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Does Rogaine helps regrowing frontal hair?


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  • Senior Member

Hey bub


The printed material that comes with Rogaine will tell you it only works in the crown area, but this has not been my experience. I definitely saw some regrowth in the frontal area. In fact, that's the only place I used it. I don't want to get your hopes too high, though. It's not like I went from Telly Sevales to Jon Bon Jovi overnight or anything. It was minimal regrowth for sure, but it was something, and I considered it enough to stay on it.


If you're not using Finasteride (Propecia / Proscar), I would recommend getting on it as soon as you can. That is what saved my hair far more than Rogaine, and it's a hell of a lot cheaper than a HT. I have been using Rogaine for about 6 years and Finasteride for about 4, and it has pretty much stabilized my hair loss. I just recently had a HT, but that was only to go back and fill in what I had lost prior to starting Propecia. Since then, my loss has almost ceased.



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