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Thank-you Dr. Devroye!


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It's been quite awhile since I posted, so I probably should review my situation.


Over 10 years ago I received a horrible hair transplant from Dr. Alan Gainer in California. The man never mentioned he was going to take a Black and Decker Drill and put holes in my head. Well, I'll spare you the rest of the details and just say I ended up looking like a Barbie doll and parts of my head where numb for years.


Actually it didn't look terrible until my "own" hair began to thin or rather fall out which left the super-sized (25 to 40 hairs?) plugs exposed. So I went to the local wig shop for men and started my long hate-hate relationship with hair systems. Over the next ten years or so I lost almost all of my hair "up-top", but the plugs held fast. I couldn't shave my head because I had large indentations in my where the plugs were inserted. I also had a small patch of hair in front of the plugs that managed to survive the test of time.


I found this web site and decided I needed to try something. I wasn't able to go swimming or ride a bike with the wig on. I usually wear a bandana when I go camping or do physical things. The wind and the rain became my worst enemies. On the other hand, it was better than looking like a "doll-head".


Last summer I met with Dr. Jean Devroye in Brussels. He spent over an hour discussing my situation and how best to deal with it. We decided on two operations of about 1,500 FUs each time. I also have an interesting situation with painkillers; my body burns them off in an unbelievably short amount of time. This being a concern of mine, I opted for two smaller sessions. I saw one of the Devroye's patients and was extremely impressed, but I was still quite afraid, due to the previous transplant.


The first operation went very well indeed. Devroye had a top-notch staff and scheduled the entire day to work on me. He has a staff from different parts of the world including Brussels, France, USA, and Russia: all of them kind, considerate and professional. (They all had their own microscope to cut the FUs, btw.) Since I didn't have much hair up top, we decided to remove the old plugs and reuse that hair. Also to add the additional 1,500 FUs to the front of my head to conceal any scaring left from the plug removal.


Due to my fear factor, I had not slept the two nights before. Devroye was concerned that I looked on the pale side, so he insisted on following my wife and I to our hotel to make sure I was OK. Well, I was and this is where my life takes a turn.


At first I was just please to have the "jumbo-plugs" removed. What really struck me was this; I looked forward to looking in the mirror! Before this corrective surgery it actually made me sick to view the top one my head.


As the months went on the FUs began to come in more and more. I don't think that many actually fallen out. It is hard to say. Well, it is much thicker now, so either the hair came in thicker later, or some fell out and grew back in later: more than likely a combination of the two. Either way, it is a thrill to watch the hair grow in and a bigger thrill to have the hair on the top of my head again.


Around December I thought it was time to schedule the second surgery. I spoke to Devroye and he had an opening at the end of January. I also notice much more density coming in during December and January. I know everyone says it takes up to a year to see the total results, but I was so pleased with what I had after 5 months, I didn't expect anymore. (It got denser and continues to do so)


Surgery Number two; I slept the night before and was excited instead of nervous, Ok a little nervous. This time we decided to put more density in the front with a focus on the hairline. The accuracy in which Devroye placed the FUs is just excellent. There was no need for the Dr. to follow us to the hotel, because I felt really good after the surgery. The hotel actually was just around the corner from his office, which was very convenient.


I had two days to rest and was back to work on the third day. A little sore, but not a big deal. I had this time off due to a work holiday, but could have gone back to work after one resting day.


Well, it has been about three weeks since my second surgery and all is well. The scar is fading fast (I burn painkillers quick, but also heal really quickly, life has its trade offs).


For years I had given up and having a normal looking head and now it is here. By this summer it will be even better. I just want to thank Dr. Devroye and his team for their excellent work. THANKS!


I'm not one to push transplant, especially after my first one with Gainer, but if you are planning on a transplant, I would highly recommend Dr. Devroye. If you have had a terrible transplant and need corrective surgery, then by all means consider Dr. Devroye.


I've said this in previous post. There are probably surgeons as good as Devroye, but I really doubt you will find any better.


I have not been taking picture, but Dr. Devroye too before and after. I bet they will be on his website in the future. (as long as you can't see my face..lol)


This summer I am going to go somewhere tropical and leave my stupid wig at home or in the garbage and I am going swimming!




[This message was edited by David on February 08, 2003 at 10:30 PM.]


[This message was edited by David on February 08, 2003 at 10:30 PM.]

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David, I'm happy for you that freedom has finally come knocking again!


In regards to your propensity for burning off painkillers extremely quickly, and healing super fast, I have the same mixed blessing myself. I have always had an extremely fast metabolism. It was not until I went for the battery of blood tests required by Dr Shapiro prior to my HT last November, that I learned of the reason for this: Hyper Thyroidism.


I strongly recommend that you visit your Physician and tell him/her that you would like to have your thyroid screened for Hyper Thyroidism. It's not your evey day kind of blood test, which is why most people who have an over active thyroid seldom ever learn of it.


Disregarding it can lead to cardiac arrhythmia down the road - particularly if you are subject to periodic heart palpitations, from time to time (and had perhaps been chalking them up to sub-surface stress?).


I'd lived with it for so many years (I think probably 10?) that it was genuinely refreshing to notice it get back to normal after starting on my anti-thyroid meds (totally harmless). It's wierd trying to describe something, on such a 'low-radar' level, that had just been a part of you for a good decade, but now that it's gone - I feel a LOT better (I know - I felt "fine" before too - was what I was used to). It's hard to explain, but I really just feel less "wired" all the time, and am genuinely more relaxed. I kinda feel like a kid again, actually!


Might be worth your while to just get it checked...




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HARRYLEMMON, you forgot to remind him to get his

Prostate checked, you look like a

guy who always has his prostate

on his mind. icon_biggrin.gif



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Somebody get this man a microphone and a magnifying glass!


Not only is he a comic genius, but a piercingly perceptive sleuth of unparalleled proportions!


Yes. I, HarryLemon, stand before you now in all my unadulterated(?) splendor. What you see is very likely what you get: an utter lack of wool.


Bare faced, but not shame-faced, I, in all my glory, stand ever-ready to crack a wide grin in welcome to all my fellow gene baldies.




No two-faces here, just common denominators please!


Why, I can remember a time when-<"PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT!">... excuse me. Now do you see what you've gone and made me do?!


This isn't even my post, and you've gone and brought out the "inner-me" all over it!!


SHAME ON YOU!!! icon_eek.gif




BTW, don't mind me - I'm just talking out my arse.




P.S. - You're funny... really! You're a very, very funny guy! icon_biggrin.gif


[This message was edited by HarryLemon on February 09, 2003 at 07:57 PM.]

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Great feeling to be free again.


Dr. Devroye just e-mailed me some before and after pictures. I really had forgotten how little hair a had! It looks so much better now, it is hard to believe. Can't wait for session two to grow in.


So nice to have hair growing in, instead of falling out.


Oh and Harry, I will get checked out. I got a check list for Hyper Thyroidism and I don't seem to fit the bill. However, I am due for a check-up anyway, so it can't hurt to look into it.



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