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Im 25 and I think im balding


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Hey everyone, Im new to this forum and have found some interesting things in regards to hair treatment. Im 25 and I've had a receeding hairline since i was 18 and have noticed more shedding recently. All of the men in my family still have their hair. Most of them are mostly receeding at the temples or a little balding on the top. Maybe norwood 3 or 3v Only my paternal grandfather is bald.


I think im a norwood 2a or 3a, but Im not sure. I keep my hair short and have since noticed a rapid decline in my temple region and my frontal hairline. I will sometimes get 2 or 3 strands of hair when i run my fingers through my head. Recently my head has begun itching in relation to the increased shedding. The irritation has subsided recently but my head does itch sporadically.


I'm worried that this is going to keep getting worse or that i may have an underlying problem. Im starting to worry myself almost to a panic attack. I have some questions that I hope someone can answer and I'm looking for any advice on my situation. I have some pictures for everyone to look at to get a better idea of what im talking about:


1. Judging on my pictures. Do I have diffuse thinning, MPB, TE, or someother issue.

2. What steps do i need to do in order to treat the problem?(dermatologist, doctor, HT specialist)

3. Can i regrow some of the hair in my temples and my frontal hairline? Is it to late?

4. Does an itchy scalp and shedding mean im losing or growing new hair? I've recently used Nioxin for the past couple days, I shampoo maybe 4 times a week.

5. What are the longterm effects of propecia and proscar? Can anything halt loss of my hair or regrow my hair?

6. What are the white bulbs at the end of the recently shed hair follicle? Is that bad or good?

7. What norwood scale am I, and how bad will it get for me until the process slows down or stops?


Im sorry for all the questions, I know some of them might seem rather stupid. Im just getting real worried about things. I just like to find a problem and solve it. Although I know patience is key when dealing with hair treatment. I appreciate any advice and any answers to my questions. I hope everyone has continued success with their hair treatment and appreciate all the hard work put on this site. This is really a very helpful and informative site. Thank you!!!


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Welcome to our community.


It looks like you might be experiencing the onset of thinning in and above the crown region. Your recession at 18 could have initially been related to hairline maturation, but it stands to reason that genetic Male Pattern Baldness may also be entering the fray.


If you're worried about another condition indicated by the irritation you're feeling in the scalp, you might start by consulting your primary care physician and/or a dermatologist to rule out any other health-related issues.


It's somewhat unlikely that you will be able to regrow cosmetically appreciable amounts of hair in the hairline and temporal area with medication such as Propecia and Rogaine, but they could certainly protect against future loss. It's difficult to be sure based on the one photo, but I'd agree with your assessment that you may be entering Norwood 3 territory, possibly toward the 3v variation. You can read more about finasteride and the long-term commitment involved here: Propecia.


I wouldn't worry about counting or analyzing individual follicles during hair fall; it can become an obsessive habit and what you've observed doesn't sound uncommon. It's perfectly normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day, sometimes even more.


I hope this helps.




Anthony (youngsuccess)



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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I really appreciate the response Anthony, really good advice. I'm going to visit the doctor in a couple of days.


Should I also visit the dermatatoligist or will a HT specialist be more beneficial for a diagnosis?


I'm very new to the forum world so i accidentally sent a very large image and I think i have exceeded my bandwith. I do have more pictures and i will try to post them in the future.


If anyone else reads this and views more of my pics, can you give me an idea of how bad my hair loss will get, is it to late to do anything to save my hair.

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Does the way my hair look in the pics have anything to do with my ethnicity(Dominican) or because i just got a haircut a couple of days ago(a 3/2 fade)? I have curly hair when i grow it out.



Could this be DUPA? Do i need to be so worried about this as i am?

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Ethnicity will influence hair characteristics (caliber, texture, color), and keeping your hair cut short can expose problem areas that might otherwise be harder to detect with a longer style.


DPA (Diffuse Patterned Alopecia) can cause thinning throughout top of your head, but the permanent donor zone is left stable and intact.


DUPA is marked by diffuse thinning/hair loss in the donor area (the back and sides) of your head; the see-through is evident upon inspection. It can be more pronounced in older men who have descended into NW 6/7 territory, but unfortunately Alopecia is an equal-opportunity harasser all around. A scalp miniaturization exam could determine whether or not you're experiencing early signs. I wouldn't worry about this too much right now. Your hair doesn't look bad. icon_cool.gif





Anthony (youngsuccess)



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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I really appreciate your timely response Tony. The information you present has really helped to calm me down. I will continue to monitor my situation and try not to obsess over it.


Many thanks and congrats on your recent success.

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If one suffers hair loss that has become very visible and is perhaps on Norwood scale of 3 or more, then using propecia alone is perhaps not ideal. Using propecia in combination with minoxidil, the most widely used hair growth stimulant, is likely to generate better and more noticeable results


Finpec is one of the leading suppliers of Finasteride i.e Generic Propecia..


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