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pete uk

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Posts posted by pete uk

  1. Looking good BH.


    I can't wait to see your 12 month pics when its all had time to grow and mature, its gonna be an amazing result im sure.


    Good for you for staying strong through your hardship, im sure it was'nt easy and i can't bare to imagine what it must have been like living with that sub par result for so long.


    You deserve the best and it looks like your getting it, well done mate

  2. Hi guys, i have read these forums for some time now, and have found it very helpful although usually post on the others. This forum is very helpful though with a wide range of surgeons to choose from which is great. I saw my video on here of my scar so thought i would join and help where i can.


    I thought i would share my experience with you, with which i have had 2 H.T's with Dr.Feller the later being recent (Feb 4th 2008).


    I first started noticing hairloss at about 21, and started to do my research on this and other forums.

    I started taking Proscar, which has slowed/halted further loss and i only wish i had found out about it sooner.

    Through my research i found Spex who kindly agreed to meet with me to discuss my options, and gave me great, sound advice....... he really knows his stuff.

    With that in mind i booked in with Dr.Feller for my first H.T in Feb 2006 for 2600 grafts, into the front third.

    I was very happy with outcome and have a tricho scar that is undetectable, some of you may have seen it on a video Spex posted on here. Some here and on other forums have met me in person along with my twin brother Ian. I had several guys even comment that they thought i was having them on as they couldn't even find the scar..lol!


    2 years later, on Feb 04 of this year i had 2800 grafts placed into the crown and bridge, as well as adding more density/refinement to the front third with a little temple closure.

    I am extremely happy with my choice to go to Dr.Feller , and i would like to thank them for their professionalism and expertise.


    Pics will follow once i work out the best way to display them as learning as i go on this new forum.


    If you have any questions feel free to ask.


  3. Hi guys, i have read these forums for some time now, and have found it very helpful although usually post on the others. This forum is very helpful though with a wide range of surgeons to choose from which is great. I saw my video on here of my scar so thought i would join and help where i can.


    I thought i would share my experience with you, with which i have had 2 H.T's with Dr.Feller the later being recent (Feb 4th 2008).


    I first started noticing hairloss at about 21, and started to do my research on this and other forums.

    I started taking Proscar, which has slowed/halted further loss and i only wish i had found out about it sooner.

    Through my research i found Spex who kindly agreed to meet with me to discuss my options, and gave me great, sound advice....... he really knows his stuff.

    With that in mind i booked in with Dr.Feller for my first H.T in Feb 2006 for 2600 grafts, into the front third.

    I was very happy with outcome and have a tricho scar that is undetectable, some of you may have seen it on a video Spex posted on here. Some here and on other forums have met me in person along with my twin brother Ian. I had several guys even comment that they thought i was having them on as they couldn't even find the scar..lol!


    2 years later, on Feb 04 of this year i had 2800 grafts placed into the crown and bridge, as well as adding more density/refinement to the front third with a little temple closure.

    I am extremely happy with my choice to go to Dr.Feller , and i would like to thank them for their professionalism and expertise.


    Pics will follow once i work out the best way to display them as learning as i go on this new forum.


    If you have any questions feel free to ask.


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