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wich technic is the standard in todays transplant? wich procedure is the best?


Ive read about Mohammed Muyhamed in pakistan, his is as follows:


We use follicle units. They are also called micro grafts and follicular group grafts.. The hair on all of our scalps is in natural groupings, one-hair, two-hairs, or three-hairs or very rarely four hairs together. These natural groupings are called follicular units four-hair, five-hair grouping called follicular group grafts for density. The use of combination of both is latest technique in the world which gives natural look vis a vis density. We use a feathering technique for follicular unit graft placement. The feathering technique with random placement creates a gradual natural transition by using fine single hairs in the hairline and 2 and 3 follicular units behind the single hairs. Since this is the way that our natural hair grows this technique avoids any detect ability.



Isnt micro crafts an old technic?

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wich technic is the standard in todays transplant? wich procedure is the best?


Ive read about Mohammed Muyhamed in pakistan, his is as follows:


We use follicle units. They are also called micro grafts and follicular group grafts.. The hair on all of our scalps is in natural groupings, one-hair, two-hairs, or three-hairs or very rarely four hairs together. These natural groupings are called follicular units four-hair, five-hair grouping called follicular group grafts for density. The use of combination of both is latest technique in the world which gives natural look vis a vis density. We use a feathering technique for follicular unit graft placement. The feathering technique with random placement creates a gradual natural transition by using fine single hairs in the hairline and 2 and 3 follicular units behind the single hairs. Since this is the way that our natural hair grows this technique avoids any detect ability.



Isnt micro crafts an old technic?

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  • Senior Member

This is rather ambiguous terminology, so I understand your confusion. Follicular unit grafting is a type of micro grafting. It (FU grafting) honors the anatomy of the scalp and the structure of natural hair clusters, whereas general micro grafting may not.


Micro grafting is an old technique. The state of the art is FOLLICULAR UNIT micro-grafting. To me the inclusion of the word "micro" muddies the waters so I prefer "follicular unit grafting" or "follicular unit transplantation."

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I think Dr. Rassman has started to call mini - micrografts MUGS. Multi unit grafts which is what they are. Clinics of ill repute call them follicular families, vari-grafts, micro disected grafts. Even follicular units.Its B.S.

If a graft is not trimmed it is a plug. A plug by any other name still looks like crap even mini -micro plugs/grafts.

There needs to be a more exact definition to differentiate the new work from the old that is being misrepresented.

My question is. Why there is such deception/resistance? If I knowingly sold an inferior product under false pretences when I knew full well what I was doing. I couldn't sleep at night.

I would be like a painter mixing some latex paint with led paint and selling you a latex based paint knowing it was harmful.

Hair transplant semantics. Thats another story..

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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