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Avodart - Would I ideally gain back what I may lose during shock loss/shedding?


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  • Senior Member

If i have shedding from Avodart (and everyone seems to, i'm sure i will) in the front at the hairline, assuming i get at least average results from the drug could i expect to regrow what i lost from shock loss? or would i just be hoping to freeze all loss after the shock loss was over? hopefully it's the former, because the latter would be very disappointing.


oh and sorry if this has been asked a bunch before but could anyone who's taking avodart let me know what you're currently paying for it? i doubt my insurance will cover it since i'm 20, i'm sure they wont think its for prostate, but who knows?

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  • Senior Member

If i have shedding from Avodart (and everyone seems to, i'm sure i will) in the front at the hairline, assuming i get at least average results from the drug could i expect to regrow what i lost from shock loss? or would i just be hoping to freeze all loss after the shock loss was over? hopefully it's the former, because the latter would be very disappointing.


oh and sorry if this has been asked a bunch before but could anyone who's taking avodart let me know what you're currently paying for it? i doubt my insurance will cover it since i'm 20, i'm sure they wont think its for prostate, but who knows?

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  • Regular Member

I have been using Propecia/Rogaine for 12 months. There was an initial "shock loss" (which really depressed me). But in the next 2-3 months my hair began to fill in. Right now it is considerably thicker than when I started.


Good luck!

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Guest Cousin_It

Shedding caused by any of the hair growth drugs is just temporary. These drugs through their interaction with the hair cycle may prematurely cause the follicles to shed but immediately begin working on building a stronger replacement. Whatever happens, just hang in and wait it out, you will be happy with the new growth.

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