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Posts posted by WranglerSD

  1. Hi Guys,


    Would like some experienced feedback ... I'm 13 months post op with excellent results from 4150 grafts from Dr. Wong. My hair is a fairly coarse texture (curly/wavy) and I wear it brushed back. Want to know if a shorter or longer hair length can give the hairline an even more natural appearance ... any recommendations from personal experience?



  2. Hi Guys,


    Would like some experienced feedback ... I'm 13 months post op with excellent results from 4150 grafts from Dr. Wong. My hair is a fairly coarse texture (curly/wavy) and I wear it brushed back. Want to know if a shorter or longer hair length can give the hairline an even more natural appearance ... any recommendations from personal experience?



  3. Congrats on your HT with Dr. Wong. I had a 4200 graft procedure with him in February and am very happy with the results at 10 months. As for the staples I found them much more comfortable overall than the sutures I had for my first procedure. As for sleeping I chose to sleep propped up at a slight angle until they were removed. This was recommended at my first procedure and I followed through with #2 (even though H&W doesn't believe it's necessary) ... I just felt more protective of the grafts and believe it also helps with swelling. It's not the easiest way to sleep, but it does keep pressure off the donor area and protects the grafts.

  4. Hi Guys,


    With the recent discussion about Board Certification, I'm curious about IAHRS or ISHRS membership/endorsement. Are these memberships/endorsements really meaningful? If so, is one more meaningful than the other? What criteria do these organizations use to select physicians? And who monitors physician members and their work? Finally, how does their recommendations differ from the criteria used by the Coalition?



  5. Hi Guys,


    With the recent discussion about Board Certification, I'm curious about IAHRS or ISHRS membership/endorsement. Are these memberships/endorsements really meaningful? If so, is one more meaningful than the other? What criteria do these organizations use to select physicians? And who monitors physician members and their work? Finally, how does their recommendations differ from the criteria used by the Coalition?



  6. I completely understand and share your frustration. I've had two proceedures and have a very fair complexion. I'm just about 7 months post op from #2 and still have a slight redness to my scalp and hairline. I was fortunate enough to be able to have a follow up with Dr. Wong at 5 months and he felt it was completely normal based on my complexion. It just takes time ... keep using the aloe, I do think it helps healing.

  7. Fuzzy,


    Agree with the above that states you've taken an important step in a personal improvement and it's a commitment to process that takes patience.


    The main reason for my response is to recognize something you said in your initial post that hasn't had any further comment, but really resonated with me .... you said:


    "I have to say all of this has been a little bit more than I realized, but I am trying to remain hopeful."


    I couldn't agree more ... I wasn't prepared for what came AFTER my first procedure. I just saw one of those Bosley commercials that states "Simple Outpatient Procedure" and I believe that they and some other clinics market a hair restoration/transplant as such and many believe that going in.


    Once you are through with the initial procedure then you have a while to cope with the after effects and then have to deal in your everyday life. You WILL look different for a while afterward ... it's an adjustment. These are all issues that I really wasn't prepared for the first time, but was certainly more prepared for my second procedure. I lived in a baseball cap EVERY day for the 3-4 months following both of my procedures ... not everyone has that option.


    I hear you and I completely relate ... keep your attitude about remaining positive and stay focused that you are now "into the process".


    There is a lot of positive support offered here, from others who have experienced exactly what you have/are going through and all with good intentions.

  8. Hey Hairbank ... it wasn't Lasix (had that elsewhere for my first HT - it also worked well), not sure what Dr. Wong used on me, but be sure you ask him about it. I got the feeling that this wasn't routinely done, but I was persistant in asking for something as I couldn't afford any swelling afterward. Whatever it was, it worked VERY well. Let me know how if you find out what the drug is and if it works out for you too.

  9. Hairbank ... good call on the swelling, hadn't thought of that as an issue to avoid traveling later. And since I know you are going back to Dr. Wong and you mentioned swelling, I was really concerned about swelling as thought I may have to do some business upon returning home and turned out I did. I was given Lasix after my first procedure and had no facial swelling at all and wanted the same with #2. Not sure what it was, but Dr. Wong treated me with something (that I believe was administered with the anesthetic) that he told me would eliminate any swelling and I had absolutely NONE in the donor or recipient area without taking anything additional medications afterward. FYI ... I had temple work done as well and the standard issue H & W hat worked just fine for a few days after surgery.

  10. I understand your concerns as I had similar myself. Agree about talking it over with your doctor about your individual situation, type of hat/headwear, etc.


    Here's my own individual experience: I flew the following day wearing the baseball hat provided by H & W the day of my surgery. I was stopped going through security in Vancouver and was asked to remove my hat. I explained that I had just had surgery and showed them the letter provided by H & W. They let me keep my hat on and ran a metal detector over my head and let me through wihtout any hassle.


    Good luck with your procedure and travels!

  11. Guess my original post may have hit a little too close to home?? ... initially I felt like I should respond to the specific allegations in the above post, but I believe that a few esteemed forum members stood up for me pretty well. For the record, I am NOT an employee or paid consultant for any hair restoration office, just a guy (with one user ID) who has real life experience with two hair transplant procedures.


    Thanks again guys for the support!

  12. My first procedure was done almost a year ago by Dr. Ross and the second 3 months ago by Dr. Wong. I am very much looking forward to the new growth covering the pitting/scarring issue on my scalp. Are you happy with the density now? How long are you post-op? And are you going to have another procedure to improve the density and cover the pitting/scarring?


    I would recommend that you consult a dermatologist regarding dermabrasion or anything concerns your hair/scalp, but I completely share your concern and disappointment ... for me I chose to have the second procedure to cover the issue ... and until I grows in, I just have to live with it ...

  13. Completely understand and share your frustration. Besides being disappointed with density of my first procedure, I have been more self concious and embarassed by the pitting/scarring in my donor area than I was just being bald! Damn, I hate those overhead or bright lights ... This was my primary motivation to have the second procedure to cover my now scarred scalp. Now 3 months post-op and growth just about to begin, hopefully it will no longer be noticeable.

  14. I just joined this forum after reading it for a few years. With some careful thought, I've finally decided to post a message along with this string in hopes of helping someone else who is making a decision in chosing a surgeon.


    Here is my advice ... don't rush, do your homework. I wish I would have the first time.


    I had my first procedure last year from Dr. Ross. Needless to say I was highly disappointed by the experience of the surgical procedure and even more by the results as I had to see myself in the mirror everyday.


    After doing the necessary research and meeting with another local doctor in preparation of a second procedure, I ended up traveling to Dr. Wong in Vancouver ... the difference was night and day. The post surgical pain and healing process was remarkably different. With Dr. Ross' procedure I had substantial pain and swelling for about 12 weeks and continued to have some bleeding during this time in the donor area. After the second surgery with Dr. Wong I was amazed as there was NO swelling and virtually no pain afterward, which made me really realize what I had been through during the first procedure. Additionally, I received double the grafts in Dr. Wong's procedure which should ultimately provide an amazing result.


    After the experience of my first surgery, I sent an email inquiry to IAHRS and they sent me information that they had feedback from patients with similar issues/results from Dr. Ross and that he used to be a recommended surgeon on their site (http://www.iahrs.org) but no longer is.


    Prior to having my second procedure with Dr. Wong, I didn't understand the importance of the endorsements of organizations like IAHRS as well as the high marks given by other patients in forums like this one ... Dr. Wong and his staff deserve all their kudos ... my surgical experience was first rate, especially after my experience with my first procedure.


    My advice is to research ALL of the websites and ONLY consider doctors who are recommended or endorsed. Also, consider a doctor that has ONLY positive patient feedback ... there is a reason that you find little or no feedback for a doctor ... I didn't want to give a "silent" endorsement by not sharing my experience. I truly hope sharing my experience can help someone else in their decision to get a hair restoration procedure.

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