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Mr Hair

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Posts posted by Mr Hair

  1. Hi All,


    I would like to confirm that I am from SYDNEY AUSTRALIA and also had troubles with AHS. I will go on record here and say that I am a legitimate former angry customer. Sydney's East City Office was my rip off experience. If anyone wants any info on my situation let me know. Advance hair Studio (in my opinion) is a joke!! Scamming money off men at thier worst time. I URGE YOU ALL TO SHAVE YOUR HEAD BALD LIKE ME. You are all entitled to a refund if you do not get what you paid for.

  2. Hi Persistent,


    I am just wondering if you got a refund from those snakes. They offered me about 60% of my funds back a few weeks ago and still no cheque. They are lucky I am not taking them to court for the full amount plus the cost of shaving my head bald.


    Hi Grav15 and Steve - It sure looks like the AHS problems are worldwide. Here in Australia its quite bad and it looks like the UK is not much better. How on earth do these shady businesses last for so long??? They have caused us so much greaf. I am still concidering taking them to court for a FULL refund. They will not return my calls of emails. I keep getting different stories. The whole things makes my hair stand on end lol!!!

  3. Hi Persistent,


    One last thing i remembered with my situation is to build an events log with photographs if possible. That way, you have all the evidence of the program not working for you. I also tried laser therapy with another organisation (which I won't mention) but the difference was I received a full refund after the program did not work for me. Why can't AHS do the same???

  4. Hi Guys,


    Well Grav15, I am currently close to settling my claim. I have reluctantly agreed to accept 65% refund money. Pretty much guys, AHS charged me $2000.00 for a wig that lasted 2 days. On the third day, after my first fitting, I shaved my head in disgust. They offered me a lot of useless options like refusion and laser therapy (which is funny because during my first consultation I was told that laser therapy was a waste of time for me by their own consultant). I really have to fight very hard with them to get my part refund. They told me that if i was not happy with their offer, i could seek legal advice. I also tried to ring them several times and they never returned a call. I got excuse after excuse and got tired of waiting. I have not seen the work order form that you refer to Grav15. My advice to anyone thinking about using AHS is to think very carefully before you plonk down thousands of hard earned dollars! I would be a few thousands dollars better off having not known them. I wish you guys all the best in your refund processing. It won't be easy.

  5. Hi Andrew, Thank you very much for your quick response and advise. I feel it will be an uphill battle that I will fight for. I have created a detailed log from the first day of the fitting with all the faults. I have attached a picture of only the 3rd day it has been installed. Tell me what you think? $6000.00 worth??? I will go tomorrow to let them know I am not happy. Do you think I have a chance of a refund? Fingers crossed.


  6. Hi Grav15,

    I'm from Australia and I am having a problem with AHS. I just got my wig installed yesterday and not happy with it. It is starting to bubble on top and the glue is peeling off my scalp. I would like to apply for refund but not sure if I will have any luck. I really would like to get my money back but from what I read it's sound impossible. I am thinking of possibly taking it to court. Any advice or suggestion for me mate? Hope to hear from you.




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