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Posts posted by NotQuiteButNearly

  1. Originally posted by Pats205:

    New Hair Now ??“ You said that poor FUE results from Dr. Armani seems to be norm, rather than the exception??? Please tell me how you came to that conclusion. I will ask you to provide these several cases that you have backing up this statement. Otherwise it is another blanket statement made 1) not supported by any factual evidence.


    Not Quite ??“ To answer your question, 2) We have an entire section on our website that is FUE only showcasing our results. Our website also clearly states how many grafts were used and which technique was performed. Not misleading in any way.


    3) Our Fue results are growing out very well . Is there the occasional case that does not turn out as well as we had hoped for? Sure, but that is the case with any of the top clinics. When this occurs we do everything possible to make the patient happy. But to say Bad Fue results seem to be the norm is flat out untrue.


    As far as available donor and how much the average person has, I will tell you the same thing I tell any of our patients. Everybody has a different amount of Donor. Only once you have received an in person consultation with Dr Armani and your donor area is evaluated is a long term plane devised. Some folks have 6,000 grafts available, some 8,000, some 10,000, but nobody is different and each patient is treated on a case by case basis .


    Pats, this is work for you, right? Great, I have no problem with that. So easy for you to clear this up - go back through this thread - number and highlight all questions (M&M did some it for you). Then use your own rigorous scientific analysis to disprove unsubstantiated claims by guys here who clearly don't think much of your clinic.


    I am STILL a potential patient/customer, I have not made a decision - I am doing more research. On marketing alone, your website is probably the best and most attractive.


    But you still havent answered my question - why do MANY people have a vehement dislike of your clinic? Are they paid representatives from elsewhere? It does not seem so to me.


    In your post above:


    1) Good point, I want to see evidence too. Would love people to post it.

    2) On your websites you have 16 photos in your FUE section (some of which are strip incidentally), you have 87 strrip photos in the general gallery. You don't even offer strip. That is VERY misleading unless you are meticulous in your appraisal of the information.

    3) Where is your evidence of 95% growth rates with FUE? One of your representatives quoted me 97%.


    Seriously, ALL the anti-Armani info on all of this website did not fully put me off getting an HT with your clinic, it made me want to research more. However, you are putting me off as I feel it is your job to convince me all of the accusations held against your clinic are either wrong or have a reasonable explanation.

  2. Originally posted by wantego:


    Have you seen how many people have had bad results from Bosley over the last 30 years? When I was looking to get a HT I told a friend that I hope my doctor is very good. She told me Bosley was the best. I do not think she actually knew much about Bosley. I think she just saw all his advertising.



    That's a fair point. My gut still tells me you would find more patients, but not everyone is as internet savvy as people on here.

  3. Originally posted by Balboa:

    This is typical this thread was created for people who have had a hair transplant with Alvi Armani for people to share there views and post there photos but now its just getting totaly off that subject and getting on to the same as the 100+ pages of the same armani bashing stuff on the other sites i understand the questions you want answers to but my guess is if they havent been answered already they are not going to be


    Hi balboa,


    I'm no expert, but judging by your pics, you're exactly where you should be compared to others at about 3 months. I am sure you'll be absolutely fine.


    What is important though is that the clinic answers questions here. They aren't really hard questions... They aren't hard to clear up if you work there... All claims/questions are easily disproved and answered by Armani. It makes them look really shifty for no reason if they avoid or don't answer questions.


    From what I can gather, the guys on these forums, particularly this one, are purists. They know their stuff and if anyone steps out of line, as Armani arguably has with some shonky, unsubstantiated advertising claims (non-surgical procedure, 20,000 grafts available) - they will come down on that.


    All this considered, shonky marketing does not affect the results you will end up with or the work that they do. But it will put people like me off and make you panic after reading anti-armani posts.


    Answer all the questions in detail, Pats, it's the best marketing you can do.

  4. Originally posted by NewHairNow:

    It is called marketing my friend. It is like saying it is hard to believe that Microsoft is producing bad softwares.


    ... However, it was going downhill since he switched to FUE only a couple years ago. Not only that, he expanded quite a bit, opening offices here and there (sort of like a mini Bosley) and hired other trainee doctors (his sister Sara, MacMillan among others) to do the work for him. On top of that, he delegated a great deal of work to technicians. I think he is the only FUE doctor who does not perform the most important task in a FUE surgery: FUE extraction. It is no wonder why the results are inconsistent.


    I was ready to book with Armani and held off after finding out that he did not necessarily perform the surgery, and that technicians do the vast majority of the work. Which I found out here. All the other FUE surgeons in toronto doe their own extraction.


    I actually work in advertising, I agree, Armani does some powerful marketing. But I still think that, ultimately, if 100s of people had really bad HTs from the clinic, you would only get away with that for a year or so. Surely? People aren't stupid and if the results were regularly bad - we'd know about it. The guys on this forum and others would certainly know about it! But I have not found many in my own research.

  5. Originally posted by Pats205:
    Originally posted by NotQuiteButNearly:



    How would you explain Armani's poor reputation with some pretty knowledgable guys here?


    One figure I often read is that you can only expect 25-30% growth with FUE, whereas your representatives say it is over 95%.


    I'd be pretty interested to find out how anyone comes up with these figures.


    I see claims of FUE only growing 25-30% but where are the photos supporting these claims? Where are all these poor FUE results? It would be nice if people making the claims would back them up with references but in most cases that doesn't happen.


    My best advice to you is to do your research, on this forum and on others. See results in person, Armani Fue results and results from the other doctors you are reserching. Speak to former patients.


    Pats- I chose this alias back in 2005 when I was a hairloss sufferer reaserching my doctor. It had nothing to do with you or your forum.


    Thanks Pats, but you pretty much havent answered my question at all.


    How do you explain why people here have such a vehement dislike of your clinic?


    Also, now that you are FUE only, isn't it a little misleading to advertise strip results (which are the vast majority) on your website?


    M&M has added some fair questions too.


    Thanks for the advice to do my research. I am doing it now by asking you questions to find out whether I can trust your clinic.


    I actually find it hard to believe that Armani can have expensive clinics all over the world and produce consistantly inferior results, but you do seem to avoid questions...

  6. I'm over the moon to see a pro-Armani guy on hear. Speaking as someone who reads a lot and posts little, Armani seems to have no respect whatsoever on this forum.


    I met with Armani reps twice, they were absolutely fine, helpful and not too pushy. I was ready to have an HT with Armani in January.


    However, I did not believe the claims regarding 'no scar whatsoever' with FUE, I was unsure about the number of grafts they said I should have (3,200 compared to 2,000 with 4 other doctors).


    I became very weary after reading some reviews on this forum and have put an HT off. Especially from writers whom obviously do not favour one particular doctor or another and have completely unbiased discussion regarding every other hair loss subject.




    How would you explain Armani's poor reputation with some pretty knowledgable guys here?


    One figure I often read is that you can only expect 25-30% growth with FUE, whereas your representatives say it is over 95%.


    I'd be pretty interested to find out how anyone comes up with these figures.

  7. Thanks so much for the replies.


    I now know to keep posts direct and short, and how to get notifications. I've never posted on any forum anywhere and thus lack the know-how. Got a bit carried away...


    The more I read, the more it all makes sense.


    In a nutshell, I do not want the comitment to medications and thus will accept that this means ongoing thinning.


    If I had sparse but visable stubble 2cm down from where it is now, I would be happy buzz cutting it down.


    Thus I would like only improvement, not magical results, appealing as it is to see other people's great success.


    These things in mind - FUE to create a hairline at the front and minimising scaring to the back made sense to me. With a long-term scenario that I look like someone who balded from the crown but still has a hairline at the front which frames the face.


    I agree with the analysis above, thanks! I'm just trying to find a solution which suits me.


    Attached is with shaved heaad so you can see what I mean,


    Much appreciated!


  8. Hello there,


    This is a great forum - I have been researching on hair loss for about 2 years and wish I had found it earlier. It took me a long while to post, I have mainly PM'd some guys whose writing I liked but I hoped someone might have some additional opinions about my situation.



    My case:


    I shaved my head for about a year, buzz cut to leave stubble rather than the shiny shiny look. I would have left it at that, but because the hairline is receding unevenly and straight down the middle (I would say Norwood 2A). I grew the hair back in and have been sporting a very becoming forward comb over for about a year now...


    My goal would be to have my hair line back, in a manner which allowed me to settle for a buzz cut (or even a no guard shave) if thinning gets any worse. If that makes sense. Stubbled shaved heads with an even, neat hairline look way better than those with stubble way further back.


    With this in mind, for me, strip surgery is not something I really want to do. I may reconsider in the future, but for now it does not feel like something I want due to the scar.


    FUE seems much more appealing. In an ideal world (and during my initial research, some clinics lead me to believe this was possible) I would have FUE that lead to minimal, tiny dot scarring on the back.


    Hair replaced to create the hairline at the front and then less dense units going back becoming a little more diffuse. Thus, if, or when, the thinning and balding continues I can buzz cut my hair with no noticeable scaring to the back and a hairline that looks normal at the front and progressively as if it were balding from the back. This would make me happy.


    Is this a massively unrealistic goal? Do I need to re-think completely?


    Do you think this will be possible with FUE in the future? And thus maybe it is best to just wait and see? Or are my goals reasonable and could be achieved now?


    All opinions welcome and very much appreciated!


    I thought i knew a lot about hair loss and I was confident about my own research until i found this forum and realised there is a great deal more to consider. It's a great resource.


    Thank you in advance!

  9. hi 21 year old.


    I am a similar lurker - mainly asking questions via PM rather than posting on boards.


    I am with you on the Armani panic. I have had a couple of consultations and may e-mails with their representatives. I can say in all honesty, that they were very professional and very helpful in answering questions fully and in detail. Overall, pretty comprehensive and I have not felt pushed or overly 'sold' something, just given advice, pricing and opinion.


    In fact the one thing they keep telling me is to research and research until I am happy and confident in my choice of doctor. Which I will.


    I am unable to find any photgraphs of armani patients with bad results, but I am eager to do so having read so much on these forums from people who seem to know the industry.


    Can they realy have so many photographs of impressive results and they be false or fraudulant on that level?


    I find it hard to believe but it is not impossible and some pretty articulate people here do not like them so I am undecided myself and doing more research before making a decision.

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