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Posts posted by zhiangde

  1. Yes, I'm feeling the pain these days as well. As I just got a repair job 9 months ago, and things aren't looking very good so far, no growth and shockloss. I think I might be just a couple yrs away from a really abnormal appearance. I'm constantly looking at my hair. At this point I just want to get my scars filled in and forget it. This one has definatly ruined my confidnece completley, and I'm staying away from the opposite sex altogether.

  2. Well, he felt like it could be fixed, so we tried. My first doc was terrible and doesn't even specialize in HT. The second guy was good but overworked at NHI(performed 3-4 procedures a day, saw him for only an hr of the whole procedure), third is a top surgeon. I just thought I was going to the wrong places, but I may be just an unlucky one. I have pics but I don't really feel posting them and getting a bunch of comments on my hair right now. Is there any shot of a positive outcome here?

  3. Ya this is my third try. My doctor is quite good. I'm just afraid that perhaps that scarring on top of my head from the first surgery has left me permanatley damaged. My doc and I both agree that I might be in big trouble here. I'm just not sure if I should wait it out or get a second opinion? I'm worried about my donor supply and am looking into the possibility of BHT in the future. Thanks

  4. Hi just thought I would check in. Unfortunatley, I don't think this ht is working out for me. My hair actually looks worse now(shock, possible further recession). My doc and I have agreed that we haven't seen progress, and he seeems puzzled by the scenerio as well. This is my third procedure. I thought 'third time is a charm.' But maybe 'three strikes and you're out!' applies here. I know that I should just wait, but I just don't see a miraculous transformatiion coming up in the next three months or so. What should I do?

  5. I might post some pictures later, but, ya this is a corrective procedure. It was done by a doctor who usually has great results. About a week after the surgery, the grafts grew (pre shock loss, it looked like a buzzed, full head of hair) they eventually fell out, and I haven't seen anything since. What are my options if this procedure doesn't work out?

  6. Thanks for the reply. I had a very good doctor do it(rather keep that to myself right now), it's a corrective procedure, I'm just worried that perhaps my head doesn't 'take' well to ht's. I experienced massive shock loss that I still have not recovered from and don't see any hairs popping out whatsoever. I'm at the 130 day mark, none of my ht's ever panned out and my hair looks awful. Thanks

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