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It Keeps going!?

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  • Senior Member

Hey guys, time to time I pop up on here with a question or 2. Im always reading though icon_smile.gif

Anyways, last month I started using Rogaine along with Proscar( been on fin for 6 months ) and I understand I may be experiencing shedding ( lets out a weep ) and my crown area looks thinner then ever. But say I wash my hair every day or every other day and theres very few hairs in the drain if any at all. Now say I dont wash my hair for several days over the course of the weekend for instance. I then look in the drain and theres big clump!! The fin I can say has slowed down my hair loss alot and the Rogaine I just started so Im definately shedding. But never noticed a clump of hair like this in the longest of time! Could it be do to not washing my hair out!!! Btw I do use Nizoral 1% 2-3x a week.

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  • Senior Member

Hey guys, time to time I pop up on here with a question or 2. Im always reading though icon_smile.gif

Anyways, last month I started using Rogaine along with Proscar( been on fin for 6 months ) and I understand I may be experiencing shedding ( lets out a weep ) and my crown area looks thinner then ever. But say I wash my hair every day or every other day and theres very few hairs in the drain if any at all. Now say I dont wash my hair for several days over the course of the weekend for instance. I then look in the drain and theres big clump!! The fin I can say has slowed down my hair loss alot and the Rogaine I just started so Im definately shedding. But never noticed a clump of hair like this in the longest of time! Could it be do to not washing my hair out!!! Btw I do use Nizoral 1% 2-3x a week.

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