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To all the People Who have had hair transplants this question for you


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Hi, I just got my 1300 Grafts put in Sat, I am 35 norwood scale 3 and in my 4th day of recovery from surgery sat(aug 16th), My quesion is HOW DOES ONE KNOW HOW MANY GRAFTS HE GETS, FOR SOME REASON IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE 1300 HAIRS, ARE all the hairs suppossed to stick out that were grafted or are they in the Skin already and u are not supossed to see them????

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  • Regular Member

Hi, I just got my 1300 Grafts put in Sat, I am 35 norwood scale 3 and in my 4th day of recovery from surgery sat(aug 16th), My quesion is HOW DOES ONE KNOW HOW MANY GRAFTS HE GETS, FOR SOME REASON IT DOESNT LOOK LIKE 1300 HAIRS, ARE all the hairs suppossed to stick out that were grafted or are they in the Skin already and u are not supossed to see them????

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First of all congratulations! We have all been there wondering what we got and what we payed for


There is no way you can count hairs or grafts for that matter after the surgery in my opinion unless someone wants to sit there and do it, you can't in the mirror yourself.

Were you given fu's? If you were they are different size grafts....most grafts average 2 hairs, some one, some 3-4.

If you had 1600 grafts you probably have 3200 hairs based on averages.

SOME Dr's count during surgery palcement others do not. My first Dr counted every hair he placed. Dr Charles doesnt count, but lets you look at all the paperwork the girls have when they are splitting your grafts any time you want than gives you the actual paper where the girls wrOTE THE TOTALS DOWN.


Who was the Dr? Ask him if he kept the totals on the grafts that were harvested.

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