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Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

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Posts posted by Hair Today Gone Tomorrow

  1. Just wondering one month later... are you feeling any better? Have some of your concerns been rectified with a little bit of time?






    I beleive that i made a huge mistake in getting a HT. I have cut off a piece off the back of my head and have a bumpy scar now.Doesnt seem natural when i comb my hair. Its a pink line and can be clearly seen when i shave on number 2 with a clipper. Alot! of original hair has fallen out in the crown and frontal areas. I dont know how much of it will come back. With the new laser comb technology , i think that would have been the best option for me . I read a study on it and there were increases in hair count from 20-55 hairs increase per sq cm. It also brought back thinning hairs. I would have been happy with that and i think anyone who considers a trasplant should consider the laser comb as a 1st option. It will only take 5-6 months to see if it works well and has a money back guarantee. From what ive seen and heard it really works.

    I really feal like I ruined an important part of my body. Im also concerned that they damaged existing and or thinning hairs.


    In Defense of my HT i do think its way too early to judge the results yet, but here are my concerns at 5 weeks post op.

    1) Will donor scar bump go down further.

    2) Will reddish color of scar fade.

    3) Will all original hair that fell out from shock grow back.

    4) Will donor area feel natural when i run a comb through it.


    May God Help Me.

  2. Hi guys,


    Your comments are extremely helpful for people deciding to get a HT. I'm a Norwood 5a, 33 years old and have considered the pros and cons of Strip vs. FUE and have decided that at this point, I will go Strip (I'm in need of 3,000+ grafts). I've decided to go to Hasson, a highly recommended Strip doctor. My only concerns are the following and I'm interested in hearing Strip patient's experience regarding the following.


    1. The donor area becoming tight permanently. I'm comfortable with short-term tightness, but I was wondering how many guys have gone to excellent Strip doctors and have ended up with a tight head.

    2. The donor area losing sensation permanently. I understand that it can sometimes take many months to regain sensation, which is fine. I'm more concerned about a permanent difference in the nerves, feelings or sensations in the donor area.


    If you respond, it would be great if you could let me know who your surgeon was, back when you had a virgin scalp.





  3. Hi guys,


    Your comments are extremely helpful for people deciding to get a HT. I'm a Norwood 5a, 33 years old and have considered the pros and cons of Strip vs. FUE and have decided that at this point, I will go Strip (I'm in need of 3,000+ grafts). I've decided to go to Hasson, a highly recommended Strip doctor. My only concerns are the following and I'm interested in hearing Strip patient's experience regarding the following.


    1. The donor area becoming tight permanently. I'm comfortable with short-term tightness, but I was wondering how many guys have gone to excellent Strip doctors and have ended up with a tight head.

    2. The donor area losing sensation permanently. I understand that it can sometimes take many months to regain sensation, which is fine. I'm more concerned about a permanent difference in the nerves, feelings or sensations in the donor area.


    If you respond, it would be great if you could let me know who your surgeon was, back when you had a virgin scalp.





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