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Posts posted by jmorgan

  1. Thanks for the comments, folks. Just a few days away now..


    Aaron1234 - yeah, three days under the knife. Sounds like fun.


    Bash77 - Glad to hear it went well. We've got the same procedure, same doc...so here's hoping we get the same great results moving forward!


    Lost - I've seen some impressive diffuse thinner results from SMG. As far as I'm aware, they don't yet have a sizable portfolio of FUE results. I did a bunch of research, but in the end I decided to move forward with a doctor with a very strong reputation--thanks in no small part to these forums. Based on that, I feel confident that I will get as good a result as can currently be expected for my case. I hope to be among that 'exciting influx of grown out FUE results' although as I mentioned earlier, I'm not expecting to be a "wow" result. (Although getting some density up-top will be a "wow" for me!) I will definitely be giving a frank appraisal of how the procedure turns out for me, which I hope will be of some use to others.

  2. Hey folks.


    So, I'm going in for a FUE procedure with Dr. Shapiro on Sept 21,22 and 23. This site has been such a great resource for me and I wanted to be sure to share my experiences with everyone.


    I will be getting approximately 1500 FU done. For the record, I am a long time Propecia user and have a diffuse thinning pattern which I have been battling fairly successfully with concealers...but just don't have enough density any more!


    Dr. Shapiro will be transplanting into these thinning areas. I haven't heard from a lot of other people doing this, so I hope my experiences can be some help to those in a similar situation. Since I'm not reconstructing a totally bald area, I think it will be harder for me to show any sort of *wow* result. I will however try to be as frank as possible in communicating how the procedure turns out for me.


    Thanks everyone!




  3. Hey folks.


    So, I'm going in for a FUE procedure with Dr. Shapiro on Sept 21,22 and 23. This site has been such a great resource for me and I wanted to be sure to share my experiences with everyone.


    I will be getting approximately 1500 FU done. For the record, I am a long time Propecia user and have a diffuse thinning pattern which I have been battling fairly successfully with concealers...but just don't have enough density any more!


    Dr. Shapiro will be transplanting into these thinning areas. I haven't heard from a lot of other people doing this, so I hope my experiences can be some help to those in a similar situation. Since I'm not reconstructing a totally bald area, I think it will be harder for me to show any sort of *wow* result. I will however try to be as frank as possible in communicating how the procedure turns out for me.


    Thanks everyone!




  4. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I think it's appropriate to utilize skeptical thinking in the face of claims that cosmetically significant results were achieved in a two-week period.


    I don't think the skeptics should be shouted down by the positive-thinkers...after all, the list of ineffective hair-loss treatments is very long, and the list of successes, vanishingly short.


    I, for one, greet with raised eyebrow the hypothesis that there is a mechanism by which PRP can cause sufficient thickening of a hair shaft within two weeks so as to create a visible effect. Hair grows, what, a quarter of an inch in that time? The claim challenges credulity--I think more work needs to be done. For instance, I'd like to see direct evidence of hair-shaft thickening High magnification photos of the hair root, two-weeks apart, would reveal this sort of dramatic growth, no?


    Of course, I'm not a doctor. Dr. Feller seems enthused by the procedure, and I have been given no reason to question his motives. So I am warily interested in these developments. I would even consider the treatment myself, if I can be convinced that the risk/reward ratio tilts far enough in the right direction.

  5. Hi folks. I've being doing quite a bit of reading on here and also consulting with possible clinics. I'm considering around an 1800 graft FUE procedure into diffusely thinning areas and would be happy to share my experiences going forward. I just wanted to check in again in case anyone had any additional thoughts on this.



  6. Hi everyone. Forum newbie here. I've been considering a HT for a long time and I'm about ready to take the leap. I can see that this is a pretty amazing resource here.


    I have a question that perhaps some of you can help me with. I'm a long time Propecia user and have experienced gradual thinning over the top of my head--an area which I believe would probably be bald now, if not for the Propecia! However, the thinning has progressed to a point where I now feel compelled to do something about it. I would like to start up front and add some additional density, but it would mean transplanting into an area that already has some (still slowly thinning) hair. Are there any recommended surgeons that I should be looking at for this type of work?



  7. Hi everyone. Forum newbie here. I've been considering a HT for a long time and I'm about ready to take the leap. I can see that this is a pretty amazing resource here.


    I have a question that perhaps some of you can help me with. I'm a long time Propecia user and have experienced gradual thinning over the top of my head--an area which I believe would probably be bald now, if not for the Propecia! However, the thinning has progressed to a point where I now feel compelled to do something about it. I would like to start up front and add some additional density, but it would mean transplanting into an area that already has some (still slowly thinning) hair. Are there any recommended surgeons that I should be looking at for this type of work?



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