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Posts posted by JetFlyBoy

  1. All,


    Thank you kindly for the responses. I am really impressed with what I've seen lately, and I'll do some research on the trichopthytic technique. Gorpy, your scar looks great, thanks for the pics.


    I have another additional concern about my donor area. I have a huge red birthmark that goes up the back of my head near where my hair stops growing at the bottom to my crown. I have extremely thick hair everywhere but the front/top area. Would the birthmark be noticed as tiny little red specs in the transplants? I'm sure there are ways of putting those grafts in the thick of it all to conceal it, but it's just about my last concern.


    I have spoken with my wife about it and she is very supportive (I've spent thousands of dollars for electrolysis on her anyway!!!). I live in Houston, but I am considering an appt. with Dr. Cooley in NC and Dr. Shapiro based on the results I have seen. Travel is easy for me, fortunately.


    Thanks again.



  2. I have been around folks who have had hair transplants, both good and bad, but the thing that has always kept me from feeling like it was something I wanted to do was the scar in back of the head. I haven't seen too many scars that were completely undectectable. It seems most guys grow their hair a little thicker in back to conceal it, but that is one of the dead giveaways of how I know he's had a hair transplant. It often times gives off a "two level" look, if you know what I mean.


    However, I have recently seen a host of photos on blogs related to this site that has once again inspired me to consider an HT as something I'd like to look back into. Can anyone tell me what their feelings are on their HT scars? I sure hate to be held back by something like that if no one else has had the bad experience I fear I'll have with it.


    Thank you all kindly in advance.



  3. I have been around folks who have had hair transplants, both good and bad, but the thing that has always kept me from feeling like it was something I wanted to do was the scar in back of the head. I haven't seen too many scars that were completely undectectable. It seems most guys grow their hair a little thicker in back to conceal it, but that is one of the dead giveaways of how I know he's had a hair transplant. It often times gives off a "two level" look, if you know what I mean.


    However, I have recently seen a host of photos on blogs related to this site that has once again inspired me to consider an HT as something I'd like to look back into. Can anyone tell me what their feelings are on their HT scars? I sure hate to be held back by something like that if no one else has had the bad experience I fear I'll have with it.


    Thank you all kindly in advance.



  4. I have been on both since Sept 2005, and I have not seen any significant improvements. I have tried to lower my usage of minoxodil, but I know that is a good way to start seeing increased thinning, which I believe I am now seeing. However, the propecia is something I will never get off of as long as there are no side effects. I agree that the hairs grown and kept by these 2 drugs are different. My advice to someone would be to not get on minox, just propecia alone, but that's just my experience. I know there are others here who claim that they've had tremendous results on both. I'm just not one of them. I also know that it can take up to a year to show improvements, which is why I am not getting off of either of them.

  5. Originally posted by hairworthy:

    Although, seeing a scar like that, how many people would think "HT"? Probably a very small minority. We know because we're in this business but take the average Joe Bloggs and he'll say "yeah this guy must have had surgery for a brain tumor or something". Even my hairdresser asked me what kind of accident my scar came from. Good luck with the growth man, what a change it will be!


    THAT is a very interesting thing, indeed. I've never thought of it quite like that, but I can see how that's the case. B spot, you've got a great attitude about it. All the best to you as your look changes. I am looking forward to your great results.

  6. Robbo... dude... I would kill for a hairline like yours. Mine actually used to look like that, then I started getting obsessed with having so much forehead showing, too. Can be really miserable when you first notice it, but man, you look like you ain't gonna have problems.

  7. I have been documenting my progress from propecia and minoxidil, but I am not satisfied with my inability to take sharp, close-up photos. Any advice out there? I have seen some seriously up-close and crystal-clear shots of some scalps, but mine are only focued from a foot or so away.


    Thanks in advance,


  8. I have been documenting my progress from propecia and minoxidil, but I am not satisfied with my inability to take sharp, close-up photos. Any advice out there? I have seen some seriously up-close and crystal-clear shots of some scalps, but mine are only focued from a foot or so away.


    Thanks in advance,


  9. Rahul,


    I am in the exact same boat you are in. I also agree with KG, in that you MUST be committed to the rituals of swallowing propecia and applying minox EVERY SINGLE DAY!


    I was taking minox for a while, too, and stopped then the loss seemed to accelerate. I attribute this to the fact that the minox was WORKING and then the hair said, "Hey! Where's the spray?" and figured, oh well, and just dropped out like that.


    I started propecia about a month ago and 5% minox again and have, too, experienced a bit of shedding. It looks like it isn't going to come back, but there are a few sprouts that I haven't noticed before that are not very long. I hope they are the fresh upshoots from this new regimine.


    I am committed to the process for as long as it takes. I took picuters and will continue to document it monthly for all of us who have not had HT's and are tackling this problem in another way. http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f...6060861/m/3991085951




  10. Originally posted by zerro:

    The shed is totally normal... the medicine is driving the weakest hair, at the end of its natural cycle, to go dormant. Most of these hairs should come back stronger and healthier. I believe I went through this stage of shed and I'm waiting for a positive outcome. I read that if this happens... it may be a good sign because you are a person that is going to have a positive response to the medicine.




    I, too, found this to be true pretty quickly after using the Propecia/Minox combo. My hair looked okay for the first week or so, but then a noticeable thinning. The hair that falls out feels just a little... I dunno... dead? Not like plucking even one of the endangered ones out (which I've done, but don't recommend!).


    I am documenting my hair loss with photographs so that I'm not left wondering. I'd like to here from you again, zerro, when you feel your hair has sprung back from the roots healthy. I'm expecting I should see them if they are coming back at least by the year's end.




    P.S. I also use Nioxin, but I'm gonna start supplementing the low voltage nizoral here real soon, too.

  11. Hey man, I only wish I could shave my head! I'd do it in a heartbeat and forget all about this hair loss problem. I also started noticing my receding hairline around your age. I'd say it's normal for someone who is losing their hair.


    Thickening shampoos just don't work. I'd talk to a doc first, but drugs (propecia ,minoxidil) are the only things that consistently help anyone (besides an HT, of course).

  12. I think the only thing that the "natural" approach will do is give your already healthy hair a healthly look. Maybe I'm baised, but I wouldn't worry too much about taking propecia if you are not experiencing any side effects on it.


    I am like you... I like natural stuff in everything else, but Vitamin B, saw palmetto, etc. just isn't powerful enough. This is your HAIR you are losing. I made the exception and I'd recommend the same.




  13. kev, welcome to the boards. I would recommend you do what I wish I had done. Get at LEAST on minoxidil 2% and STAY ON IT. Don't question whether or not it is working. Just use it twice a day from now on... make it a routine, like brushing your teeth...


    then forget about your hair... I don't know what a doctor would say about propecia at your age, but if you can get a prescription, take it along with the minoxidil.


    again.. just forget about your hair. It will drive you nuts and you'll start to question whether or not it is working. Believe me, if your hairloss stops, then that is your answer for years and years to come.


    You are right about waiting for the HT. I am 33 and have been on and off minoxidil 5% a few times. The last time I stopped the hair loss really accelerated. I wish I had another decade of its use at this point.




  14. Originally posted by Bill:

    If I could do it all over again, I would have gotten on Propecia when i was 22 years old and minoxodil at the same time. Minoxodil 5% I believe was working for me for a bit, and then as foolish as I was, I stopped....I don't even remember why.



    Man, that sounds familiar. I did the same thing. Doesn't take long for the hair to fall out after stopping Minoxidil, does it? I just started Propecia yesterday and Minoxidil about a week ago. If I could do it all over again, I'd start at around just the same time as you.


    Now my only goal is to delay the need for a HT as much as possible.

  15. I just swallowed my first propecia pill. I went to my family doctor this morning and he wrote a one-year prescription. He had only written it once before, but this site educated me enough that he was convinced I was a good candidate.


    I spent $53 for a one month supply at Sam's, but I know it is cheaper elsewhere, and I intend on finding it.


    I can understand your frustrations, but don't give up, man...

  16. LOL!


    Originally posted by tymman:

    I sweat like a pig in july! my skin (all over is OILY) but the times I wash more than once a day with shampoo, I get very dry and flakey.


    TV announcer: "Does this sound like you? Are you tired of that mid-july itch? Tried everything with little or no results?" (snapshots of people frowning and scratching... their dogs barking at them... children pointing and laughing... wives wrinkling their noses in disapproval...) music fades in


    "Well, now you can say goodbye to that flaky, itchy, dry scalp!"


    ...and so on and so forth.



    Actually, tymman, you make a very good point. Well received. I was just under the impression that Nioxin would "keep the area clean". That's all. I suppose the real cleaning is the Propecia pill.

  17. Originally posted by Spursman:


    I don't really want to start using Minoidil as i am in sales and am always speaking to people face to face. i dont want to have wet or greasy looking hair. This would just make me look even more thin on top. Would it be possible just to apply it at night time??



    I would recommend just that, spursman. I used to use minox only at nighttime and didn't think it was doing any good... then I got off of it and... uh oh!


    I am back on it now, but I put it on first thing in the morning, let it set for a while then WASH MY HAIR! I know it isn't the most optimal, but at least it is getting there to a degree... at night I just apply it before I go to bed. I don't struggle with that greasy look that way. I know what you mean. I hate that side of it, too.


    Also, are you using a lotion form of it? I recommend one that you spray on and mists.

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