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Posts posted by HairySituation

  1. Anyone hear about this form of propecia? I was talking to my dermatologist about prescribing me proscar because of how expensive propecia is... and he told me he can get me a liquid form of propecia that my insurance covers... what do you all think?

  2. Hey all,


    As of right now... I am a 23 year old male and would say that my hair loss right now seems to be the whole scalp. When wet, I do not really see any specific pattern, except that it looks really bad all over and you can see my scalp a lot more than i've ever remembered.


    When my hair is dry, it doesn't look bad really... and that's how i hope to keep it! I want to get onto Propecia... or more likely Proscar and cut that into fourths since I'm a poor college graduate right now.. I'm a bit scared to start on it right now though... and that's because...


    Recently i've run into this problem when I started using Head and Shoulders... I don't know why i even started using it since my scalp was fine and I never had dandruff or scabbing in my life... but by using this shampoo i noticed i was actually getting a really bad case of dandruff... and since I've stopped using it... now I have this scabbing over my scalp... especially in the crown area. I tried using neutrogena's T/Sal shampoo, which was supposed to aid a bumpy scalp... and boy was that a bad idea.... so much hair shed because of that... and right now my scalp is very dry... scabbed... and not having health insurance i do not know what to do.


    I'm scared about what to put on my head because I do not want to cause anymore damage. Prior to head and shoulders... I can tell my hair was thinning. Since I prefer long hair, I can feel that most of the hair follicles were short stubby ones instead of long ones like how it should be. So the follicles are still there for the most part... they're just in a thinning phase I guess. I was hoping that by starting on proscar now... I would be able to halt the shedding... and allow for these short follicles to grow long again and catch up to the others... giving me the dense thick hair I always had. I know that I must act now to preserve the hair follicles before they start comin out... but this dry scalp business is scaring me.


    Any idea what I can do to clean my scalp and rid of this scabbing and dryness... without shampoo? I use Nizoral sometimes but it's not really getting rid of the scabs...


    Thanks for listening,



  3. Hey all,


    As of right now... I am a 23 year old male and would say that my hair loss right now seems to be the whole scalp. When wet, I do not really see any specific pattern, except that it looks really bad all over and you can see my scalp a lot more than i've ever remembered.


    When my hair is dry, it doesn't look bad really... and that's how i hope to keep it! I want to get onto Propecia... or more likely Proscar and cut that into fourths since I'm a poor college graduate right now.. I'm a bit scared to start on it right now though... and that's because...


    Recently i've run into this problem when I started using Head and Shoulders... I don't know why i even started using it since my scalp was fine and I never had dandruff or scabbing in my life... but by using this shampoo i noticed i was actually getting a really bad case of dandruff... and since I've stopped using it... now I have this scabbing over my scalp... especially in the crown area. I tried using neutrogena's T/Sal shampoo, which was supposed to aid a bumpy scalp... and boy was that a bad idea.... so much hair shed because of that... and right now my scalp is very dry... scabbed... and not having health insurance i do not know what to do.


    I'm scared about what to put on my head because I do not want to cause anymore damage. Prior to head and shoulders... I can tell my hair was thinning. Since I prefer long hair, I can feel that most of the hair follicles were short stubby ones instead of long ones like how it should be. So the follicles are still there for the most part... they're just in a thinning phase I guess. I was hoping that by starting on proscar now... I would be able to halt the shedding... and allow for these short follicles to grow long again and catch up to the others... giving me the dense thick hair I always had. I know that I must act now to preserve the hair follicles before they start comin out... but this dry scalp business is scaring me.


    Any idea what I can do to clean my scalp and rid of this scabbing and dryness... without shampoo? I use Nizoral sometimes but it's not really getting rid of the scabs...


    Thanks for listening,



  4. Hey all,


    I have been using Head and Shoulders sensitive scalp formula the past month or so. I went through the whole bottle and realized that I was it was actually causing dandruff! I figured this had to be an allergic reaction of some sort because though my hair is thinning, I've always had a healthy, clean scalp. Though my hairloss is not yet noticable (only to me), I don't want this allergic reaction to do any more harm than it has already done. After going back to my Vive for Men thickening shampoo, i realized that my scalp was kinda bumpy and scaly from what the Head and Shoulders did. So what did I try and do? Getting the Neutrogena T/Sh or something dandruff shampoo for bumpy scalp,to maybe try and cure what the head and shoulders did. I think this just worsened it. I feel more bumps now and i'm freakin out! I don't have health care but I don't care... I have to go see a dermatologist ASAP and have this taken care of. I am also looking in to starting propecia to slow down whatever natural hair loss I am going through.. Ughh it's tough bein a poor college student!


    - yankCap

  5. As a means to have a healthier scalp, I switched from my older shampoo of Vive for Men thickening shampoo to Paul Mitchell's Tea Tree Special shampoo. At first I liked the results, but I didn't feel like using the Paul Mitchell shampoo daily was really a good idea. So, I decided to switch to Head and Shoulders, sensitive scalp formula. Even though I've never had dandruff before in my life, I figured it would help make my scalp healthier.


    At first, I loved how it left my hair and it seemed to be a match made in heaven. But, about 3/4 through the bottle, I started getting DANDRUFF. Does this make sense? Can I be getting dandruff from a shampoo which is supposed to fight against it? Aside from the dandruff, I like the shampoo and would like to continue using it... but this dandruff is serious and I don't understand why it would form now all of a sudden.

  6. Hey all,


    Growing up, I was always very self conscious about my hair. Well, not necessarily my hair, but my hairline. My forehead was always a big one, so in order to cover that up a bit, I guess I fell in love with wearing a hat all the time.


    I am currently 23 years old, and am experiencing some shedding of the hair. Two years back I decided to grow out my hair (for ~14 months), and after I got that cut, something didn't feel right... I didn't feel that same thickness on the top that I felt before I grew out my hair.

    could growing my hair out has triggered this hair loss?


    Although it's not really noticeable as of yet, I am worried that if I do not act soon, I can lose what I have. I've noticed that after showering now, you can see my scalp more. Also, I can't seem to make my bangs appear as thick as I used to be able to unless I grow them long. This is prolly why I've fallen in love w/ the medium length hair styles now instead of my shorter hairstyles of the past.


    Anyway, the last time I got my hair cut (about a month ago..), my barber said I was "thinning out quick" icon_frown.gif .... I knew I was shedding but I wasn't aware of the pace... He has suggested I use a shampoo which helped him personally with his thinning hair. That shampoo is Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo. I use that interchangeably with Head and Shoulders Sensitive Scalp Shampoo.


    After I started using it, I felt the difference right away... I've also noticed less shedding of hair as well. But now that my hair has grown a bit longer, I've seen the shedding return, and right now I just want to do all I can to try and prolong the process... and try and make my scalp as healthy as possible to try and fight this hair loss.


    I always thought of getting a HT when I was younger to shorten the length/width of my hairline a bit... because it is about 5 fingers wide in height. But I knew that doing so at a young age would be foolish in case I ever experienced hair loss (now icon_frown.gif ).


    I've thought about taking Propecia, but as a college student w/ a crap-o health care, I cannot afford that as of yet. Hopefully in the near future I can invest in that.


    Anyway, do you think that starting Propecia at this point in time would be my best chances to maintain my hair? I would still like to get a HT in the future, but as of now I must wait it out and see what I am working with... I currently shampoo daily and although my diet isn't as good as it could be, I try to get an ample amount of protein and water in.


    Sorry about the length, I just needed get it all out icon_smile.gif


    - yankeeFITTED

  7. Hey all,


    Growing up, I was always very self conscious about my hair. Well, not necessarily my hair, but my hairline. My forehead was always a big one, so in order to cover that up a bit, I guess I fell in love with wearing a hat all the time.


    I am currently 23 years old, and am experiencing some shedding of the hair. Two years back I decided to grow out my hair (for ~14 months), and after I got that cut, something didn't feel right... I didn't feel that same thickness on the top that I felt before I grew out my hair.

    could growing my hair out has triggered this hair loss?


    Although it's not really noticeable as of yet, I am worried that if I do not act soon, I can lose what I have. I've noticed that after showering now, you can see my scalp more. Also, I can't seem to make my bangs appear as thick as I used to be able to unless I grow them long. This is prolly why I've fallen in love w/ the medium length hair styles now instead of my shorter hairstyles of the past.


    Anyway, the last time I got my hair cut (about a month ago..), my barber said I was "thinning out quick" icon_frown.gif .... I knew I was shedding but I wasn't aware of the pace... He has suggested I use a shampoo which helped him personally with his thinning hair. That shampoo is Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo. I use that interchangeably with Head and Shoulders Sensitive Scalp Shampoo.


    After I started using it, I felt the difference right away... I've also noticed less shedding of hair as well. But now that my hair has grown a bit longer, I've seen the shedding return, and right now I just want to do all I can to try and prolong the process... and try and make my scalp as healthy as possible to try and fight this hair loss.


    I always thought of getting a HT when I was younger to shorten the length/width of my hairline a bit... because it is about 5 fingers wide in height. But I knew that doing so at a young age would be foolish in case I ever experienced hair loss (now icon_frown.gif ).


    I've thought about taking Propecia, but as a college student w/ a crap-o health care, I cannot afford that as of yet. Hopefully in the near future I can invest in that.


    Anyway, do you think that starting Propecia at this point in time would be my best chances to maintain my hair? I would still like to get a HT in the future, but as of now I must wait it out and see what I am working with... I currently shampoo daily and although my diet isn't as good as it could be, I try to get an ample amount of protein and water in.


    Sorry about the length, I just needed get it all out icon_smile.gif


    - yankeeFITTED

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