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Posts posted by Jrbrass

  1. First transplant was about 3500 graphs, almost 10,000 hairs. Second one was around 1200 graphs. I'm just seeking opinions on what I should be expecting after having around 4500 graphs? As I stated earlier, for whatever reason the graphs (my opinion) didn't grow in too well and not blaming anyone I'm just a little confused on what the results should look like?

  2. I'm a little confused concerning the density after a hair transplant. It was my understanding that the goal was to receive results of 50 percent or greater hair density? It would be nice to have a cut of at least a 6 clip, but when I cut it that short I have very little density. I've had two transplants due to for whatever reason the first one didn't grow in to well. So, now I'm one year post after the second transplant and the second one had growth a little better than the first. On my follow up with the doctor, I was told not to wear my hair short to grow it long. I thought the main goal of a hair transplant was to achieve hair density where it looked like you weren't bald not to wear your hair long in order or cover your bald spots. I'd like to get some opinions on this from the members if I could please? Thank you..

  3. I'm a little confused concerning the density after a hair transplant. It was my understanding that the goal was to receive results of 50 percent or greater hair density? It would be nice to have a cut of at least a 6 clip, but when I cut it that short I have very little density. I've had two transplants due to for whatever reason the first one didn't grow in to well. So, now I'm one year post after the second transplant and the second one had growth a little better than the first. On my follow up with the doctor, I was told not to wear my hair short to grow it long. I thought the main goal of a hair transplant was to achieve hair density where it looked like you weren't bald not to wear your hair long in order or cover your bald spots. I'd like to get some opinions on this from the members if I could please? Thank you..

  4. A person who had a transplant that shaved his head, there would be a thin scare on the back of their head. Couldn't a person who had a transplant shave his head and then go to a tattoo shop? You could have the tattoo artist just tattoo little dots within the scar (Whatever color your hair color), that way the dots within the scar would look like hair stuble or hair?

  5. I'm 11 months post-op and I'm starting to notice New baby White Fine hairs along the front hairline and throughout. I'm still using Rogaine twice a day due to I'm a slow grower of my graphs.. I remember when Rogaine first came out, everyone said, it just grew back baby hairs that would fall out when you stop using Rogaine. Could it be possible at 11 months my graphs are still coming in or is the New white Baby hairs due to the Rogaine. Will these hairs get thicker and stronger and change to my natural color as time goes by? Yes, I had graphs put in where the new fine white hairs are.

  6. The first week or two my heading was hurting and throbing so bad, I just curled up into a ball on my couch and tried to think of anything. It got so bad, I thought it was Thursday when it was actually Sunday. It hurt and throbed so bad, I lost track of time concentrating on anything but the pain. Then for some reason I put some ice in an ice bag and applied it to the donar area. I took turns applying it to the various places where I was cut open. For me anyway, my pain went away pretty quickly. I guess my head was swelling from being cut open. Once I iced this area down, I didn't have any more problems. Of course, Advil help as well, but not as much as the icing of the area.

  7. Just curious, I still put on Rogaine twice a day. Once in the morning and then before I go to bed. With Rogaine being in my hair and on my scalp, my hair doesn't have the fullness yet as when I leave Rogaine out of it. My question is after applying Rogaine to the hair and scalp, how many hours does it take for the Rogaine to enter the scalp or hair folicles? Another wards after applying Rogaine when can I wash my hair and leave it natural after one hour, two hours etc or should the Rogaine stay on the scalp or follicles at all times? Any information would be appreciated.

  8. Just curious, I still put on Rogaine twice a day. Once in the morning and then before I go to bed. With Rogaine being in my hair and on my scalp, my hair doesn't have the fullness yet as when I leave Rogaine out of it. My question is after applying Rogaine to the hair and scalp, how many hours does it take for the Rogaine to enter the scalp or hair folicles? Another wards after applying Rogaine when can I wash my hair and leave it natural after one hour, two hours etc or should the Rogaine stay on the scalp or follicles at all times? Any information would be appreciated.

  9. Yes, just do a Google search on it. The Androgel is absorbed through your shoulders or upper biceps and through the stomach if you rub it on there. It's not what Barry Bonds was using though. It's not for body building, but it does raise your free Testosterone and Testosterone levels. It has to be prescribed by a physician. It does a pretty good job and it is effective.

  10. After reading posts stating that with transplants some people start showing early growth by the third month? I believe I also read on here that the average signs of growth begin at five months. Is the average for signs of growth five months? At five months, what are the signs of growth? Is it just the hair sprouting up or should you see most of the graphs popping through by the fifth month? If a person's growth is slow, will the graphs continue to grow after the five month period?

  11. After reading posts stating that with transplants some people start showing early growth by the third month? I believe I also read on here that the average signs of growth begin at five months. Is the average for signs of growth five months? At five months, what are the signs of growth? Is it just the hair sprouting up or should you see most of the graphs popping through by the fifth month? If a person's growth is slow, will the graphs continue to grow after the five month period?

  12. I had the same problem, I tried but only got about three pieces out of them. Dr. Keene then told me to cut them all in half. Then when you go to take one, just bite the half into. It's easier that way. I haven't had any problems since. I did this when I renewed my prescription.

  13. You know, I experienced a dullish pain for about a week. Then one day, I decided to ice down and applied ice to the donar area where they took the strip of hair. In about an hour, the pain subsided. So, I knew it had to be the swelling along the donar area. The dull pain was so bad I couldn't concentrate either. It got so bad in that one weak, I thought it was Thursday when it was actually Sunday. Not saying that's the problem in your case, just telling you what work for me.

  14. I Don't know about the other coalition doctors, but I'm a patient of Dr. Sharon Keene. If you go under her name, you'll go to her website. Their you can see several blogs of her patients who have received transplants by her. Also, Dr. Keene has a link to her personal H/T website which shows pictures of her work and quality. So, maybe if you do a little homework, you might find the other doctors have a simular website which shows their patients and thier pictures.

  15. Not sure if I even know how to attach a link to my photos. I'll read up on it and try to do that. My blog is under Dr. Keene's name. It's where it shows all the doctors, if you scroll down to Dr. Keene's name it will take you to her site. Then on the left side, down the page it will have the blogs.

  16. Yes thank you, it is under Dr. Keene. I just passed my third month. I'll post a picture tomorrow. Dr. Keene did say she was amazed at the total number of hairs for the number of graphs. Hopefully, it will turn out ok. They are already starting to grow. The left side is a little faster than the right, but I hear that can happen.

  17. I received 3361 graphs, I too didn't know what the break down of the graphs were. When I went back a week later to have my stiches removed I ask what the break down was. Dr. Keene had no problem copying me the actual sheet of the break down. It showed how many graphs each tech did and the number of hairs. So, I would think if you ask, you should have no problem receiving them. Good Luck

    I had 3361 Graphs

    One's - 316

    Two's - 870

    Three's - 1345

    Four's - 830

    Total Hairs - 9171

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