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Posts posted by FolicalOracle

  1. $15500 .. thats alot of money!! icon_frown.gif


    I almost took them to court to get the ??250 deposit i paid before I figured out that the initial cost asked (??3000) would have to be paid yearly as you need to buy a one 'unit' (stick on wig) every year (at least)


    my experience was such that they were going to use a stock colour which didnt look anything like my hair & measured for it by getting me to hold a piece of cling film on my head then drawing on it in felt tip. . this was done by the salesman not a stylist!

    to my amazement this was then folded it up into a envelope. . . (destined for hong kong)


    Most my questions were answered with lies or the subject diverted.


    Also I thought it a pretty low sales technique - when you arrive they take a photo of the top of your head with a flash camera then print it out & put it facing you in between you & them for the whole consultation to remind you that your going bald



    To reclaim any money they have taken from you use




    take your time to fill it out correctly & state in it that by holding your money they are breaking the law as they may only recover the actual costs incurred & the amount they have taken in no way reflects this


    Message me & ill be of any help that I can



  2. id say as with everything you only get what you pay for, there is a company on ebay selling genuine hairmax laser combs that have been returned to them much cheaper than they retail for.. the cheaper versions could be using red LEDs instead of a laser or budget laser tubes



    ref the cost id say even buying one new is very cheap when you think about how long they last & compared to 6 months treatment using a laser helmet at a hair regrowth studio ( ??3000+ )

  3. I swear by Nanogen & use it every day


    (took a girl out on a date a few months back & got asked for ID on the door to prove i was over 18 icon_biggrin.gif )



    Things that ive found with it:


    For V.thin areas instead of sprinkling it strait onto head it works best if palm pressed onto sprinkler piece then container turned upside down which leaves a v.fine layer on hand which can be pressed exactly where needed then use the locking mist (let this dry & repeat to build up thickness)


    tried it with normal hair spray & it helps but in no was holds it like the locking mist - even stands up to rain when the locking mist is used!

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