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Posts posted by Saigon

  1. Well i guess that one question of mine started a bit of debate on having an hair transplant in Asia. Just to let everyone know i am coming up to 4 weeks now after having HT with Dr Pathomvanich in Bangkok with 2,421 grafts on the front, hairline and temple area.

    The procedure and recovery so far has been comfortable with no complaints from the procedure.

    Just looking for advice on future hair care though, basically i have never looked after my hair in 36yrs washing every day with what ever shampoo i can get hold of. The HT was to help recover some hairline that has been receeding slowly over the years. The rest of my hair is relatively thick so no real sign of thinning. Not interested in taking any drugs long term, what products are recommended in the form of shampoo's, applications etc?

  2. Hey thanks brianf, i am in touch with Dr Pathomvanich's clinic at the moment they seem to be the best option though hard to get into which can only be a good sign. You mention that you need a few weeks off after HT if you don't want to be noticed, how noticable is it after surgery? I will be lucky to get a few days off work let alone a few weeks, should a longer period of rest be had after a HT?

  3. Hi i am an expat living/working in Saigon, Vietnam and doing some research on HT at the moment and looking for information on who would can sucessfully perform this/has the best reputation? Thinking that someone in Bangkok is the nearest, any recomendations on clinics there? Came across Bumrungrad Hospital web page, any feedback on them?


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