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The Goz

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Posts posted by The Goz

  1. Lasers looked very good when they came out and some doctors jumped on it at a very high cost. There are a few problems with lasers but they tend to be large problems so they are rarely used any more.


    <UL TYPE=SQUARE> <LI>Can only be used in a bald area - if used where there is hair a possibility of killing the surrounding hairs. <LI>The laser "burns" a small hole in the tissue so it make a round burn hole and grafts are not always round, tend to be loose compared to a slit incision. <LI>The laser cauterizes the hole and that stops the much needed blood supply for healing and regrowth



    I have not heard of any reputable doctor using a laser for years.


    Good luck

  2. Our company has been in business since 1973. The early days of HT's were the old plugs and sessions might have been as big as 25 at a time. Sometimes only 4 to 6 weeks apart. It is not unusual to see pt charts with 20 to 30 HT's over the last 35+ years. Today's FUT and mega sessions make this almost impossible. The number of HT's today depend on so many factors that only a doctor can tell YOU if it is possible for YOU.

  3. During the 70's and 80's most punch grafts were harvested with a variable hand engine. A punch was placed in the wand and the doctor used a foot switch and a knob to control speed and timing. If some doctors are using a "drill" I would imagine that is what they are using. It was a very effective tool for the larger punch grafts. I have not seen it used for FUE and don't know how the "feel" would be or how the transaction rate would change.

  4. I get this question all the time. The problems with removing old punch grafts are:


    <UL TYPE=SQUARE>Scaring

    <LI>If they try to reuse by re cutting up to 50% might be damaged or lost

    <LI>pitting of the scalp with our without suturing


    If you are going to have a procedure than let it all grow out and see how well it conceals the old punch grafts. The positive of punch grafts is there is density, if the new procedure works well, then you have the hair but not the pluggy look. If it does not conceal all of them have the doctor work on those.


    Talk to the doctor and see what she/he recommends, our doctors are very reluctant about taking out old punch grafts unless absolutely neccesary.

  5. The crown area has so many factors working against it:


    1) All of the hair angles converge in that spot creating the "swirl" or cowlick.

    2) The head is going from a vertical to horizontal plane at the crown

    3) A minimal amount of hair loss will seem dramatic on dark hair light skin people.


    Think of a rose with 12 petals, when closed you can not see the bottom of the rose, when you open it up just a little you see the bottom and still have all 12 petals, when you fully open it the bottom is fully exposed and you still have the same 12 petals. This is your crown. If properly done it will take 2 to 3 times the amount grafts/hairs of any other area and will still look thin. You have no shingling effect as you do in other areas.


    We have had a number of men only concerned with the crown (flight attendants, teachers etc.) and the doctors have fully explained the risks and potential outcomes. If the patient understands and agrees then they will proceed. Most try propecia/rogain for a year prior to doing anything. Certain hair loss patterns can achieve decent results in the crown, it just takes lots of time and money.

  6. In our clinic we have 2 doctors who do cosmetic/plastic surgery as well as 2 doctors who do hair. It is surprising how many people only think "doll's head" when you say transplant. The majority of our cosmetic patients are brought in by their husband's. If we get a chance to talk and I mention we also do HT's they say no way, it would look so bad. I then show them mine and they are shocked, saying I never would have known you had one.


    The biggest misconception in this industry is the work being done today is not what people remember. They only remember bad work and work done in the 60's through the 80's. That is why sites like this are so important. I tell everyone about it if it comes up in conversation and would do so even if I was not in the industry.


    If the general population knew of the new methods and if all that was available were qualified HT docs, guys would feel much better at saying something when asked. Most of our new patients are referrals from existing patients, these guys and gals are so happy they tell everyone. One patient who had his last procedure in 2003 has sent me 5 new patients this year alone.


    Be proud of what you are doing for yourself, if someone has a nice complement, tell them.

  7. On average 50% of follicular units are 2 hairs, 25% 1 and 25% 3 or more. At any time 10% of your hairs are in the resting phase. At that time it is difficult to see those resting even under the best magnification. It's possible that some of the 2 hairs were cut as one but had one "hiding". It's also possible that some of the 2 hair FU were put in the holding receptacle with the singles by mistake.


    As others have stated wait for full growth and then evaluate the look. What ever you do DO NOT pull the hairs out you could damage or kill the follicle if done repeatedly.


    Be patient and good luck

  8. You are paying for a top surgeon to do his best work, and your going to ask for a discount? Do you do this with your mechanic, dentist, grocery store, personal physician, etc..


    As far as cosmetic surgery costs are concerned you pay a different amount depending on how much is involved. On the following cosmetic procedures:


    1: Tummy Tuck - if it is just skin tightening or skin and muscle

    2: Nose ??“ Tip only, tip and septum, tip, septum and bone.

    3: Liposuction ??“ depends on how many areas

    4: Face lifts ??“ Lower ??“ mid ??“ full or brow only

    5: Breast Lift ??“ 3 different procedures without implants and 2 with, all different pricing.


    All others will have a range depending on the amount of work to be done. More work means more OR time and staff time. About the only cosmetic surgery that has a "fixed cost" is breast augmentation and that will vary on saline or silicone implant.

  9. It is illegal in the US to guarantee ANY surgical procedure. You will find most HT doctors do offer to replace any hairs that do not grow at no charge during a second procedure. We have found that 97-98% of the follicles placed do re-grow. We also give 1-2% of the total follicles placed at no charge in an effort to keep from having to do a second procedure of 100 grafts or less. (3000 grafts X 2% = 60 grafts, even 10% is only 300)

  10. On average a "normal" scalp will contain 50% 2 hair Follicular Units 25% 1 hair and 25% 3 or more hairs. Unless there is a special need for additional singles we will not sub divide grafts to increase the numbers. Donor density, skin mobility, size and shape of the head will determine the maximum amount of tissue that can be removed. We normally get somewhere between 97% and 103% of the total grafts that we are shooting for.


    We charge per graft and normally give 1-2% of the total number at no charge. We do this because we know that you will never get 100% regrowth (I know some doctors say yes and some say it's over 100% because of the follicles in the resting phase grow) so we hedge our bets and give some free ones.


    If we were to switch over to a flat rate per area, we would have to increase our fees. Lets assume that for a specific area the average number of grafts would be 2000. A white individual with thin shafted light hair might be right at 2000, a white individual with thick shafted hair might be 1900 an African American with very tight curls might only need 1800 to get the same results, etc etc. Each hair type, color, thickness, skin color, epidermis characteristics and other factors all come into play. You can not just say that you can pack 70 or 80 or 90 fu's per cm2, everyone is different. The doctor determines how many he can safely place based on all aspects of the patient. If we were to charge per area, we would have to charge the maximum that could be done to make sure we covered our costs and made a profit. What if you're the one who will get the same results with 1750 grafts and get charged for 2000 because of the size of the area you have.


    Our doctors use tumescent in the recipient areas (as well as the donor) and the amount of "ballooning" can minimize the total grafts placed or greatly increase it, again until the procedure is under way you never know. The more the skin swells the closer the grafts can be safely placed, the less movement the lower the number.


    Every graft made is used, period. Watch out for those charging by the hair not graft gets very expensive.

  11. Originally posted by Dewayne:

    How about the 18 year old girl from Florida who died today after the breast implants? I guess we all need to remember there is no risk free surgery.


    From what I have been able to find out she had a very rare (like 1 in 500,000) reaction to the general. Our anesthesiologists keep drugs on hand for this occurrence, The articles I read said that the drug was not administered until she reached the hospital. The chance of survival drops very fast the longer it takes to receive this drug.


    It is a very emotional case as she was trying to correct cosmetic "defects", an inverted nipple and a difference in breast size. She had a very promising future from all accounts and I am sure will be missed. However there are no tests that I know of to check for this reaction.

  12. There are still a lot of questions on the graft survival of FUE procedures. Since they are "relatively" new, no long term studies have been done.


    The other concern is the number of grafts possible during any one session, the nubers are increasing but there is an upper limit. The scaring left from this type of surgery does limit the total number of grafts that can be harvested. Not to mention the cost tends to be twice as much or more than the strip method. For smaller surgeries it makes perfect sense.


    I don't see it taking over as the standard.

  13. I'm still unsure as to whether having extremely course hair is an advantage or not? Anyone know?


    Assuming the same color of hair - if you place 100 hairs on someone with fine hair it "looks" like 80 were placed. If you place 100 hairs on someone with thick course hair it "looks" like 120 were placed. So the thick course hair does a better job in the overall outcome, HOWEVER, if not placed correctly or made correctly can look unnatural. Now if you have thick course hair that also has a nice tight curl to it (some African American types of hair) none of this matters.


    Donor density, scalp laxicity, hair color, hair characteristics, size of donor area, size of balding area, age, family history, all play a factor in overall results. Each patient should have a very custom plan based on these and other factors,


    I have seen numbers used of available donor grafts or hairs, and although educated guesses, that's what they are, guesses. Doctors try to estimate current and future needs and base a care plan around everything. In most cases expectations and needs can be met, but a good doctor will know when they won't and should avoid surgery or explain the limitations.


    Ask your doctor to find one of his patients that most closely matches you and see if you can meet them.

  14. When I had my procedures I started to soak the grafted area (at day 6 to 7) with a wash cloth for 30 min prior to my shower. If you can remember back to your childhood when you had a scab on your knee and went swimming it would be lost after 30 min or so. The soaking helps soften the scabs and they come off a lot easier than just going with the shower alone.


    I would have all the scabs off within 36 hours using this method. And boy did it feel good to have them gone.


    Hope this helps

  15. The following is directly from the propecia insert from the clinical trials performed:


    Drug Related Adverse Experience for Propecia in year 1


    Propecia n=945 placebo n=934


    Decreased Libido 1.8% 1.3%

    Erectile Dysfunction 1.3% 0.7%

    Ejaculation Disorder 1.2% 0.7%

    (decreased volume of ejaculate) 0.8% 0.7%

    Discontinued due to drug related 1.2% 0.9%

    sexual adverse experiences


    The other thing to know is that if you are having a PSA test done by your doctor they need to know that you are on finasteride, either the 1 MG or splitting the proscar 5 MG as it may reduce levels of PSA serum and needs to be taken into account.


    For Proscar 5MG:


    Year 1 Years 2-3-4

    Proscar Placebo Proscar Placebo

    Impotence 8.1% 3.7% 5.1% 5.1%

    Decreased Libido 6.4% 3.4% 2.6% 2.6%

    Decreased ejaculate 3.7% 0.8% 1.5% 0.5%

    Ejaculation Disorder 0.8% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1%

    Breast enlargement 0.5% 0.1% 1.8% 1.1%

    Breast Tenderness 0.4% 0.1% 0.7% 0.3%

    Rash 0.5% 0.2% 0.5% 0.1%


    There is also a lot of information (mostly negative - possitive reduction in PSA serum levels with proscar) on drug/laboratory test interactions on the paper.


    Hope this helps

  16. In the latest "The National Hair Journal" Intercytex Group, plc in the UK is saying 2010. In another article they say there are 40 centers working on this so who knows. What the journal goes on to state is that the "industry" is in it's fourth wave:


    1) wigs

    2) Hair transplants

    3) Hair regrowth drugs

    4) The cellular wave

  17. First let me say that I am not a doctor, but have worked in the hair restoration industry since early 1999. It is theoretically possible to transplant hair from one person to another; however, it would have to be an identical match in all respects. This would only work on identical twins, and to my knowledge has never been tried.


    The problem is that the follicle that produces the hair is an organ and you run into the same transplant rejections that any organ transplant has. So it's not something that is done as most HT doctors I have met or talked to have said that the medical complications are too severe to even attempt.


    As to why your doctor does not recommend Rogaine, ask him or her. Rogaine has a much small percentage of retarding hair loss than Propecia and a smaller percentage of regrowth than Propecia. Most doctors that I know do recommend both as it seems that there is a synergy that makes them work better when used together,


    Hope this helps

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