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Posts posted by Whammy

  1. When I first saw the topic I thought it was ridiculous, but upon watching the video i'm definitely intrigued.


    Basically there is a clinic in Toronto called HIS hair clinic which opened last fall, and it's the only of it's kind in Canada (15 around the world). They tattoo your head to give it the look of you keeping your hair that short to be a choice, and you don't suffer from MPB. I have to imagine this would only be usable for someone who shaves their head, as even with a zero the slight raise from hair follicles imo would be noticeable.


    Just thought I'd post it, I don't come on here enough to know whether hair tattooing is a topic people know about, or if this clinic is well known.


    For a full head of hair it costs approx $3500 apparently. Imo it looks good on camera and in the promo shots, in person may be a different story. Where I think it may be very useful are those looking to cover a scar.


    Anyone have some insight? I was gonna tell my brother about it but figured I'd check here to see what people have to say. Video link below.


    CTV News | News Video - Top National News Headlines - News Videos

  2. I saw a poster on another forum mentioning quite intently on how he'd seen over 50 HT's in person, and only 4 he felt were undetectable, and 2 of those were grey/white haired men.


    There is also that guy on here that states how his pics are misleading, and that his HT isn't as good as it appears in them because the doc is picking the best angles.


    Makes me nervous, cause sometimes I see results and I'm thinking wow that's great nobody would be able to tell, but now I wonder that perhaps in person those results would look less natural and more thinned out.


    Many mentioned their HT's are thin when wet as well, someone said you could see an ant crawling on his scalp if it were there. Makes me wonder if you get a HT, and get out of the pool people will see exactly where your HT hair starts and stops... or maybe even in daylight as well.

  3. I was just wondering what the general trend in HT costs has been, and how quickly it is moving in that direction. The techniques have become more refined, but I believe HT's are still becoming cheaper as they have become more popular this century.


    I must say tho that I started reading about HT's maybe 7 yrs ago, and it doesn't seem like a ton has changed. Am I wrong? How soon do you think further reductions in price will come?

  4. You hear about the dense packing for FUT procedures, do the FUE procedures from the top FUE guys like Feller and Shapiro match what they can do with FUT?


    I believe it was spex that showed a hairline FUE and it looked pretty damn good to me.


    For my hairline it's weird, I've had my left temple completely eroded to a Lvl II or III, and the hair behind it is light but still thick enough to not need a concealer or anything.


    My right temple is the thickest area on my head at the hairline. I dont thick it's reached even a 1.5. For the first inch it's very thick. Probably some thinning of follicles, but minimal hair loss.


    I figured well the left will go then the right will... but this started 7 yrs ago. I was right the left has slowly gone.. but the right remains. So my hairline is uneven. So I'm thinking well if I get an FUE it might look off because 1/2 is native, the other 1/2 is HT so there will be a line where you can tell where one ends and the other begins.

  5. I was considering getting a HT done by Dr Rahal in about a year time cause I'll have approx 2 months downtime hopefully. Judging from pics from his website mine would be approx a 1600 hair procedure.


    I was wondering how long it is before you can get back into the gym and active again? How long after can you go out and public where it won't look like you just had a HT?


    Would I be making the right move going strip? I'm in the GOA so Dr Rahal makes sense, but i'm also a physical person so I would like to have a min downtown. Also because of my profession I would like to keep my hair short, so a FUE from Dr Feller or Shapiro also appeals to me...

  6. Thanks for the story Cymru. I thought it was interesting because we're the same age with very similar hair loss. For me right now I can't really justify the money for the HT and trip down to the US. I found it very interesting tho that Dr. Rahal was there, because I'm actually from Ott. I hope this means he's getting into FUE.

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