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Hi, I'm new to the site. I am 27/FEMALE and from Toronto

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So today is the first day I've even considered hair transplants. There are three hair transplant clinics recommended on this site: seager, rahal, and cotterill

Has anyone heard of Alviarmanihairtranplants.com?

I've been reading reviews/comments on this site but I believe they're mostly told by men. There doesn't seem to be much discussion based on women's experiences. And not that I'm only asking women to respond, does anyone out there know what clinics (in or near/around Toronto, Ontario) are 'well-known' among women?

Specifically, my main problem is my hairline and both sides.

Another question is, I know that my extreme shedding is due to stress. The response is always: extreme itchiness, then shedding. Even if after I do the surgery, won't my 'natural' hair continue to fall off? and these 'new transplants', how long are they supposed to last exactly?

Oh, and as to cost - how much on average am i expecting to spend? I know it depends on the individual but could i be looking at ten grand (canadian)? twenty?

The other question is, post-op. How exactly does the head look like? For example, the next day - does my head look bloated? Will it be noticeable? If I do it, I don't want my parents to notice that I have - will it be possible to 'hide'?

Anyway, lots of starter questions. If anyone could be of any help, I would appreciate your response.

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  • Senior Member

Hmmm... If your hair loss is due to stress, are you sure you want to attack it with a hair transplant? Have you seen a doctor about the stress and maybe a dermatologist about the hair loss? I'm no doctor, but if you solve the stress, maybe your natural hair would grow back. Hair transplants are a BIG deal and not something that should be thought of as a solution to a bigger problem. Hope I don't sound like I'm lecturing here. Just trying to be helpful.

To answer some of your questions. It would be very difficult to hide a hairline transplant for a week or two unless you could style your existing hair forward to cover it. You could have redness for quite a while and swelling of the forehead for a few days.

For males, the newly transplanted hairs are permanent for life because they genetically resist the hormone that causes male pattern baldness. For females, causes of hairloss are different so I don't know how long they would last.

Yes we all know of Armani. He has an aggressive approach to creating youthfull dense hairlines, but considering future needs and limited donar supply, his practice is questionable.


Total price depends on how many grafts you need and the type of extraction. Strip extraction averages about $4 US per graft and Follicular Unit Extraction is at least double that.


There are many things to consider. Yes, your natural hair could continue to fall out. Then you're in a bit of a dilema. You have to continue with more procedures, using up precious donar hair to fill in the bald spots. A hair transplant can even speed up your hair loss due to general trauma to the area.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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Well, about a year ago I went to a dermatologist. I actually do have thick hair so its not as noticeable, and when I showed it to him he said it wasn't severe enough for him to treat. But since then, it's become worse. I don't know if I could ever 'treat' stress. I've always been a very nervous person so I don't think it could ever go away. I've tried various products and so far, Holy Basil has been of much use (I judge based on whether I feel itchiness or not). But I still do shed a lot. In the shower, on the bed especially. I've also tried Nioxin - which hasn't worked for me at all. Another product that I tried which I think was an ABSOLUTE waste of my money, was a treatment offered by the HAIR CLUB. I saw this on t.v. and ignorantly purchased it. Part of the program involved minoxidil by the way. By the second to third week I already knew it wasn't working.

You say that hair transplant is not a solution to a bigger problem. But aren't most hair loss problems due to stress?

Other than hair transplants I really don't know what other options I have.

On the armani website there is a picture of a lady (before and after) who actually has hair loss in the same areas that I have (except hers is more extreme) and the after picture looked GREAT! but i know pictures lie, just as that Hair Club infomercial did.

I only wish there was a way!

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  • Senior Member

Stress is definitely treatable through various methods such as relaxation exercises, job changes, even drugs. Your doctor could guide you in that area. For men hairloss is not caused by stress, but by a naturally occuring hormone DHT. I'm not sure what causes it in women. Maybe it is stress related for women.

Here's a suggestion though - do an online consultation with my Hair Transplant doctor, Dr. Sharon Keene. She has vast experience with female transplants and is also very ethical. She'll give you the straight scoop and won't try to sell you something that won't work.

Dr. Keene is at www.hairrestore.com


Now that I look at it, there is even a section for women on her website with some interesting info.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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I would think the first step would be to determine if your hair loss is really due to stress, or female pattern baldness. You might get another opinion from a dermatologist. Dr. Rose is a hair transplant surgeon and a dermatologist. You could contact him.


Most docs can do phone consultations these days. Just take some digital pics and email them. I would suggest consulting with everyone on your list and then some. See what they have to say. I would also add Hasson & Wong to your list (Vancouver) as they are very ethical doctors.

There are a lot of snakes in this industry, so be careful and take your time. There's no shortage of docs out there that will be glad to take your money, tell you what you want to hear, and you could be worse off then when you started. On the other hand, there's some good guys out there too, but you must do your research.


BTw- I think it's against the rules to post links to other forums, but there are other forums specifically for women with hairloss. It probably wouldn't hurt to talk to other women in your siuation.


One other thing- any particular reason why you want to hide it from your parents? If you have their support, it will make all the difference in the world. GOOD LUCK!

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  • 5 months later...



Just curious what, if any, opinion you have of Dr. Rahal in Ottawa. I'm trying to decided between him or Dr. Seager in Toronto. Dr. Seager appears to have more experience. Anyways just thought I would ask. BTW the TS808 is an awesome guitar pedal.



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  • Regular Member

Hi Eloquence,

I'm a 36-year-old female who had a HT with Dr. Blaine Lehr (recommended on this site) in early February of this year. I had 1550 FUTs transplanted to the temple areas, which had receded on me at the age of 18 and held stable since then. Mine was more of a "pattern" loss and very treatable with HT. At this point, almost 7 months out, I have seen very good growth of the grafts and am very pleased with my decision.


So much for me. About your situation, I would definitely proceed with caution before considering a transplant. It sounds like you haven't really found out the root cause of your hair loss. You say the hair falls out, but does it regrow? Is it diffuse loss all over your head, or more confined to certain areas of your head?


Stress CAN contribute to hair loss, but as I understand it, is rarely the only cause at work. With women, hormonal issues are more likely the bigger culprit. For example, after having a baby, about half of women experience a major shed from about 3-6 months postpartum. Lord knows I did after each of my three boys. It has to do with the sudden drop in estrogen. Also, using birth control pills can cause significant hair loss, since they alter the hormonal balance in the body.


If I were you, I would get to your OB/GYN and find out if some hormonal issue is at the root of your hair loss. In women, it's one of the most likely causes.


Only when you know for sure the cause of your hair loss will you know if a HT is the best course of action for you. I can tell you that while it's not a horrible procedure, it is also not without some discomfort for the first several days, and you will not be able to completely hide it for as much as 2 weeks, perhaps longer. Becuase my work was in the temple areas, I also had some significant forehead swelling for the first 2-3 days.


Be careful, be sure you know what you're dealing with, and then proceed with caution using this forum as your guide.

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