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Posts posted by dazza64

  1. I had my operation on 23 Nov and was told to start using Rogaine on the 3rd day after the operation. However, due to possibility of infection I had to Dettol Antiseptic Wash until all the scabs were gone and then I could use normal shampoo including Nizoral. Your surgeon should have informed you of this.

  2. I use as per the instruction 1ml in morning and then another 1ml at night. I find that by using the dropper, i place one drop in the area and rub in. Recently Dr Jennifer Martinick and other research has revealed that up to 22 hours after applying it to the scalp, it is still being absorbed and being effective. I have read that more can have the same effect. Also, Regaine foam is not yet avail in Aust.


    Use regime of regaine x 2 day, Nizoral 2% x 2 times per week and Proscar every day (1mg). had op on 23 Nov.

  3. I recently posted how I had been shedding since my HT. I have since spoken to the clinic and was told that the existing hair should grow back in 4-6 weeks. And of course grafts in 3-4 months!


    History and current regime

    2nd HT - 900 grafts

    1st HT (2002) around 700 grafts

    Both performed by Dr Jennifer Martinick in Perth Western Australia. No photo as yet but have fine blonde/light brown hair.

    Using Regaine x 2 per day AM and PM, plus taking Proscar daily. Use Nizoral 2% x 2 times per week.

  4. I recently posted how I had been shedding since my HT. I have since spoken to the clinic and was told that the existing hair should grow back in 4-6 weeks. And of course grafts in 3-4 months!


    History and current regime

    2nd HT - 900 grafts

    1st HT (2002) around 700 grafts

    Both performed by Dr Jennifer Martinick in Perth Western Australia. No photo as yet but have fine blonde/light brown hair.

    Using Regaine x 2 per day AM and PM, plus taking Proscar daily. Use Nizoral 2% x 2 times per week.

  5. I recently had 900 grafts on 23 Nov and recently posted about shedding and learnt it was shock loss. Question about concealers - I have applied the stuff to my hair and then "locked" it in with the spray. However, I when the sun is shinning through the bathroom window, its looks like the fibres are on my scalp and not attached to the hair. Is this what it would look like to the person in the street? As would prefer not to use it. Or am I applying incorrectly. I do have blonde/light brown hair that is fine and of course thin!

  6. Can anyone shed (excuse the pun)the light on my problem since the op. I had the op on 23 Nov with 900 grafts. Since the operation I have shedded a lot of the existing hair that was already on the scalp (mainly at front and in middle). I now have less hair than before the op. I know that the 900 grafts will grow in the next 4 - 6 months but why is there so much shedding of the existing hair??? I have been using minoxidil since 3 days after the op and also taking propecia. Please help can anyone offer some advice, as feel somewhat stressed about it. I have changed my hair style from side part to slick back otherwise it would look ridiculous. Please help.

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