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Celebrities And Hair Transplants...?


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Now I know this is a subject most people on this forum, or any other forum on hair loss don't want to hear. But how can't you be a little curious and want to know what they did? I'm a huge movie buff, and have noticed a number of actors who must of had an HT or atleast done something magical to their hair. Take a few actors for example: Ray Liotta, who seemed to be thining in the front quite a bit in "Narc", and yet now in his new movie "Identity", he's really tight in the front now. Matthew McConaughey, he's gotta be an obvious one, from the famous mugshot to "How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days". Even guys like John C. McGinley off "Scrubs", to Mel Gibson and Steven Seagal. And not to mention the dudes who have even admitted to having an HT like Tom Arnold and Burt Reynolds. What did all these guys do to get there hair back? What HT docs did they use? What drugs are they using to keep what they have? Come on guys, like I'm not the only one on this forum that's a little bit curious on what these guys have done???



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Now I know this is a subject most people on this forum, or any other forum on hair loss don't want to hear. But how can't you be a little curious and want to know what they did? I'm a huge movie buff, and have noticed a number of actors who must of had an HT or atleast done something magical to their hair. Take a few actors for example: Ray Liotta, who seemed to be thining in the front quite a bit in "Narc", and yet now in his new movie "Identity", he's really tight in the front now. Matthew McConaughey, he's gotta be an obvious one, from the famous mugshot to "How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days". Even guys like John C. McGinley off "Scrubs", to Mel Gibson and Steven Seagal. And not to mention the dudes who have even admitted to having an HT like Tom Arnold and Burt Reynolds. What did all these guys do to get there hair back? What HT docs did they use? What drugs are they using to keep what they have? Come on guys, like I'm not the only one on this forum that's a little bit curious on what these guys have done???



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I don't know who from your list has had them (other than tom arnold), but they occasionally use (or should I say wear) couvre and/or toppik. Ray liotta wears toppik i'm sure. mel gibson same. Now Matt Mcconaughy is a big puzzle to me icon_confused.gif. he looked in earlier movies, like you can really tell he was losing it quick. then came the mug shot of him. then about a year later he does a few movies and whala, almost a full headohair.

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I don't think the whole question of celebrity HT is irrelevent, actually. But maybe that's because I live in L.A. and these folks are more or less "regular citizens" around here -- in the way that Park Avenue folks are "regular citizens" of NYC.


ANYway, the reason I believe getting information on celebs is important to the average person interested in HT is more than mere "papparazi curiosity." These people -- celebrities -- make their LIVELIHOODS off their looks, in large part. So they take their looks VERY SERIOUSLY; it's MORE than mere ego (though that has a lot to do with it, too).


SO, they take their looks seriously. ALSO, they have TONS of resources. Which include not only money but TIME. Any celebrity worth his or her salt, if considering any type of cosmetic surgery, can afford to take the time to research who the best in the field is, and they can afford to pay the fees without batting an eyelash. So, I think it's well worth SOME time, at least, researching who so-and-so went to.


I think the biggest problem is PROVING certain celebrities DID get work done; on other forums there's a LOT of guesswork going on about who got what work done, and by and large it's a waste of time. Seems like any balding guy gets this "penis envy" of any celebrity with naturally good hair and begins showing a vested interest in PROVING that so-and-so (Matt Damon being the hot choice of focus at the moment) does NOT have natural hair but has had an HT. I think that's pathetic. I'm balding, NW3/NW3a, going on worse probably. And yet I'm HAPPY for anyone who has naturally good hair (those bastards!).


Point? None. Just let's talk about who celebs go to -- but make sure we KNOW any particular celeb we're talking about has ACTUALLY HAD HT work done.


Cheers icon_cool.gif

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Yea, I don't realy care who had work, but if it look's good, who did the work ?


But Matt Mcconaughy that is a puzzel, because when I first saw him in a movie, Prob. almost 10 year's ago (a lawyer movie) they where saying "he's the next big star" and I thought yea the next bald reynold's..LOL I just knew he was going bald...But look at him now..So who did it ? because it look's good...

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I just want to explain something IN CASE you took offense to my comment earlier. I was responding to the FIRST post on this thread when I wrote what I did here, NOT your post. You just beat me to posting your comments on celebs first because, well, I'm such a long-winded, opinionated so-and-so! icon_wink.gif


I just wanted to write this for the sake of harmony on the forum and because I honestly meant no offense. I'm not sure whether any was taken by you or whether you were just being un-Pic-like and to the point, but when I read your post, following mine, which was just:





-- when I read it I felt badly, like I'd offended you. Let me know.


All I meant, everyone, is that personally I don't care for gossip about who got what fake boobs and who got what transplanted where and so forth -- just another all-too-jaded-L.A.-guy who's sick of the tabloid-type gossip.


What I care about is IF so-and-so got an HT, and it looks good, WHO DID IT? Because I may want to go there myself. icon_cool.gif

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I said to a workmate that i was going to get a HT in the future to combat my hairloss. He said he had little faith in cures such as these, i asked why, he replied that if Hts were so effective then all the famous people who could easily afford it would be getting them. How can we look for cures when people who have all the money in the world havent found one was his point. I also said that i didnt understand why i was going bald as none of the males in the family were, he looked at me and with a smile said they would from now on. As he was bald himself i didnt get annoyed, however this conversation depressed me quite a bit and i have avoided having similar conversations with this man since.

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In response to Homer, I would guess that a lot of celebrities that have lost thier hair have enough self-confidence that it doesn't bother them. John Malkovich and Jack Nicholson come to mind. They don't really give a rat's ass what other people think of them. Tom Arnold admitted on the Dennis Miller show that he had an HT and I thought it looked very good. That was one reason I got to thinking of it in the first place for myself. Notice that he didn't lower his hairline too much either, just filled in on the top. If he hadn't of mentioned it, I don't think anyone would have known that he had it done even.

Make-up artists can do wonders with a hairpiece too. Look at Billy Bob in Monsters Ball, it looked pretty realistic. Ted Danson wore a hairpiece when he was on cheers and it didn't look obvious at all. But then I think he was just covering up a large bald spot in the crown area.

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nah, i wasn't upset at ya icon_smile.gif. i understand where you are coming from. if we are going to talk about celebrities that have HT's, we better be sure they have one. i have just recently visited another forum and they had several discussions on celebrities who had, might of had....(whatever) a transplant. that post was pathetic!! it seemed to me like little 15 year olds were there.


i love this forum for everyone's kindness. EVERYONE's! even when we have little "arguments" on this forum. we are all just sharing experience's, opinions and ideas. that's something that i for one welcome. icon_biggrin.gif

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I think the celeb's that have the money but don't get the HT. isn't because they can't get a great one. it's because they would not get work if they lost there "LOOK" with a hair Transplant.


The celeb's you talk about I think know bald is a big part of there "LOOK". And being able to use a wig, a real good one or a real bad one is a big plus to the part's they get.


This goes for the celeb's that don't get nose job's Chin implant's ect. ect.


There have been some celeb's that got plastic and never got a job again. Not because they didn't look 100% better but because they looked like everyone else. There special "LOOK" was gone.


Some of us get a HT so when we walk in a room everyone dosn't turn and say, "look a bald guy" A celeb. want's everyone in a room to turn around and look and think "hey they look different" Different get's job's.....Do you think the guy who won the oscar this year adrean Brodey (yes bad spelling) but you know who I mean, would get work if he got a nose job, or would he just look like another tall skinny kid ?

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I'm guessing that Michael Keaton had HT's. There's another actor, I don't know his name. He was in "Foxy Brown" or whatever that film was called. They even wrote HT's into the script. He's having a coversation with Foxy, and he says that he had HT's, blah blah...... I've seen him in another movie called "Like Mike" about the kid who get Michael Jordan's old shoes and becomes a basketball star. Anyway, the same guy is the coach in that movie. You can't see any plugs on the guy but you can see a frontal area with baldness behind it. Looks like HT's to me.

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Robert Forester . close, it was Jackie brown, not foxy brown. yeah, good call, he had an HT. he was losing it when he made The Black Hole (not the porno movie of the same name icon_wink.gif)

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Ben Affleck? I heard something in the news about him having an ht done?


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic''. Arthur C. Clarke

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