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Has any body has HT done with DR. Berstien in NY ??


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you didn't do damage to the other grafts,the 1st

week when they get wet they swell to the surface.

that is normal,it is disturbing you lost 4 grafts

if in fact you lost 4 .you can often confuse

a scab,dried blood,a shedded hair,and/or shock

loss of actual existing hair with a graft when

in fact it is not,so relax and go a little

easier if you feel you have been too harsh on your

scalp.gently pat the ht area,don't scrub and rub

hard for several weeks,gradually look and judge

your own healing as we all heal different.i'm a

little over 2 months now and am itching to see

my new hair,but don't yet have much going on yet.

like most people say,i guess its 3 to 4 before

it gets drastic,so i'm trying to be patient

although it's hard. hang in there.

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How your HT goes ?? do you see any progess yet ??


It kind of too late to ask you this question but

it might stop me from damage more of my HT. The question is that after shampoo the transplant area, do you use any soft cloth to pat the area so that it can dry or you just let dry by it self ??


All this time, after i shampoo i have use a soft cloth to pat the tranplant area so it can get dry fast and to stop the follicle for rising about the

skin surface.





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i think that i can speak for most who are losing

their hair and/or people who have had an ht.the

days are gone when we towel dry our hair,hey when

we were all kids we would take a towel and rub

our hair vigorously dry cause we weren't

concerned about losing hair.i'm 34 i haven't

towel dried my hair in 12 years.you just had an

ht ,you should not be patting your hair dry.

let it air dry.that may be why you were losing

grafts,remember my previous correspondance to

you ,take it easy.a few lost grafts won't kill

you,but i know it's depressing,just go easy on

the recipient area.donor area you can be more

agressive.have your hairs shed yet?any pain or

discomfort?is your scar very red still?how do you

look and feel?

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Hi Figsy,


Thanks you for the response, it been two weeks post-op and i have been towel dry on the receipient

area all these times. Do you think by drying receipient area with towel cause damage to HT hair ??


I still have a little bit scab on the receipient, i still have a little bit of discomfort on the donor area. Do the HT hair continue to growth before it shed ??

My HT is not begin to shed yet..



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Hi Danny,


The day after my surgery (I'm 42 days post op) I went back into the Dr's office and they shampoo'd my hair and towel dried it (very light patting).


They instructued my to do the same from that day on. So I did. I did not rub the shampoo or the towel at all. I did very light patting. And I used a pitcher of water instead of the shower head.


As mentioned, Im 42 days post op and I still have FU's that have not shed. They are not growing either. Evidently, I'm a slow healer.

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Hi Midnite,


Thanks you for the response. The way you take care of your transplant area is just exactly what i been doing. instead of using shower head i'm uisng a cup to pour water on it and after shampoo the transplant area i have use a very soft cloth for very light patting and dried the area.. Is it the right way to care it ??


Who is the doctor did you have your HT with ??



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