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Posts posted by Starguitar

  1. Hi


    Thruth. But what concerns me are the drastic measurements you have to take, like fact you always have to use a condom when having sex because the propecia affects your semen and as a result can be dangerous when it results in pregnancy... my obvious second question would be: how will persistent, permanent use of this testosterone inhibiting drug affect a man's fertility?

  2. Hey Andy,


    thanks, however if you browse through this forum and others on the net, sides(mainly sexual) w/ Propecia seem to occur rather common (althoug the horror stories will be very rare).


    I'm very glad if it worked for you and others but feel sorry for those with nasty and sometimes alsting sides...


    there's a part of me that (REALLY) would like to give it a shot(out of desperation as many probably), but another part of me that says to wise up and not to use such a drug. Either way -even if it works- I doubt longtime use can be healthy for anyone's body


    so now, I think I'm gonna place my bets on Xandrox 5% (I read Xandrox15 is not advised to start with) once I figured out how to use it in combination with my Toppik




  3. Hey,


    thanks for the info, and for the warning about Propecia (once again).

    From the link you sent me Azeleic Acid seems a promising ingredient, did you use Xandrox yourself and got good results? or heard anyone with (good/bad) results yet?


    Because right now I feel like giving everything a shot...

    There's one more question, do you think by any chance this could exist also in pill-form, not a spray form? And if I would use the spray, then I can't really use Toppik anymore I guess?


    Thanks alot,

    take care!

  4. Hey,

    I know this is just a 1 in a million post but any help would be really appreciated ...cause I'm starting to get desperate, and i have to deal with lots of insecurities due to my hairloss -it is another problem I really don't wanna have to deal with now... I'm too young (and have no money) for Surgical treatment


    to sum it up: I'm very young, always have been proud at my half-long brown hair and now it's dissapearing, have bald spots on the crown and its thinning rather rapidly since this year, tried concealers for more than a year now (Toppik works well), but in the meantime I'm starting to get balder and balder and the concealers well, they do what they say... they eh conceal... nothing more nothing less...


    Recently I read a lot about propecia here, so I went to my doctor and she looked it up (she didn't know the drug yet) and said it was an androgenic drug and she doesn't want to prescribe it to me because of many nasty side effects... it could even cause infertility... So I just went for some 2nd opinion to a pharmacy in a city nearby, and she told me almost the same (that it is a dangerous drug and wouldn't advice it)


    So now my question is, is Propecia really that dangerous? If it's really the best advice you have for me... where/how should I order it then?

    So, what should I do (any other treatments? suggestions?), cause by the rate my hair is thinning I will be bald at the age of 25 I fear!! I 'm quite positive that it's genetic, my father has it too and I've taken bloodsamples to exclude other causes already...


    another question: if I use Rogaine/minoxidil I should apply it on a daily basis --> so does that mean I can't use toppik on my hair anymore (without applying it every day after the minoxidil?) I never go outside without Toppik...


    Thanks alot in advance!!!


  5. Hey,

    I know this is just a 1 in a million post but any help would be really appreciated ...cause I'm starting to get desperate, and i have to deal with lots of insecurities due to my hairloss -it is another problem I really don't wanna have to deal with now... I'm too young (and have no money) for Surgical treatment


    to sum it up: I'm very young, always have been proud at my half-long brown hair and now it's dissapearing, have bald spots on the crown and its thinning rather rapidly since this year, tried concealers for more than a year now (Toppik works well), but in the meantime I'm starting to get balder and balder and the concealers well, they do what they say... they eh conceal... nothing more nothing less...


    Recently I read a lot about propecia here, so I went to my doctor and she looked it up (she didn't know the drug yet) and said it was an androgenic drug and she doesn't want to prescribe it to me because of many nasty side effects... it could even cause infertility... So I just went for some 2nd opinion to a pharmacy in a city nearby, and she told me almost the same (that it is a dangerous drug and wouldn't advice it)


    So now my question is, is Propecia really that dangerous? If it's really the best advice you have for me... where/how should I order it then?

    So, what should I do (any other treatments? suggestions?), cause by the rate my hair is thinning I will be bald at the age of 25 I fear!! I 'm quite positive that it's genetic, my father has it too and I've taken bloodsamples to exclude other causes already...


    another question: if I use Rogaine/minoxidil I should apply it on a daily basis --> so does that mean I can't use toppik on my hair anymore (without applying it every day after the minoxidil?) I never go outside without Toppik...


    Thanks alot in advance!!!


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