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Has anyone seen any regrowth with rogaine on their front hairline?


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  • Senior Member

I just thought about this and in the past 2 years of taking rogaine, i dont think i've ever really seen any regrowth in the center of my front hairline. I:m talking about the area on your hairline right above your nose. I know its meant for the crown and that it works slightly well on the temples but I was wondering if anyone on this forum has seen any kind of regrowth in that area.

Regimen: 5% Minoxidil twice a day (morning and night) on front hairline, Proscar (broken into 5 pieces) one piece every night. MSM 1000 Mg, Zinc 30 Mg, Vitamin E, Multi-Vitamin.

Baby Shampoo for showering.

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  • Senior Member

I don't know if I have seen any regrowth in that particular spot with minoxidil, but I do know that minoxidil has helped me tremendously directly behind where my grafts were placed, which is midscalp.


Personally, I can fathom no reason that minoxidil would not work at the hairline just as good or at least nearly as good as at the crown.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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I've been using Rogaine for almost a year with NO regrowth ANYWHERE. I don't think it has even slowed down my hairloss. All it has done is cost me a lot of money and made the little hair I have left unwashed-looking.



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  • Senior Member

PB, you say that minoxidil has cost you a lot of money, but you are aware that generic minoxidil is available, right? I have used generic minoxidil for most of the time on it and I am happy with my results. Of course, age, how long the hair has been lost, genetics, and other factors are to be considered.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Originally posted by Forum Moderator and Satisfied Patient:

PB, you say that minoxidil has cost you a lot of money, but you are aware that generic minoxidil is available, right?



Yes, I found out after buying my second 3 month pack of Rogaine. I haven't been able to get any at a really low price though due to all the restrictions in this country to do with meds. There is another 5% minoxidil sold here in the pharmacies but it's still 60 euros for 3 months (Rogaine is around 75 euros). I really don't want to use any pills or potions though, I'd rather let my hair fall out and get a transplant. I've just about lost all my hair at the front (as you can see here: http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/ga/ul...1/DrFeller2_001b.jpg ) and I'm going to get that fixed shortly at Dr Feller's. I'll just let the rest come out in its own time and get a second HT at a later stage to fill in the back. Well that's my plan now, before having the first HT. I'll have to wait and see how the first HT turns out... 2500 grafts in that front area should make a big difference shouldn't it?



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  • Regular Member

PB, your loss looks similar to mine. I am eager to follow your results. Please post photos once you get the HT.



Regimen: 1 propecia taken in the morning, 3 shots 5% minoxodil twice a day around the hairline, 1% Nizoral several times a week

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Originally posted by JetFlyBoy:

PB, your loss looks similar to mine. I am eager to follow your results. Please post photos once you get the HT.




I most definately will. I'm planning on documenting every stage in detail, with photos. I'll start a photo album here as soon as I've had the HT.



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