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Three month mark question regarding new growth

Son of a Plug

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On tuesday I will be three months since 3,313 FU strip. (Pics will be posted by mid week)


I have very solid growth in my temples (where there was previosly no hair) however in my left temple there is 1cm2 area with no new sprouts.


Much of the growth to which I refer are hairs that never shed but there is quite a bit of new whispy growth.


Question: For how long will new hair continue to sprout from bare skin? Is this normal to have a bare spot among all new growth?



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  • Senior Member

On tuesday I will be three months since 3,313 FU strip. (Pics will be posted by mid week)


I have very solid growth in my temples (where there was previosly no hair) however in my left temple there is 1cm2 area with no new sprouts.


Much of the growth to which I refer are hairs that never shed but there is quite a bit of new whispy growth.


Question: For how long will new hair continue to sprout from bare skin? Is this normal to have a bare spot among all new growth?



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