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Posts posted by JWboxer

  1. Marc,

    I have no idea if my dad has scheduled a procedure or not. My mother just told me that he is getting it done after the holidays. This could mean anything from my dad's been researching for years and is ready to take this step, to he doesn't want to do it and my mom is hoping he will. He is very private about his hair and has never actually talked about it with my sister or me in our entire lives.


    I'm going to get my mom to look at this website as soon as possible. I want her to see the stories of people who have gotten it done, including the good and the bad, instead of just reading information on doctor's websites. I've only talked to her on the phone briefly since I found this website (last night) and she told me the same thing. (That she wants me to read up on the doctor's websites instead of just the patients). She mentioned Hassan and Wong, two doctors from Vancouver that I see are recommended on this site. So that leads me to believe that if my dad is going to get the operation done he is going to go through Hassan and Wong, which is good. It's not like my dad to just jump into something without researching it first, and I am definitly going to tell him about this website.


    Thanks a lot for the feedback! Any suggestions on what I should do to protect my hair?

  2. Hey everybody! I came across this website yesterday and spent a good amount of time reading through the posts and watching the videos. I was hoping that some of you may give me advice about my hair situation. I am sure that all of you are more knowledgable on the subject of hair transplants than me, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


    First of all I have to apologize. I just spent about an hour typing my story about the background of my hairloss, and I was on nearly the last paragraph when I accidently deleted the whole post. Anyway, I'm going to give you guys the summarized version. Sorry is it's not detailed enough, if you have any questions just let me know.


    I am 21, will be 22 in 2 months, and my hair loss is starting to become apparent to most people. Anyway, the loss itself isn't that bad, my hairline has been receding for a little while now, and my crown is starting to lose hair. I have been half-assedly taking Proscar and using Nizoral shampoo for the last few years. I bought rogaine a while ago but have had my reservations about it. Something happened a few days ago that really scared me about my hair loss and I mentioned going to see a specialist again to my mother. She told me about hair transplants and she wants me to get it done. She would pay (whis is amazing and great) if I got it done, and my father is going to get it done too after the holidays. My father wears a hairpiece and for many years I didn't know he was bald. I have never seen him without his hairpiece in my whole life, so I have no idea how bad of hair loss he has.


    While reading through these forums the general consensus seems to be that you definitly SHOULD NOT get a hair transplant at my age due to shock loss and the fact that I may not be done going bald yet. I read that there will usually have to be another transplant, which gets more and more tricky due to lack of donor hair. My mom so far is having none of this and think that my resources for this information is unreliable.


    Some Questions:


    1. What exactly is shock loss and why does it happen?


    2. What do you think is the best course of action for my hair.


    3. If I get it done, how bad will the redness be? Looking through some of the pics posted it seems that the redness can stay around for months. I live in Seattle so it would be kind of hard to say that I'm sunburnt.


    4. Should I use Rogaine? I read on these forums that if you start taking it and then stop you lose any progress that you have made and even more hair. Due to the track record regarding the diligence I have when it comes to taking any kind of medicine, I'm worried that I will just end up hurting my hair.


    5. When consulting with these hair specialists, are there any ways that I can tell if they actually care about my hair being restored or if they want my money and don't care if I end up worse than I started?


    6. Okay, stupid question. I like to shave my head from time to time, but since I'm losing my hair, I am honestly scared that it won't grow back. Could this happen?


    7. If I get a hair transplant, how likely is it that I will need to get it done again?


    8. If I get a hair transplant, how likely is it that It would just make it worse? Right now I believe my hair doesn't look bad at all, it is just starting to become noticeable on the crown of my head. My worst fear is regarding a transplant is that it would hurt my hair instead of help it.


    Well I think that's about it for now. I will try to upload some pics of my hair, if I can figure out how to upload pics. Again sorry if it isn't very detailed, if you need to know something about my situation please ask. Thanks for any help guys, I really appreciate it!

  3. Hey everybody! I came across this website yesterday and spent a good amount of time reading through the posts and watching the videos. I was hoping that some of you may give me advice about my hair situation. I am sure that all of you are more knowledgable on the subject of hair transplants than me, so any help would be greatly appreciated.


    First of all I have to apologize. I just spent about an hour typing my story about the background of my hairloss, and I was on nearly the last paragraph when I accidently deleted the whole post. Anyway, I'm going to give you guys the summarized version. Sorry is it's not detailed enough, if you have any questions just let me know.


    I am 21, will be 22 in 2 months, and my hair loss is starting to become apparent to most people. Anyway, the loss itself isn't that bad, my hairline has been receding for a little while now, and my crown is starting to lose hair. I have been half-assedly taking Proscar and using Nizoral shampoo for the last few years. I bought rogaine a while ago but have had my reservations about it. Something happened a few days ago that really scared me about my hair loss and I mentioned going to see a specialist again to my mother. She told me about hair transplants and she wants me to get it done. She would pay (whis is amazing and great) if I got it done, and my father is going to get it done too after the holidays. My father wears a hairpiece and for many years I didn't know he was bald. I have never seen him without his hairpiece in my whole life, so I have no idea how bad of hair loss he has.


    While reading through these forums the general consensus seems to be that you definitly SHOULD NOT get a hair transplant at my age due to shock loss and the fact that I may not be done going bald yet. I read that there will usually have to be another transplant, which gets more and more tricky due to lack of donor hair. My mom so far is having none of this and think that my resources for this information is unreliable.


    Some Questions:


    1. What exactly is shock loss and why does it happen?


    2. What do you think is the best course of action for my hair.


    3. If I get it done, how bad will the redness be? Looking through some of the pics posted it seems that the redness can stay around for months. I live in Seattle so it would be kind of hard to say that I'm sunburnt.


    4. Should I use Rogaine? I read on these forums that if you start taking it and then stop you lose any progress that you have made and even more hair. Due to the track record regarding the diligence I have when it comes to taking any kind of medicine, I'm worried that I will just end up hurting my hair.


    5. When consulting with these hair specialists, are there any ways that I can tell if they actually care about my hair being restored or if they want my money and don't care if I end up worse than I started?


    6. Okay, stupid question. I like to shave my head from time to time, but since I'm losing my hair, I am honestly scared that it won't grow back. Could this happen?


    7. If I get a hair transplant, how likely is it that I will need to get it done again?


    8. If I get a hair transplant, how likely is it that It would just make it worse? Right now I believe my hair doesn't look bad at all, it is just starting to become noticeable on the crown of my head. My worst fear is regarding a transplant is that it would hurt my hair instead of help it.


    Well I think that's about it for now. I will try to upload some pics of my hair, if I can figure out how to upload pics. Again sorry if it isn't very detailed, if you need to know something about my situation please ask. Thanks for any help guys, I really appreciate it!

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