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Posts posted by C2

  1. Originally posted by Telephone Man:



    Welcome sounds like you really are a veteran with SR's and 2 previous HT's. It would be of great benefit if you could post pics of your present state and afters along with the history dates, docs etc from your other procedures.


    Dr. Feller is certainly among the top HT specialists with a lot of experience, good luck with your next procedure.



    T-Man - My previous two procedures in 93/94 with the Elliott Thomas Medical Group. After the procedures I was pretty disappointed and could see that further such procedures were not was I was looking for. However, the plugs were essentially a sign of the times, as were the SR's. In meeting with docs leading up to my decision to go with Dr. Feller all stated that the work done before was pretty good (again, for the times), and Dr. Feller was really impressed with the quality of my scalp reductions. My biggest disappointment with the ET Group was that I felt misled about the what I could expect.


    Anyhow, it's all water under the bridge. Dr. Feller did an outstanding job and I still have not used even half of my donor hair, so plenty to work with going forward. I've tried to post pics in another thread, but having trouble getting multiple pics in one post. Any tips would be appreciated.

  2. See here for my story: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=153592. Couldn't be happier. Here are some before and afters. The before pics are not so great, but in the afters you can clearly see the plugs from my prior HT's.


    After my first shower today and some gentle cleansing my wife gave a close inspection and is amazed. She was a technician at Hair Club for Men for many years and has seen her share of hair transplants up close, so I'd rate her as a pretty good judge. She really likes how dense the area is and how natural the hairline will be. So now the waiting begins....Probably some of the best news for me is that I have not even used half of my donor hair, so I'll be looking to fill in more behind my new hairline.


    I'm trying to post multiple pics, but no luck. Any tips? Thanks.

  3. See here for my story: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=153592. Couldn't be happier. Here are some before and afters. The before pics are not so great, but in the afters you can clearly see the plugs from my prior HT's.


    After my first shower today and some gentle cleansing my wife gave a close inspection and is amazed. She was a technician at Hair Club for Men for many years and has seen her share of hair transplants up close, so I'd rate her as a pretty good judge. She really likes how dense the area is and how natural the hairline will be. So now the waiting begins....Probably some of the best news for me is that I have not even used half of my donor hair, so I'll be looking to fill in more behind my new hairline.


    I'm trying to post multiple pics, but no luck. Any tips? Thanks.


  4. Well, I had my proceedure with Dr. Feller today and it went incredibly well. I ended up with just over 1200 grafts via a strip. I'll have numerous pics to post over the next few days. My proceedure was for the repair of some old and very pluggy work. Dr. Feller densly packed the entire hairline extending back about about 1 1/2 inches with one and two hair graphs. The day went really smooth and I'm feeling great - just 7 hours afters surgery. To Dr. Feller and staff - thanks for a great experience.


    Again, pics to follow over the next few days.

  5. I purchased Dermmatch based on this thread and all I can say is WOW. It's amazing. It arrived today just before my wife and I were headed out for dinner, so I figured I give it a quick try. It took me 5 minutes to apply then another 5 or so to style. I'll definitely be able to do a better job with some more practice, but my wife was simply amazed - mind you, she has cut my hair for 10 years, and was a stylist at Hair Club for Men for about 3 of those, so I rate her as very experienced with dealing with balding heads, and someone that's seen nearly every method of dealing with hair loss.


    I wanted to use a concealer to help cover my upcoming HT procedure, but after seeing the results I'm pretty sure I'll continue to use it in the crown post surgery. Give this stuff a try, it's well worth it.

  6. Thanks all. Paris - I'll be doing a strip. Dr. Feller knew that I was on Propecia and did not mention nor suggest that I stop taking it. Actually, one of the things that swayed me toward him and away from my other top picks was his assertion that, based on his experience, any grafts placed on my crown would likely lead to shock loss of my Propecia-generated hair, which is slightly more fine than the rest of my hair. I was planning to do some grafts in the crown to help further cover the scar from my SR's. They are not that noticeable, so it's really not a big deal. Back to your question - I'll definetely speak with him on his thoughts about Propecia. Also, another thing that swayed me towards him was the one-on-one attention with no salesperson. Not that I had any bad experiences with any salespeople throughout my research, I just thought that it was a nice touch, spoke a lot about him as a professional, and is how I would run such a business.


    Robert - thanks for the heads-up on Folligard, but I mis-wrote - I meant Folligen. Also, I'm using the Nizoral 1%, as based on my reading its efficacy for improving hair diameter is almost identical to that of the 2% solution. I'll give it a try for 6 months and see where I stand. After that I'm seriously considering the Laser Comb. Just don't want to try too many things at once so that I can hopefully figure out exactly which treatments work for me and which don't. Of course, this precludes any advantages of products working better when taken together, but I'll stick to the Propecia throughout, as I know my results from that.

  7. Fairly new to the board and wanted to say hello. I've done a fair amount of research here recently which led me to scheduling a proceedure with Dr. Feller. I'm a vet, in that I've had two HT's and SR's back in the early 90's. I'm 37 now with further hair loss and I'm left with a pluggy look and running out of hair to conceal it, so I decided it was time to do something about it. Visited several docs in the NYC area and really liked Dr. True and Dr. Feller. Both straight shooters. In the end I chose Feller because everything that he said made sense to me and he seemed to have more experience with my kind of situation/repair. Fortunately, my current grafts are fine, but the entire area around them (hairline and about two inches back) needs to be filled in. 1200-1500 grafts will do the trick, leaving me with a great hairline, slowly thinning back to the crown.


    Also, been on Propecia since it was available to the public and the results are very good - I've got maybe 25% full density in the crown, whereas I'd be completely shiney up there otherwise. Just started Nizoral and I'm thinking about giving Folligard a try, but the results from it seem iffy based on my reading.


    So, thanks to the contributors on this board. It's been very helpful.

  8. Fairly new to the board and wanted to say hello. I've done a fair amount of research here recently which led me to scheduling a proceedure with Dr. Feller. I'm a vet, in that I've had two HT's and SR's back in the early 90's. I'm 37 now with further hair loss and I'm left with a pluggy look and running out of hair to conceal it, so I decided it was time to do something about it. Visited several docs in the NYC area and really liked Dr. True and Dr. Feller. Both straight shooters. In the end I chose Feller because everything that he said made sense to me and he seemed to have more experience with my kind of situation/repair. Fortunately, my current grafts are fine, but the entire area around them (hairline and about two inches back) needs to be filled in. 1200-1500 grafts will do the trick, leaving me with a great hairline, slowly thinning back to the crown.


    Also, been on Propecia since it was available to the public and the results are very good - I've got maybe 25% full density in the crown, whereas I'd be completely shiney up there otherwise. Just started Nizoral and I'm thinking about giving Folligard a try, but the results from it seem iffy based on my reading.


    So, thanks to the contributors on this board. It's been very helpful.

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