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Running Man

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Posts posted by Running Man

  1. Gentlemen,


    I want to share my experience with you regarding Dr. Rose in Tampa. I'm a medical professional, 45 years old, and I was completely bald on top. I contacted 3 of the top physicians in FL, and after consulting with each of them, chose to work with Dr. Rose because of his willingness to focus on my specific needs. He invested a lot of his time to assure me that I would be happy with the results of his work. The day of surgery went something like this ??“ my wife and I arrived at the office, and the atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable. I had a chat with Laura, the physician's assistant. Then Dr. Rose, myself, my wife and Laura reviewed our plan for the day, and then got started. Step 1 was to lie face down in a massage-type table; local anesthetic was used to anesthetize the donor area. The donor strip was removed with absolutely no discomfort. Dr. Rose then carefully stitched the suture line closed while the donor strip was dissected into individual hairs by a staff of young ladies working with microscopes in an adjacent room. Then I got up, stretched out, and sat in a normal position. I picked out one of the funny movies to watch and relaxed and settled in to watch it. Dr. Rose began to lay out the tiny incisions to accommodate each donor hair. As he worked, one of his staff kept notes on exactly how many incisions he had made. By the time he had completed a significant section of the transplant area, Laura began to implant hairs into the incisions created by Dr. Rose. During this process, I experienced absolutely no discomfort. The mood in the procedure room was laid back and fun. We exchanged funny stories about different things and all laughed together about the movie we were watching. My wife stopped by and brought in a couple of lattes and hung around for a while. We took a break for lunch. I got up, stretched out, walked around the office a bit, had two slices of pepperoni pizza, and settled in to watch my next movie. By this time, Dr. Rose had completed the transplant area incisions and Laura and another staff member were busy implanting donor hairs under the instruction of Dr. Rose. At one point, I was so comfortable I just dozed off. At no point in the surgery did I experience any discomfort, and, it may sound a little crazy, but it was kind of a fun day. Altogether, 3,000 hairs were transplanted to the top of my head.


    I'm only two weeks out from surgery and already feel ten years younger looking in the mirror and seeing my head look the way it did ten years ago. I HIGHLY recommend Dr. Rose for anybody who's interested in having any type of hair restoration surgery. It's a top notch program there. There could be none better. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

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