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Posts posted by qwerty4102003

  1. Im kind of at your place now. A few years ago, I did do Propecia for about a year and had great results. In fact, I was happier with my hair during that time and for about a year after I stopped then I had been for sometime. Looking back, I think I almost got cocky thinking that when I had started Propecia in the first place, my hair really wasnt that bad. Boy was I wrong. I never really noticed a shed but believe over time, the regrowth stopped. Im at a point of getting hair transplants to fill in some spots.


    I just started Propecia again this week and dead worried about the side as well. I didnt have any side effects when I was on it for that one year and, even though you read horror stories, statisically things are you in your favor if you try it.


    I still am on the fence whether Propecia causes permanent side effects like some people claim. You never know what type of lifestyle these people live. Are these gym rats that are making these claims or people who drink, smoke, and over eat? In the placebo study on Propecia itself, some people claimed some of the sexual side effects....so it's hard to tell what's related to Propecia and what is not. Good luck!

  2. Im curious as to how old you are.....it really is hard for me to tell what your hairline looks without a frontal picture. Having been worried about losing hair since 18, if you are in your mid 30s Id say your hair looks great from the top. It really took me a while to realize that it's okay to look good with a maturing hairline (again, it's hard to see without a frontal pic).

  3. Im looking to have a touch up on my hairline this summer and have a consult in the next 2 weeks. The touch up is on the sides near the temple area and not in the very middle of my forehead.


    My question is this: this doctor appears to do excellent work and, when making incisions, advises that the incisions for the grafts do not exceed 1mm. What are my realistic expectations are healing? Because these incisions are very tiny and I can most likely cover it up by parting my hair in the middle, how much healing will have taken place at about the 10 day mark?


    Will the skin just be pink, still scabbed up, or almost not noticable? Also, with these tiny incisions, what does the actual scarring look like around the hairline? Is it reasonable for it not to be so noticeable if I were to cut my hair very short?


    Im at a huge crossroad in my life as to decide whether to move forward with this. Im 39 years old and do feel lucky to have the hair I do at my age especially when Ive noticed a small recession around age 18. I did have some hair transplants back 14 years ago at the very back of my temple area and in that time, have had very little recession. The incisions for that were much bigger and I can honestly not remember how long it took me to heal up for that.



    I believe I have my dads hair who looks like he had bout the same hair when he was my age (when looking back at my childhood pictures). He's in his mid 70s now and has had some recession in the forhead, but absolutely no baldness in the crown area.


    I really appreciate any detailed insight someone can give me on my timeframe of healing and not much scarring I can expect where the grafts are put in.

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