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Posts posted by Ralph

  1. Not even one week ago I had my first HT procedure done by Joe who much to my surprise had answered my prelimenary E-Mail inquiry himself while on vacation in Italy (when was the last time ANY medical person has ever done that for you?). During a subsequent in-person consultation I found Joe to be very personable, honest and totally up-front, making suggestions and keeping unreasonable expectations at bay. I do not remember having ever been as impressed as I was with him and his staff -- in my book everybody in Joes' office embodies professionalism! But, imagine my further surprise when Joe informed me after a very successful procedure that the donor strip did not result in the expected 2000 grafts, but rather resulted in 1500 grafts and a $1K refund to my credit card. Needless to say that I left Joes' office speechless, extremely satisfied with the way he conducts business, and one week later with a big smile on my face when I look into the mirror. And yes, the self-dissolving inside sutures are working great!


    Dr. Joe Greco came highly recommended to me, and this patient has become one of his latest admirers -- he is honest, knowledgeble, experienced, ethical and does EXCELLENT work. As they say in my country: I'll BE BACK!

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