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Posts posted by FarenheitUK

  1. I don't think you understand the problem Bill - and I don't believe that a hair transplant can help us because the problem here is the scalp which is causing us to lose our hair in the first place - but nonetheless, I'm grateful for this thread, because I've never seen so many sufferers participate on a single forum.


    I'll visit my doctor and see a dermatologist and post back here with an update one day soon.

  2. Hi all.


    I suffer from this same condition. It really is the bane of my life. I'm a good looking chap IMHO, and all of a sudden I started losing my hair - and when I went to shave it, I discovered I have around 8 furrows on the top of my scalp.


    I firmly believe the thickening of the scalp that causes this disease in the first place, is the reason that we are all losing our hair. I haven't any history of MPB in my family, and my brother has the fullest head of hair - and after some research and my own experience, I can say without a doubt, that the thickening of the scalp does not help our hair follicles grow hair and in fact impedes the process - thus the hair loss.


    It's almost a lose lose situation, because if you have the condition, you don't really worry about it unless you start to lose you hair, but with this condition, the inevitability that you lose your hair in the first place is quite high.


    Information on the internet is sporadic and many papers that surgeons and dermatologists have published are on sites that require passwords which makes research all the more difficult.


    We're so unlucky in the fact that this condition is so rare, that the medical community do not have any idea what causes it, or how to cure it without direct surgical excision.


    I think that there is a higher incidence of Cutis Verticis Gyrata across the world than whitepapers on the internet would have you believe.


    I really see surgery as the only way forward now :/


    To assist in making information on this condition more widely available, I've created a page on wikipedia and populated it with information.


    I also notice there is a website:


    www.cutisverticisgyrata.com that someone has set up.


    If anyone does get or has already got treatment for this condition, and you are reading this, please post with your experience - it would be of great benefit to us all.


    This has made my life a nightmare - I wish I could just shave my head and not look like a freak icon_frown.gif


    Someone HELP...


    Ps. Some studies say that this condition is associated with other diseases and/or mental retardation (which is quite scary!), but I can tell you, I've got a 2:1 degree, and I think my IQ is pretty decent - furthermore, I am fit and healthy.

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