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Posts posted by Stevoh

  1. thanks a lot for the replys lads.. I have a place to start now. I had no idea this was going to be such an undertaking but I am glad Im starting out on it. Its quite shocking to read some of the stories. The scariest thing is that I was on many a website, that I wont mention, and was very convinced by the hype but then reading some of the horror stories on this forum of the work carried out by those very surgeons is very scary!! Is there an offical regulatory body that these people can be reported to??

  2. Hey Lads,


    Firstly, well done on such an excellent and informative forum. You really are performing an essential service for an industry that has little or no transparency for the uninititated!! I have had a phone converstaion with Dr. Keily in Cork Ireland & DHI and was in the process of scheduling an initial assessment. Thanks to this site I have completely reassessed my priorites and will definitely look futher a field for quality work. Sorry to dish the same 'ould questions at ye but starting research on this topic is a bit like getting hit with a tidal wave.. so many pro's and cons for so many different surgeons. Where do I start checking for a quality/proven list of surgeons?? It seems that the US is the place to go. I have read of a DR Feller which is in the US and apparently the UK. Is this person one and the same? There is also a Dr. Feriduni in Belgium. I havent really seen any negative feedback with this guy.. can he be recommended. I realise research is the key but where to start and how to filter so much info is the first hurdle to clear. Preferably I would like to get to a surgeon in Europe.. and more preferably a Ryanair flight away icon_smile.gif Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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