American Board of Dermatology


Hi, I'm a trans person currently on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which consists of a testosterone blocker and estrogen. I also use Rogaine. The male pattern baldness is dissipating, my hair seems fuller. The bald spot on the crown is filling in (fine soft hairs) after 8 months on Rogaine and 1 1/2 years on HRT. I am scheduled to have 800 to 1000 grafts to my crown in 2 weeks.

I was thinking...if I'm seeing new hair growth, even fine new growth with Rogaine and HRT...so, when I eventually don't have any testosterone, will the hair grow even more in that area? Do I need HT?

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To do my small crown area that had some hair which now, after 8 months on Rogaine and an anti-androgen Spironolactone, there is a light dusting of hair in the slight areas that seemed hairless before...$4000 (1000 transplants)

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