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tom thomas

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Posts posted by tom thomas

  1. I have not posted for some time, however I believe Pat to be honest and even handed. At one time I had a problem with posting and a possible ban however Pat was very fair in my situation and we resolved the problem. I want to thank all the posters new and old for all the help they gave me and will give to others. Let's put this behind us and get back to the business of helping people.

  2. The taser boy got what he deserved, how dare he ask a long drawn out question of senator Kerry. This guy must think just because he is a student he has the right to ask questions. So what he paid to go to that school in Florida, and waited two hours to ask his question. So what if Kerry wanted to ans. the question, when the cops tell you to do sommething you better do it. This kid claims to be smart, he must not have learned his history about Hitler and the SS. How dare this stupid kid ask a question at his college and expect to get away with it. Those cops deserve a medal for trying to get him out of there as quickly as possible. We have to give up some rights, and do what ever the cops say so they can do their job. Protecting us from stupid people like the taser boy, should be job One. I only wish they tasered him a little longer.

  3. Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as fo me, give me liberty or give me death!


    Who said it? What does it mean?


    those who would sacrifice a little liberty for security deserve niether.


    Who said it? What does it mean?


    May God give we Americans the courage and the knowledge to preserve this, the greatest country ever known to mankind.


    I wsih all of you a happy Independence Day. Lets all celibrate it with a reading to our children of the Declaration Of Indepnedence.

  4. just read my own post, and I do not want anyone to get the wrong idea. some of the pictures look like you have a great head of hair some don't look as good.also the hair line looks good in some of the pics, and not so good in others. Over all you have come along way, I hope it gets better and better. just wondering what you think?.....If you are not happy with it in a few months,will you get another one?

  5. hh:


    you should give serious thought to a recommended Dr.


    for 4000 euro you will get a geat job.


    All this talk about the value of the euro concerns me. America will get rid of the dollar and call it the AMERO. They prop up the euro and tear down the dollar so Americans will go along with the Amero and north american union. www.spp.gov

  6. just try not to worry. the shock loss hair that is still healthy strong hair will come back in about 3-4 months. the weaker, thinner hair that you may have had will most likely not come back. you would have lost this fine hair in the not to distant future anyway. It is important that you received enough hairs that your final result will overcome any permanent shock loss hair.

  7. shampoo carefully for another 6 or so days. the grafts become part of the scalp after 10 days. comb lightly for about two weeks, do not hit the grafts. also be very careful not to hit the donor area when combing. remember after ten days the grafts are in there really good. you can use any shampoo, but I would stay away from tar based shampoos. don't worry so much. if you lose a graft you will know it....they bleed like hell. good luck

  8. rodyrob,


    If you are serious about that suicide comment then I would go see your doctor right away to number one help to explain what is going on with your hair loss and number 2 to ease your mind. That is a serious statement, hair loss is not fun, but life is a gift that should be cherished, ie hold dear. I strongly urge you to talk with a family member, friend, better still your family doctor.

  9. How many posts have we all read about Dr's lieing about the world of hair. shampoos, laser combs, mirical drugs...not to mention the unethical docs who knowingly do surgeries that are not needed, only to butcher the poor bastards that put there trust in there incompetant hands. Read posts from Dr. Feller, he does a good job exposing some of them. How many poster lie about not workiing for a doctor, but have conspired to do the docs dirty work right in front of our eyes. If a doc, who took an oath to do no harm, and then they dilibertly do harm for a few thousand dollars, what would people do for billions?

  10. How many posts have we all read about Dr's lieing about the world of hair. shampoos, laser combs, mirical drugs...not to mention the unethical docs who knowingly do surgeries that are not needed, only to butcher the poor bastards that put there trust in there incompetant hands. Read posts from Dr. Feller, he does a good job exposing some of them. How many poster lie about not workiing for a doctor, but have conspired to do the docs dirty work right in front of our eyes. If a doc, who took an oath to do no harm, and then they dilibertly do harm for a few thousand dollars, what would people do for billions?

  11. good point Bill, when i had my transplants after about 5 -7 days no one could detect that i had a transplant, i had quite a bit of hair on top.but if i could go back I would go to feller or hassan, allow them to shave my head and do it in one big session, and then a follow up session.i went in almost blind, and I was lucky because i saw results form my doc and the results looked good...i believe i could have had a better result with 2 treatments rather than the 5 i had

  12. marky3.


    i was told the same thing by my doc. he also said he likes dong three sessions for most patients because it allows him to go back like an artist goes back to a painting to improve look better...i do believe there is merit to this approch, however i would go to feller or hasson...i wish i did. will you tell us the name of the doc you went to? i had 5 treatments i could have done it in two,,,,

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