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FUT or FUE? What will it take to achieve coverage?

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  • Regular Member

I needed some feedback from you pros on how many grafts would it take to cover the balding area(s) on my head? I've had three procedures (FUT's) performed towards the front of my scalp, thus the hair you see in that region is transplanted. However, I need to fill in the surrounding areas and the crown so that I may burn all my damn caps!


I'm not sure if this is a possibility, but can Doctor's perform both a Strip and a FUE procedure simultaneously to achieve a greater number of grafts?


I'm flying out next week to meet Dr. Wong and hoping he'll be able to work his magic on this pathetic head.


Any pointers?


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  • Regular Member

I needed some feedback from you pros on how many grafts would it take to cover the balding area(s) on my head? I've had three procedures (FUT's) performed towards the front of my scalp, thus the hair you see in that region is transplanted. However, I need to fill in the surrounding areas and the crown so that I may burn all my damn caps!


I'm not sure if this is a possibility, but can Doctor's perform both a Strip and a FUE procedure simultaneously to achieve a greater number of grafts?


I'm flying out next week to meet Dr. Wong and hoping he'll be able to work his magic on this pathetic head.


Any pointers?

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  • Regular Member


Hopefully we can both learn something here, because I have been under the impression that FUE was done in the same zone that the donor tissue strip would be removed. Also, could you post a picture of your donor area?


HT Coordinator

Limmer HTC


Dr. Brad Limmer is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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