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Posts posted by jrjr

  1. Sure, I'll post pics soon. Its only been almost 2 months since the procedure though, so I can't really see any results yet. That might be a biased statement on my part. But I will post pics soon. I already have my pre-HT pics, so I only need something to compare it to.

  2. Dr A? not sure where this doctors office is, but Dr Rose is a 4 hour car drive away for me. Proximity played a role as well in my decision.


    Not sure if donor sealing was performed. I'm not even sure what that is

    He did mention hypopigmentation as a possible outcome, but said it hasnt happened in any of his patients yet.


    BTW, where on this website can I see pics of members HT work?

  3. I had 1000 grafts placed in the hairline & in the top third. Actually it is an area about 3 x 2. Which is around 38 cm2. So I suppose it works out to about 22 grafts per sq cm (conservative estimate).


    It took two days of about 6-7 hours each day. 500 grafts each day. But I have to say that the days went fast. Especially after having several anesthetics.


    I won't worry too much. Seems like you have done your research well.


    I'll keep everyone posted with pics at my 16 week mark. Hopefully by then I will be able to tell some difference.


    1000 FIT Sept 9

    7 weeks so far

  4. I plan on maybe 2 more sessions of about 1000 grafts each. In total that would be 3000 grafts. I assume thats what I'll need in order to feel happy. Dr Rose mentioned that maybe 2000 or more is what I need.


    The 1000 grafts I got were placed into an area of roughly 6 sq inches. I know, not a lot of grafts for the area, but I didnt want to do a mega strip session. I want to take it slow & heal nicely.


    I was very nervous too, but my session was actually very pleasant. I would do it again definitely. A trip to the dentist is more dramatic than this was.


    What doctor are you planning to use?

  5. I had a 1000 FIT session over a 2 day period with Dr Rose Sept 9th. Its a little early to see any results. I assume given 5-6 months there should be some definite changes that can be seen.


    I plan to go back & have another FIT session in about 8 months to get some more density.


    Smalled session seem reasonable to me. I healed very quickly after the FIT session. Do what you are comfortable with.

  6. I had an experience with MHR. I like probably a lot of people, went thru a panic period where I just wanted to get something done. I went to a local hair systems business to get some info. They referred my name to MHR.


    A few days later I got a call from them. At first I put it off...I was too scared. I then went thru a panic & called them up. I set up a counseling session. They wanted a down payment. So I gave them my credit card number. Well, time passed I never got any info in the mail from them....no conformation of the counseling session or anything. I got worried & started calling them asking for the representative I had been talking to. He never was there. I didnt get any return phone calls.


    So a week or so before I was to go for the counseling session I called one last time. The rep wasnt there. I got mad. I demanded my money back. It took them awhile but eventually I got it back after almost threatening them.


    This company has some questionable practices.

  7. Dr Rose worked with another Doctor at one time & they developed FIT. Since then they have gone their separate ways.


    In addition to providing FIT, Dr Rose is still a proponent of the strip procedure. He is using a method of reducing the scarring associated with that type of procedure.


    Personally, I just wanted to have the FIT performed. I wanted small sessions spread out over time. (so I can afford them)


    For the first 500 or so grafts he charges a higher price. Then all the other grafts after that are $7.50 a graft. I was charged $11k for 1000 grafts. My next session of 1000 FIT should be around $7500.

  8. Thanks for the reply & interest


    To clarify....

    Actually I have a NW2 hairline but have diffuse thinning in the pattern of a NW3-4. There really isnt any temple recession at all.


    1)Before I came in to get the procedure done, I had my hair cut down to a buzz cut...a #1 guard. I wanted the placement of the grafts to be as unobstructed as possible. The grafts were placed in the mid scalp to the hairline (from the 1/2 scalp point to the hairline). I do have some small loss on the crown, but I am hoping that propecia can slow that down. If not I will go in for a session to try to fill it in at a later date.


    2)The impact so far (5 weeks since HT) has been minimal. I had the scabbing like everyone else. The recipient site was numb (still is to a small degree) after the procedure. At the donor area Ive had a few sore spots. Im not sure if these little bumps are tiny infections (like a pimple) or not, but they are tender & sore.


    3) 4-5 days after the procedure, I did shed a little. It was mainly the grafts shedding with the scabs. I was very careful to wash my hair. I also had some small shedding with existing hair at the recipient site. They would come off with scabs after washing or rubbing. That concerned me somewhat.


    Right now I feel comfortable being in public. There isnt any redness at all that I can notice. The donor area has filled back in with the rest of my hair in the back(the FIT donor area was shaved down for the procedure) Sometimes I wear a cap if I feel self conscious.


    I didnt want a large session, which required the strip method. Since I like my hair short, I just didnt want that linear scar to show thru. Next year, I plan to have another 1000 FIT session after this procedure grows in.



    My loss came on all of sudden..or at least it felt that way. This time last year I thought I had way more. A few months before I ever noticed any loss, I went thru some very emotional tough times. My wife left me so she could purse an affair. That emotional stress I think triggered something. It took a matter of just a few months for me to see a drastic change.


    I'll try to post pics soon. I have been embarassed about going thru all this...so I am still in a state of denial I guess.

  9. First time posting. So I thought I would post about my FIT session with Dr Rose.


    I had a 1000 FIT session over a 2 day period with Dr Rose 5 weeks ago. It was a great experience besides the fact that I thought I was a difficult patient ....(I have a low tolerence for pain so I had to have extra anesthesia throughout the procedure.)


    Anyway, Dr Rose & his staff (esp Ms Terry) were very kind & made me feel very comfortable. I was expecting the worse but on the contrary, everything went very very well.


    Its a little early to see any results. I assume given 5-6 months there should be some definite changes that can be seen.


    I plan to go back & have another FIT session in about 8 months to get some more density.


    I'll post pics as soon as I can.





    1000 FIT grafts in hairline & midscalp

  10. First time posting. So I thought I would post about my FIT session with Dr Rose.


    I had a 1000 FIT session over a 2 day period with Dr Rose 5 weeks ago. It was a great experience besides the fact that I thought I was a difficult patient ....(I have a low tolerence for pain so I had to have extra anesthesia throughout the procedure.)


    Anyway, Dr Rose & his staff (esp Ms Terry) were very kind & made me feel very comfortable. I was expecting the worse but on the contrary, everything went very very well.


    Its a little early to see any results. I assume given 5-6 months there should be some definite changes that can be seen.


    I plan to go back & have another FIT session in about 8 months to get some more density.


    I'll post pics as soon as I can.





    1000 FIT grafts in hairline & midscalp

  11. First time posting. So I thought I would post about my FIT session with Dr Rose.


    I had a 1000 FIT session over a 2 day period with Dr Rose 5 weeks ago. It was a great experience besides the fact that I thought I was a difficult patient ....(I have a low tolerence for pain so I had to have extra anesthesia throughout the procedure.)


    Anyway, Dr Rose & his staff (esp Ms Terry) were very kind & made me feel very comfortable. I was expecting the worse but on the contrary, everything went very very well.


    Its a little early to see any results. I assume given 5-6 months there should be some definite changes that can be seen.


    I plan to go back & have another FIT session in about 8 months to get some more density.


    I'll post pics as soon as I can.





    1000 FIT grafts in hairline & midscalp

  12. First time posting. So I thought I would post about my FIT session with Dr Rose.


    I had a 1000 FIT session over a 2 day period with Dr Rose 5 weeks ago. It was a great experience besides the fact that I thought I was a difficult patient ....(I have a low tolerence for pain so I had to have extra anesthesia throughout the procedure.)


    Anyway, Dr Rose & his staff (esp Ms Terry) were very kind & made me feel very comfortable. I was expecting the worse but on the contrary, everything went very very well.


    Its a little early to see any results. I assume given 5-6 months there should be some definite changes that can be seen.


    I plan to go back & have another FIT session in about 8 months to get some more density.


    I'll post pics as soon as I can.





    1000 FIT grafts in hairline & midscalp

  13. I've made an appt for FIT next month with a prominent doctor. The plan is for a two day session of FIT - aprox 1000 grafts total. The reason I chose FIT was that I like my hair cut very short, & I feel that my overall density is a little lower than average. (I feel that a strip could be seen with my short hair & I plan on later sessions if necessary.)


    I am an early NW4/5 (age 34) with thinning in the frontal area but I still have a hair line. The thinning has progressed fast over a few months. I looked at pics of me a year ago & definitely see a big difference (at least in my eyes).


    I was just wondering about others experiences with FIT or FUE? Ive heard the pros & cons about the technique, but like I said I feel FIT is appropriate for me.


    Thanks for any input

  14. I've made an appt for FIT next month with a prominent doctor. The plan is for a two day session of FIT - aprox 1000 grafts total. The reason I chose FIT was that I like my hair cut very short, & I feel that my overall density is a little lower than average. (I feel that a strip could be seen with my short hair & I plan on later sessions if necessary.)


    I am an early NW4/5 (age 34) with thinning in the frontal area but I still have a hair line. The thinning has progressed fast over a few months. I looked at pics of me a year ago & definitely see a big difference (at least in my eyes).


    I was just wondering about others experiences with FIT or FUE? Ive heard the pros & cons about the technique, but like I said I feel FIT is appropriate for me.


    Thanks for any input

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