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Arrh... please help!

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,


It's been a couple of months since I've last posted on this forum and things don't seem to have gotten any better.


I'm 21 years old and 5 and a half months ago I started taking 1.25 mg Proscar daily. I went from thinning around the crown and vertex (a Norwood 2 with some loss around the crown) to a Norwood 3 in the space of about 3 months.


I understand that the drug is supposed to ??shed' hair and it is a good sign that the drug is working, and it is likely to grow back. I'm yet to see any results at all, but I have read that it can take up to 8 months to see any results so I plan to stick with it. At the moment I have been covering the shedding up well with GLH concealer.


However, it's my hairline and temples that is still stressing me out! I no longer have a thick distinctive hairline like I used to even 6 months ago and my temples have receeded so far back it has become very noticeable, especially seeing as though I have quite a big forehead already. I am at a real lost and don't know what to do. Is there any chance that some of the loss around the temples & hairline can regrow or is that just wishful thinking?


I have bought 2% normal strength rogaine which was going to be for my hairline but I'm too afraid to use it from the horror stories that I've read on this and other forums.


Is there anything I can do to halt any further loss in my temples/hairline or to possibly regrow any lost hair? Please help!


Thanks in advance

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  • Regular Member

Hi guys,


It's been a couple of months since I've last posted on this forum and things don't seem to have gotten any better.


I'm 21 years old and 5 and a half months ago I started taking 1.25 mg Proscar daily. I went from thinning around the crown and vertex (a Norwood 2 with some loss around the crown) to a Norwood 3 in the space of about 3 months.


I understand that the drug is supposed to ??shed' hair and it is a good sign that the drug is working, and it is likely to grow back. I'm yet to see any results at all, but I have read that it can take up to 8 months to see any results so I plan to stick with it. At the moment I have been covering the shedding up well with GLH concealer.


However, it's my hairline and temples that is still stressing me out! I no longer have a thick distinctive hairline like I used to even 6 months ago and my temples have receeded so far back it has become very noticeable, especially seeing as though I have quite a big forehead already. I am at a real lost and don't know what to do. Is there any chance that some of the loss around the temples & hairline can regrow or is that just wishful thinking?


I have bought 2% normal strength rogaine which was going to be for my hairline but I'm too afraid to use it from the horror stories that I've read on this and other forums.


Is there anything I can do to halt any further loss in my temples/hairline or to possibly regrow any lost hair? Please help!


Thanks in advance

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  • Senior Member

Are you under exceptional stress lately? This might be a contributing factor.


How is your diet? Are you eating a well-balanced diet with lots of water, fruit and vegetables? There is little scientific evidence to state emphatically that these factors have much of an impact, but I have seen enough anecdotal evidence to suggest that they do.


Are you getting plenty of rest and exercise?


Are you exposed to any debilitating chemicals?


If you are confident that you are living a healthy lifestyle and are still having exceptional shedding,then I can only feel for you and wish you well. But, if you are not addressing this other possibly contributing conditions, it might be in your best interest to consider them as well.

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  • Senior Member

You aren't the first to report a recession at the hairline/temporal region months after starting Propecia. As far as the minoxidil goes, you can run a trial for a week to see how your scalp responds to it and to assess how it will fit into your schedule. Discontinuing it after only a week or two wouldn't cause any harm. It's not marketed for the hairline but many (including me) feel that it has helped spur regrowth.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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