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Ryan Daj

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Posts posted by Ryan Daj

  1. This is an abrupt thing to say, but this website does not look good, and this is horrible because of what an amazing resource it is.


    After getting into a disagreement with someone on a different website, I made the decision that I am not going to refer people to this page anymore, because it feels scammy, although I know it's not.


    The same few photos have appeared across the marquee for nearly a decade, and the sidebar looks the same as well, the photos are clearly dated and the animated results at the top are clearly photoshopped. Additionally, the links across the sidebar appear in all kinds of different fonts, giving the page an amateurish (mid 2000's) look.


    This site has helped me tremendously to find transplant surgeons, but the overall look is decidedly detracting from the apparent legitimacy of the site at this point.



  2. Ryan, yes these images were "modified" in Photoshop so that the transitions would look about the same. What was done here, was to closely match before and after images and only use the "hair" section so that the morph would be a natural transition from one state to another.


    There was certainly no "Photoshopping" of the hair sections, only the elements that are not effected by the procedure are constant (clothing etc) so that the fade from one to another is as close as possible to the previous state.


    I understand what you're saying, and I appreciate the honesty. It's not me that you need to convince, in casual conversations with several of my real life friends, I've told them about this site, and they say it seems "scammy." I think it just looks dated, and millennials can see photoshops a mile away, even if they aren't meant to be deceiving.

  3. I just got back from Ottawa a few hours ago, and I have to say that even though I've had great experiences with other doctors recommended on these forums, I don't think anybody should even waste their time going to anybody else other than Dr. Rahal. He is simply the best. Travel as far as you have to (I drove 2,200 miles each way), take as much time off from work as you can, and pay whatever. He is worth it.

  4. By the time I was 21 years old in 2006, I had already lost a significant amount of hair around the corners and front of my hairline.


    I had no idea what kinds of treatments were available, and thankfully I did enough research over the course of several months, and went to a surgeon the Hair Restoration Network highly recommended and scheduled the surgery for 2008 when I was 23.


    I underwent one session of 1,000 grafts in a strip procedure and was somewhat disheartened because of the conservative approach the surgeon had taken, and the coverage and density were moderate at best. Moreover there were a few gaps where the hair didn't take root as strongly as in other areas, so I scheduled another session two years later to fill in the gaps with the same doctor.


    After the second surgery of 200 grafts in 2010, I was more satisfied, especially with the evenness since there were no gaps. Even still the density was really low, and not quite cosmetically functional. I was not really able to comb my hair into any kind of discernible style.


    On top of the moderate results, I faced an additional complication; I had developed a "neuroma" where the scar did not heal and I had issues turning my neck too far to the right where I would have sharp pains on the left end of the scar.


    Two more years passed and in 2012 I was determined to fix my head. I found Dr. Alexander on Hair Restoration Network, and scheduled an appointment for a consultation. After speaking with him, he was confident that he could excise my neuroma, and significantly increase the density in the corners with 1,000 additional grafts.


    I traveled to Phoenix a few months later, and he operated on me after finding a great hotel for me to recover. Even as early as the next morning, the nerve pain in the back of my head was totally gone.


    Now at the end of 2014 it's been two years since my last surgery (and six years since my first) and I am totally satisfied with his work. My scar is nearly invisible, and I'm no longer limited by my neck's range of motion.


    But even more importantly, I'm not embarrassed to get my hair professionally cut and most days I walk around with my hair slicked back with a natural look, and my self confidence is finally back to where it used to be. With a stick regimen of a quarter tablet of Finasteride everyday, I've managed to maintain all the hair I had when I caught my hair loss in its tracks.

  5. I've been on Propecia for about 8 years now, starting when I was 22. I had a few surgeries, and I don't feel like I've lost any hair since starting.


    Since the day I started, I never missed a dose, if I did I would double it the next day.


    Has anybody else on a rigid regimen actually lost hair after maintaining it for a while? I'm curious because I am trying to make a long term hair plan here.


    Let's hear your stories.

  6. I came here to post something else, but I just realized the banner where the six photos are rotating at the top contains at least one photo that's photoshopped.


    The photo where the woman's hair is magically restored where she is wearing the exact same hair tie and has the same shirt on is clearly photoshopped. It's not just the same, but the pixels of locations of her hair, face and hair are all the same.


    I am sorry to bring up such a trifling issue, but it is really bringing down the reputable nature of the site in my opinion, i.e. if that is photoshopped, what else is?

  7. I'll try to keep this pretty short.


    I'm 29 and had my first procedure done when I was 22, and since then I've had 3. I've been on propecia about 8 years and thankfully haven't lost any more hair. (PS: Anybody else lose tons of hair after a dose of Accutane?)


    The first was in 2008 and it was average, i.e. not very densely packed, I got 1000 grafts put in along my hairline and temples. The hairline is fantastic, and does not utilize any straight lines. The off-centered angles look quite natural.


    In 2010 the second surgery was a small touchup, where there were gaps between follicle units, I did 200 hairs.


    My third was with a different doctor in 2012, with 1000 more. This surgeon didn't touch my temples, but did increase the density behind my hair significantly, and I'm happy with that.


    My point is my hair is in an intermediate stage, and after 6 years it's not really acceptable anymore. Also, several surgeons have told me they're uncomfortable with dense packing because of my age, but I've held onto my hair since starting my treatment.


    I live in El Paso, and I am curious if there are any doctors near to me that would be willing to just buzz my head clean and take a good hard look at filling in the spots I'm uncomfortable with, - i.e. the uneven density, pluggy appearance and a few gaps between spots of dense hair. I'm certain I wouldn't need any more than 600-800 units, preferably with several singles.


    Dr. Erdogan looks like a great surgeon, but obviously I'd like to visit a surgeon closer to my region, preferably one with a strong FUE background who's willing to work with me.


    I'm also concerned that reputable surgeons might not be willing to increase the density of my hair due to my age, and I don't want to get stuck with a disreputable one.


    But I'm willing to travel anywhere.


    Thanks guys for all you do,



  8. Hi there again everybody, it's been a while since my last post. I am almost totally satisfied with my current hair situation.


    It's been a year since my second surgery, and I think it's very good. However, I still feel there is a little bit of "naturalness" that my hair lacks, especially below the temple angle on the left side, and of course density is always in the back of my mind.


    Although I am no expert, I have done a lot of research and it seems that the only way to fix the kinds of concerns I have is with an FUE, since specific hairs may be picked for their qualities and placed in an area where they are desired.


    It's somewhat hard to explain and not very visible in photos, however, there is a certain quality that the transplanted hairs have the the native hairs do not, and I don't feel the line along which they meet is blended as well as I'd like.


    Does anybody have a suggestion of where I can go from here?

  9. "Permanent wave lotion" -- Interesting that you mention this. My two best friends are a married couple who own a salon together, and a year ago when I noticed this problem, the woman was ALWAYS straightening my hair with some chemicals, like once every two weeks, and the texture went totally limp, although it was easy to work with. I am gonna try to find some of this now.


    Thanks for the advice.

  10. I have had around 1300 grafts, and I am pretty satisfied with what is starting to happen. But, I am really not sure if this is as good as it gets with density.


    You can really see what I am talking about on the right side in particular (of the picture), and the problem sort of goes all the way across my hairline .


    I am curious if anybody could give me an idea of how many grafts I would need to achieve a natural hairline, which is what I am honestly concerned with more than anything. As the hair behind the hairline can be implanted at a lower density, since the world doesn't see it as much.


    There are also more photos on my profile page.


  11. I know this is an extremely controversial topic to bring up, but even since I was a small child I have wanted to have this procedure done. When I started losing my hair as a teenager, it really made the topic all that much worse.


    My head is already huge, I am 6"1', I wear medium to large on everything, but for hats I wear XXL to XXXL. Now imagine how it felt when I had to get my motorcycle helmet fitted :eek:


    What is your take on these procedures on men who have a decently-defined hairline, and please take into account; medicine is going forward pretty quickly.



  12. Anybody worry about this? Many of my transplanted shafts are very thick, almost too thick to be believable.


    I have been plucking a few of my ultra-thick hairs out every time they grow back in, just because they are too much.


    Well, I have some interesting results, people!


    These hairs seem to be growing in a bit thinner at this point, which is excellent news to all of you who, like me, sometimes feel as if the hairs growing out of your forehead are as thick as pubic hairs.


    Although, I have been doing it for about two years =/

  13. Here are some of my newest photos, after a 300 graft FUT touch up. I am getting the feeling that FUE is pretty much the only that could make it better, as the strip method is not conducive for finding single-unit bulbs to transplant into the areas of my concern.


    Density seems a bit low still, but I'll give it the full year before I am worried :cool:


    Hair Restoration Social Network - Hair Loss and Transplant Photos


    Basically as it says in my profile, I haven't lost any hair since I was in high school, after a horrible experience I had with Accutane.


    Overall, I am much happier with the touch up work done, and kudos to my surgeon who did an outstanding job with so few grafts (1300 total).


    It am curious if anybody has some suggestions on how to improve the angles on the left side.





    Before you say that I am losing hair here, this surgery was done fairly recently, the hair is apparently arching away from the rest of the native hairs, despite the fact that they are transplanted in the same direction and location.


    Thanks a ton.

  14. As some of you may or may not know, I had surgical hair transplant surgery in the front of my head about two years ago.


    About two months ago, I stopped buzzing my hair to let it grow out, and I've been getting the sides trimmed and letting the top and front grow, which has not been cut in that time period.


    Something interesting seems to have taken place, most of my hair has grown out to a certain length, and the transplanted hair seems to be only about 3/4 as long as the rest of my hair!


    I was wondering if anybody else has experienced this also, or am I just perceiving this due to a difference in density?


    (Right now I'm looking for my camera!)CIMG0221.jpg?t=1271464110

  15. Wow i just learned a lot from that post. Thank you so much for that reply! Somehow it made me feel better and sorry i let some frustration out in the last post. Thanks for being such a good guy and great group of guys.


    Like i said i was not aware that they harvested over the old scar i was upset after seeing some horror photos of guys with tons of scars on the back of their head.




  16. It's the area behind that bothers me. I see what you're saying. I've been on finasteride for two years now, and haven't seen any hair loss.


    I heard from my dermatologist that my premature hairloss could have been caused by accutane, which I took when I was 17. So, I'm fairly certain I shouldn't have any more hairloss for a decade or so...


    I also assume you meant pre-op picture? Well, I am going to try to find one, and post it in the next post

  17. Here is a picture of the right side, I'm not 100% sure what's going on though, my hair is not red. Something is up with the color.


    Anyways, you can sort of tell what I'm talking about. There is significantly less density there than the rest of my head. Especially in one or two spots, where there is like a streak of hairlessness.


    Also, when it's longer, its more irritating, because there are so few hairs there, you can't do anything with them.


  18. Hi guys,


    As I promised, I am going to put some pics of my post-op 18 months from a FUT 1,000 grafts.


    I'm happy with the hairline, very good job, but the density is a little disheartening. Perhaps part of the problem is that my hair is very thick around the area, and a second surgery is almost necessary from what I've read to get the kind of density I'm after.


    Any suggestions about who to go to? or what could fix this? Also, my hair right now is very short, a number 2, and it's wet... I did this to get good pics (also sorry about the one on the right, I couldn't get the camera to focus)


    Thanks everybody,



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