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Posts posted by Confused00

  1. I dont really have any hair loss background within my family, so lets consider my issue just a high hairline. It is starting to affect my self-esteem, people sometimes look at my head rather than my eyes when in conversation, it's just not in proportion especially to my body (I'm 5"7).


    Would it be possible to implant some hair follicles at the incision level that I've illustrated below? Would my age still be an issue? I'm 21


    How much would it cost, how many 'grafts' would I need? And if age is an issue, why, and when would be the best time to well, lower my hairline as opposed to restoration?




  2. I dont really have any hair loss background within my family, so lets consider my issue just a high hairline. It is starting to affect my self-esteem, people sometimes look at my head rather than my eyes when in conversation, it's just not in proportion especially to my body (I'm 5"7).


    Would it be possible to implant some hair follicles at the incision level that I've illustrated below? Would my age still be an issue? I'm 21


    How much would it cost, how many 'grafts' would I need? And if age is an issue, why, and when would be the best time to well, lower my hairline as opposed to restoration?




  3. This is probably the first time in my life I've come to someone about my hairline so I feel very uncomfortable but need some answers.


    I don't have a receding hairline, this one is natural, looking from my baby pictures and toddler pictures.


    However, as I've grown older I've become more and more aware of it, leading me to become quite sensitive to it. I've wore a hat most of the time to hide it. When I look in the mirror, it doesn't look that bad but it looks horrible in photo's (anyone else ever felt like that?).


    Here are some pics, I just hid my face because of my discomfort for some reason. I've add a few letters to the image to help me describe it.


    From point A to my eyebrow, the length is 6cm. From point B to my eyebrow, it is 8cm and the width of my hairline is 15cm, so its very wide and quite high.





  4. This is probably the first time in my life I've come to someone about my hairline so I feel very uncomfortable but need some answers.


    I don't have a receding hairline, this one is natural, looking from my baby pictures and toddler pictures.


    However, as I've grown older I've become more and more aware of it, leading me to become quite sensitive to it. I've wore a hat most of the time to hide it. When I look in the mirror, it doesn't look that bad but it looks horrible in photo's (anyone else ever felt like that?).


    Here are some pics, I just hid my face because of my discomfort for some reason. I've add a few letters to the image to help me describe it.


    From point A to my eyebrow, the length is 6cm. From point B to my eyebrow, it is 8cm and the width of my hairline is 15cm, so its very wide and quite high.





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